Mechanical engineering is an extremely diverse profession which is concerned with (1) the economical and ecological conversion of energy from natural sources to provide power, heating, cooling, and propulsion; (2) the design of all types of machines, engines, and vehicles; (3) the processing of materials into useful products; and (4) the development of systems for using machines and resources. Professional areas include research, development, design, testing, production, operation and maintenance, marketing and sales, technical management and administration.
The mechanical engineering curriculum is designed to provide a solid foundation in higher mathematics, physics, and chemistry followed by extensive instruction in all of the classical mechanical engineering disciplines. The curriculum contains a significant amount of design content wherein students are required to apply their engineering skills to solve real-world and/or open-ended problems in a project format. The principal objectives of the design experience are: 1) to allow students to use their own creativity in formulating alternative engineering solutions; 2) to develop an ability to work independently and/or in teams which is an important skill for continued growth as a practicing engineer; 3) to bridge the gap between the acquisition of engineering knowledge in required courses and the application of that knowledge to solve engineering problems.The objectives of the design experience are consistent with the department's overall objective of producing highly competent engineers with an ability to formulate and solve real engineering problems.
The design experience begins in freshman year (ME 100) wherein students are introduced to elements of engineering design. This often involves the design and construction of a device to perform a specified task. Throughout the sophomore, junior, and senior years, mechanical engineering students are required to solve design problems in many of the required engineering courses and across the spectrum of disciplines encompassed by the mechanical engineering profession. Senior mechanical engineering students are challenged in a sequence of three formal design courses (ME 470, 471, 472) involving a capstone senior design project which begins in ME 470 and culminates in ME 472. The capstone project requires appplication of engineering knowledge in the thermal/fluid sciences, structures and motion analysis, engineering materials, engineering economy and social issues such as product safety and reliability. Students are required to submit written technical reports as well as give oral presentations describing project results. This is in accord with the department's objective of producing engineers who have good communication skills as well as excellent technical skills. The design experience is enhanced by providing students with technologically modern lab facilities and computational tools.
In addition to engineering courses, the department requires significant studies in the humanities and social sciences to establish a breadth and depth of awareness and education. Advanced courses in both the humanities and social sciences are required. The humanity and social science requirements are consistent with the department's objective of graduating individuals with a well-rounded education.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering prides itself on offering students a close working relationship with the faculty. Mechanical engineering faculty are required to set aside office hours to assist students with class assignments. In addition, each student who enters the program is assigned one of the mechanical engineering faculty members as an academic advisor who will meet quarterly with the student to assist in course scheduling.
If you are majoring in mechanical engineering as preparation for entry into another profession such as law, medicine, business, etc., consult with the department chair regarding modifying your schedule to meet specific career objectives.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers a co-op program that allows you to acquire practical experience and income by working in industry after completing your freshman year. Sophomore and junior courses are scheduled to accommodate a work-academics plan based on alternate periods of study and work. Consult the co-op office if you are interested.
An honors program for students with 90 or more hours and in the top 20% of their class provides the opportunity to receive graduate credit for coursework throughout your senior year. Contact the department office for further information.
The Paul H. and Irene C. Black Memorial Fund provides a large number of generous scholarships for seniors majoring in mechanical engineering. A good academic record, a history of work to cover the cost of education, and participation in departmental activities are key considerations in awarding the scholarship. Contact the department office for additional information.
IT 101 Engr. Graphics Fund. 3 MATH 263A Calculus(1) 4 Intro to Mech. Eng. 4 English composition (2) 5 Winter ET 181 Computer Meth. in Engr. I 4 COMS 103 Public Speaking 4 MATH 263B Calculus 4 PHYS 251 Gen. Phys. 5 Spring CE 220 Statistics 4 MATH 263C Calculus 4 PHYS 252 Gen. Phys. 5 Hum. or Soc. Sci.(3) 4 Sophomore
Fall ME 224 Dynamics 4 CHEM 151 Fund. of Chemistry I.(4) 5 MATH 263D Calculus 4 PHYS 253 Gen. Phys. 5 Winter CHEM 152 Fund. of Chemistry II 5 IT 117 Basic Metal Machining 4 MATH 340 Diff. Equations 4 EE 313 Basic EE I 3 EE 304 Basic EE I Lab I 1 Spring CE 222 Strength of Materials 4 CE 223 Strength of Materials Lab 1 ET 240 Computer Meth. in Engr. II 4 EE 314 Basic EE II 3 EE 305 Basic EE II Lab 1 Human or Soc. Sci. Elective 4 Junior
Fall CE 340 Fluid Mechanics 5 CHE 331 Prin. of Engr. Materials 4 ME 301 Kinematics 4 ME 398 Junior Lab 3Winter ENG 305J Junior Composition.(5) 4 ME 321 Intro to Thermodynamics 4 ME 350 Intro to CAD 4 ME 401 Sys. Anal. and Controls 4 Spring CHE 418 CHE Lab-Materials 2 ME 313 Metal Processing 3 ME 328 Applied Thermodynamics 4 ME 403 Machine Design I 4 Hum. or Soc. Sci. Elective 4 Senior
Fall ME 412 Heat Transfer 4 ME 470 ME Design I (6) 4 ME 491 Vibrations I 4 Technical elective.(7) Winter Hum. or Soc. Sci. Elective 4 ME 471 ME Design II 4 ME 498 Senior Lab 4 Technical elective 4 Spring Hum. or Soc. Sci. Elective 4 ME 472 ME Design III 4 Tier III Elective 4