commercial applications of Chromulator Version 2.2, the following fee schedule
is used:
There are five simulators: RATE, KINETIC, GRADIENT, AFFINITY, and RATERFC (rate model for radial flow chromatography). The first simulator costs US$2500. Each additional simulator costs $1000. These prices are for installation on a single PC. A separate “site license” fee of $2000 is needed for the entire package (with 5 simulators). There is no shipping and handling charge internet delivery of software. Discount is available for small businesses.
You can also obtain the SEC simulator (for cored beads and regular beads) for $2,000 separately. It is not part of the free academic version of Chromulator.
After I receive the payment you will be given a signed license agreement to
you stating that:
You can use the software for whatever purposes you want, except that you cannot
integrate the software into another software and then market the latter to
others without paying royalty to Tingyue Gu. Modified software can be used by
the same user or research group. However, it cannot be passed to other people
without paying a royalty to Tingyue Gu. Any publications or formal technical
reports using the software above (or their modified versions) should mention
that the original software was written by Tingyue Gu. The software is provided
"AS IS" without any expressed or implied warranty. Tingyue Gu is not
responsible for any harm or damage due to the use of the software.
The Fortran source codes for all the five simulation packages are also available. The first Fortran source code is $5000. Each additional source code is $2000. These two prices include site license fees. They can be modified and used in any way you want. However, if you want to include the source codes in marketable commercial software, the fee will be much higher.
I am also available for consulting at $150/hour. Instead of paying me, you may get the software by providing a small research grant to my research group via our university’s research office. If you choose to do so, my graduate students and I can help you do some research involving scale-up and modeling of liquid chromatography. Chromulator-IEX (for ion-exchange LC) can only be obtained through this arrangement because its creation involved graduate student dissertation work.
A quote will be e-mailed to you upon requested. After a purchase order is received, the software will be delivered. An invoice will follow.