Try it: Subtractive mixtures of color with itself.
Using dyes, you can verify that a color mixed with itself subtractively
may change its hue, saturation, and lightness. Rather than increasing
the concentration of a dye, it is easier to decrease, to dilute a
concentrated dye. Food coloring is a convenient transparent dye.
Notice that he highly concentrated yellow dye looks red in its bottle.
Compare this color to the dilute yellow obtained by putting a few drops
from the bottle into a glass of water.
What do you think, the transmittance curve of the dilute yellow looks
Also try diluting a spoonful of grape juice with a lot of water.
To see what happens when two different colors are mixed subtractively,
you can mix two cored dyes together, or, more amusingly, use food
coloring and gelatin desserts.
First, try to guess the resultant color, then add the dye and mix
up the gelatin. Then, draw transmittance curves that explain your