Larva #2 at the time of collection.
A closer look at #2.
The habitat where #2 was found. A low spot in a ravine filled
with about two feet of water. Also found in the pool were Wood Frog eggs,
Spotted Salamander eggs, a nesting Hemidactylium, and a Green Frog.
Another view of the habitat. The main creek is at the base of the hill
in the background.
The larva has has started to transform at this point. Note the
shrinking gills and bulging eyes. Note also that the larvae is
shedding its skin -- you can see some bunched up skin around its
neck, just behind the gills.
The salamander is now fully transformed. It was observed to eat
for the first time (post-transformation) three days prior to this photograph.
Pseudotriton montanus!