Uncertain Names of Taxa
Below are ** names of Violaceae, the status of which are uncertain. The names originate from all over North America; those named for plants in our region are marked by an asterisk (*). At least for some names, future studies will may determine their application and taxonomic status.
Chrysion beflorum Spach, Hist. Nat. Vég. (Spach) 5: 510. 1836
Iron P.Browne, Hist. Jamaic. 179, pl. 12, fig. 3. 1765
Viola allardii Greene, Leafl. bot. observ. 2(2): 41. 1910-1912
Viola arenaria DC., Fl.franç. 4(2): 806. 1805
Viola averyi Kellogg, Pacific Rural Press 1879
Viola barbata Willd. ex Schult., Syst. veg. 5: 362. 1819
Viola canina Walter lus. vulgaris Regel, Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 34, pt. 2: 490. 1861
Viola canina Walter var. sylvestris (Lam.) Regel
Viola caricetorum Greene ex Farw., Pap. Michigan Acad. Sci. 2: 31. 1923 ["1922"]
Viola compacta Greene, Pittonia 4: 286. 1901
Viola cordata Walter, Fl. carol.: 219. 1788
Viola cucullata Elliott, Sketch bot. S. Carolina 1(3): 298. 1817
Viola cucullata Aiton var. alba Torr. & A.Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1(1): 137. 1838
Viola cucullata Aiton var. congener (Leconte) Torr. & A.Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1(1): 137. 1838 [Jul 1838]
Viola cucullata Elliott var. cordiformis Ging., in DC., Prodr. 1: 292. 1824
Viola cucullata Elliott var. hispidula Ging., in DC., Prodr. 1: 292. 1824
Viola cucullata Aiton var. minor Hook., Fl. bor.-amer. 1: 75. 1830
Viola cucullata Elliott var. obliqua (Schwein.) Ging., in DC., Prodr. 1: 292. 1824
Viola cucullata Aiton var. palmata (L.) A.Gray, Manual, ed. 2: 43. 1856
Viola cucullata Aiton var. reniformis Torr. & A.Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1(1): 137. 1838 [Jul 1838]
Viola debilis Michx. f. muhlenbergii Farw., Amer. Midl. Naturalist 12: 68, 128. 1930
Viola digitata (Willd.) Schult., Syst. veg. 5: 352. 1819
Viola drepanophora Greene, Leafl. bot. observ. 2(2): 32. 1910-1912
Viola elegantula Greene, Pittonia 4: 66. 1899
Viola emarginata (Nutt.) Leconte var. acutiloba Brainerd, in Britton & A.Br., Ill. fl. n. U.S., ed. 2, 2: 553. 1913
Viola emarginata (Nutt.) Leconte var. simulata Greene, Leafl. bot. observ. 1(4): 217. 1903-1906
Viola filicetorum Greene, Leafl. bot. observ. 1(4): 215. 1903-1906
Viola filicetorum Greene var. parthenica Greene, Leafl. bot. observ. 1(4): 216. 1903-1906
Viola fontana Greene, Leafl. bot. observ. 1(4): 218. 1903-1906
Viola geminiflora Greene, Pittonia 5: 29. 1902
Viola heterophylla (Vent.) Poir., Encyc. 8: 646. 1808
Viola induta Greene, Leafl. bot. observ. 1(4): 216. 1903-1906
Viola laetecaerulea Greene, in Steele, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 14: 70. 1901
Viola lineata Ortega, Nov. pl. descr. dec. 1-4: 49. 1797
Viola maccabeiana M.S.Baker, Madroño 5: 226. 1940
Viola mamillata Greene, Leafl. bot. observ. 2(2): 33. 1910-1912
Viola mantziana W.Becker, Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 26(2): 388. 1910
Viola minima M.S.Baker, Leafl. W. Bot. 5: 141. 1949
Viola montana Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad. 1: ed. 2: 55. 1873
Viola montana L., Sp. pl., ed. 1, 2: 935. 1753
Viola montanensis Rydb., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 1: 263. 1900
Viola muhlenbergiana Ging., in DC., Prodr. 1: 297. 1824
