2023 – 2024 Spring Semester MATH 2301 Calculus I Sections 100, 110, 120

Campus: Ohio University, Athens Campus

Department: Mathematics

Course Description: First course in calculus and analytic geometry with applications in the sciences and engineering. Includes basic techniques of differentiation and integration with applications including rates of change, optimization problems, and curve sketching; includes exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. Calculus is the mathematical language used to describe and analyze change. The course emphasizes how this abstract language and its associated techniques provide a unified way of approaching problems originating in disparate areas of science, technology, and society, highlighting how questions arising in different fields are connected to the same fundamental mathematical ideas. No credit for both MATH 2301 and 1350 (always keep 2301).

Prerequisites: (B or better in MATH 1350) or (C or better in 1300 or 1322) or (Math placement level 3)

Meeting Times and Locations:

Information about the Instructors:

Special Needs: If you have specific physical, psychiatric, or learning disabilities and require accommodations, please let Mark Barsamian know as soon as possible so that your learning needs may be appropriately met. You should also register with the Office of Student Accessibility Services to obtain written documentation and to learn about the resources they have available.

Final Exam Date: All Athens Campus Sections of MATH 2301 have a Common Final Exam on Thu May 2, 2024, from 4:40pm – 6:40pm in various Morton Hall rooms. (Room assignments will be made later.)

Attendance Policy:

Electronic Communication Policy (For both Students and Instructors):

Policy on Cheating:

Syllabus: This web page replaces the usual paper syllabus. If you need a paper syllabus (now or in the future), unhide the next four portions of hidden content (Textbook Information, Exercises, Grading, Calendar) and then print this web page.

Textbook and WebAssign Information:




page maintained by Mark Barsamian, last updated Thu May 2, 2024