Earth Biomes


Steppe Grassland mixed_tall_short_grass_prairie_NRCS.jpg (9558

On the drier side of the grassland biome lies the steppe grasslands. Vegetation must cope with the summer  soil moisture deficit common to the steppe climate in which this formation class is found. Here, tall grass prairie gives way to grasses smaller than a half meter (2 ft).

Figure 13.21 Mixed Tall and Short grass
prairie of the U.S. Great Plains.

(Courtesy NRCS)

Toward the drier portions the ground cover becomes sparse with patches of open ground found between clumps of grass. Overgrazing of the steppe vegetation leads to accelerated wind erosion and desertification.

Fires, especially those started by lightning, are a natural occurrence in the grassland biome. Fire destroys invasive species that compete with grasses. Fire suppression and farmland conversion have severely disrupted grassland ecosystems. Resource mangers now use prescribed burning to restore the health of prairie grasslands.

The Kalahari Desert actually isn't a desert under present conditions, though it is covered with much sand. It is a fossil desert found in the tropical steppe biome. Parts receive over 250 mm of precipitation, enough to support a cover of vegetation. It is a fossil desert found in the steppe biome. It' name is derived from the tribal word Khalagari, Kgalagadi or Kalagare meaning "a waterless place" or the Tswana word Keir, meaning "the great thirst".

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Figure 13.22 Wild Pronghorn Antelope cross the short grass prairie of Wyoming.  
(Courtesy NRCS)
Burrowing animals like ground squirrels, prairie dogs, pocket gophers are common in the steppe grasslands of North America. Burrowing predators like the black footed ferret are considered an endangered species.

Watch: " National Bison Range Wildlife Refuge - near Missoula, Montana, MT."

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