IReNA-CeNAM 2025: Frontiers in Nuclear Astrophysics Meeting
Welcome to the official webpage of the 2025 IReNA-CeNAM 2025 meeting! The IReNA-CeNAM conference provides an engaging platform for researchers in nuclear physics and astrophysics to share their work, participate in professional development, and foster meaningful, lasting collaborations.
Early Bird Registration: $150 for students & postdocs; $200 for faculty & research staff
Late Registration: $200 for students & postdocs; $250 for faculty & research staff
March 7,2025; 6:00 PM EST | Abstract submissions close |
March 21, 2025; 6:00 PM EST | Early Bird Registration closes |
April 15, 2025; 6:00 PM EST | Late Registration closes |
Host Institution: Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, USA
Meeting Dates: 19 May 2025 – 23 May 2025
Venue: Walter Hall, Ohio University

Important Information
Conference Schedule
The planned itinerary of the conference.
Where to stay and general information about the town.
US Visa Information
General information about US Visas.
Available modes of transportation. More information coming soon!
Presentation Guidelines
Guidelines for invited and submitted talks. More information coming soon!
Poster Guidelines
Guidelines for posters. More information coming soon!
Confirmed Speakers
Confirmed speakers and their abstracts.
IReNA Code of Conduct
IReNA workshops and conferences are committed to providing a welcoming, inclusive, professional, and safe environment for everyone that encourages the free expression and exchange of scientific ideas and is characterized by an atmosphere of tolerance, equity, and mutual respect, regardless of any personal attributes, such as gender, race, etc. Harassment or bullying in any form will not be tolerated. All communication should be appropriate for a professional audience including people of many different backgrounds. Be kind to others. Do not insult or put down other attendees. Behave professionally.
Harassment includes offensive verbal comments or jokes related to nationality, gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, as well as sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.
Bullying is defined as unwelcome or unreasonable behavior that demeans, intimidates, humiliates, or sabotages people, either as individuals or as a group. It includes physical bullying, verbal abuse, disparagement, intimidation, exclusion, or spreading personal rumors.
Participants asked to stop unacceptable behavior are expected to comply immediately. IReNA will not allow retaliation against any individual who makes a report of known or suspected code of conduct violation. Sanctions against attendees violating these rules are at the sole discretion of the conference organizers and may range from warnings to being asked to leave the event, and exclusion from future IReNA sponsored meetings.
The Organizing Committee
Michael Jeswald (Co – chair)- Ohio University
Chirag Rathi (Co – chair) – Ohio University
Dr. Andrea Richard (Faculty Advisor) – Ohio University
Rudina Woltz (INPP Account Manager) – Ohio University
Honey Arora – Central Michigan University
Brandon Barker – Los Alamos National Laboratory
Konstantinos Bosmpotinis – Michigan State University
Lucas Garrido-Gómez – Universidad de Sevilla
Lauren Henderson – University of Notre Dame
Chloe Jones – University of Notre Dame
Sudhanva Lalit – Michigan State University
Praneet Pathak – University of Victoria
Eleanor Ronning – Michigan State University
Adam Sanchez – University of Notre Dame
Guruprasad Yagadevan – University of Wroclaw
Contact us
2025frontiers [at] ohio [dot] edu