Viola muhlenbergii Torr., Fl. n. middle United States 1(2): 256. 1824
Viola muhlenbergii Torr. var. albiflora (Hook.) Torr. & A.Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1(1): 140. 1838 [Jul 1838]
Viola multicaulis Jord., Mém. Acad. Roy. Sci. Lyon, Sect. Sci. ser. 2, 1: 226 (-227). 1851; Pugill. Pl. Nov. 15-16. Jan-Aug 1852
Viola muriculata Greene, Pittonia 5: 28. 1902
Viola neomexicana Greene, Pittonia 5: 28. 1902
Viola nephrophylloides Farw., Amer. Midl. Naturalist 11: 64, figs. 1928
Viola obliqua Pursh, Fl. Amer. sept. 1: 172. 1813
Viola obliqua Aiton var. crenulata Farw., Amer. Midl. Naturalist 12: 68. 1930
Viola ochroleuca Schwein., Amer. J. Sci. 5: 69. 1822
Viola oconensis House, Torreya 7: 135. 1907
Viola oconensis × sagittata House, Torreya 7(7): 136. 1907
Viola odontophora Rydb., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 1: 264. 1900
Viola oreophila Greene, Pittonia 4: 307. 1901
Viola palmata L. f. albiflora E.L.Rand & Redfield, Fl. Mt. Desert Isl.: 80. 1894
Viola palmata L. f. variegata E.L.Rand & Redfield, Fl. Mt. Desert Isl.: 81. 1894
Viola palmata L. var. cordata Britton, Sterns & Poggenb., Prelim. Cat.: 6. 1888
Viola palmata L. var. cucullata A.Gray, Bot. Gaz. 11: 254. 1886
Viola palmata L. var. fragrans Elliott, Sketch bot. S. Carolina 1(3): 300. 1817
Viola palmata L. var. obliqua Hitchc., Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 5: 487. 1891
Viola palmata L. var. vulgaris Elliott, Sketch bot. S. Carolina 1(3): 300. 1817
Viola palustroides (W.Becker) N.N.Tsvelev, Arktich. Fl. SSSR 8: 36. 1980
Viola papilionacea Pursh f. albiflora Grover, Ohio J. Sci. 39: 148. 1939
Viola papilionacea Pursh f. michaelii Creutz, Wild Fl. 35: 9, fig. 3. 1959
Viola primulifolia Nutt., Gen. N. Amer. Pl. 1: 149. 1818
Viola primulifolia L. var. cordata Ging., in DC., Prodr. 1: 293. 1824
Viola primulifolia L. var. nuttallii Ging., in DC., Prodr. 1: 293. 1824
Viola primulifolia L. var. ovata Raf. ex Ging., in DC., Prodr. 1: 293. 1824
Viola pruinosa Pollard, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 13: 130. 1900
Viola puberula J.T.Howell, Fl. N.W. Amer. 1: 72. 1897
Viola punctata (Humb. & Bonpl.) Schult., Syst. veg. 5: 391. 1819
Viola radicans DC. ex Ging., in DC., Prod. 1: 297. 1824
Viola retroscabra Greene, Pittonia 4: 290. 1901
Viola rugosa Small, Man. S. E. Fl.: 891. 1933
Viola rydbergii Greene, Pittonia 5: 27. 1902
Viola ryonii House, Bull. New York State Mus. Nat. Hist. 254: 505. 1924
Viola sagittata Aiton f. albescens Farw., Amer. Midl. Naturalist 12: 127. 1930
Viola sandbergii Greene, Pittonia 5: 119. 1903
Viola secedens Greene, Pittonia 5: 121. 1903
Viola simulata M.S.Baker, Madroño 3: 237, pl. 11, figs. 1, 2. 1936
Viola subcordata Greene, Pittonia 3: 316. 1898
Viola superba M.S.Baker, Madroño 5: 220, pl. 20, 22, fig. 10. 1940
Viola sylvestris Lam. var. puberula E.Sheld., Bull. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. 9: 17. 1894
Viola tenella Muhl., Cat. pl. Amer. sept., ed. 1: 25. 1813
Viola thomasiana Songeon & Perrier, in Billot, Annot. Fl. Fr. et Allem.: 183. 1859
Viola tidestromii Greene, Leafl. bot. observ. 2(2): 34. 1910-1912
Viola tricolor L. f. tenella Farw., Pap. Michigan Acad. Sci. 2: 35. 1923 ["1922"]
Viola viarum Pollard f. pilifera E.J.Palmer & Steyerm., Brittonia 10: 116. 1958