Welcome to my home page.
To contact me please use ingram@ohio.edu.
research area is using energetic particles to analyze and modify
materials. I collaborate with many different research groups that
want to use the facilities Edwards Accelerator Laboratory to
analyze materials. The MeV ion beams of our 4.5 MV tandem
accelerator can be used not just for 2-3 MeV Rutherford
Backscattering Spectroscopy (RBS) but also for higher energy RBS,
high-energy elastic resonant scattering, elastic recoil
spectroscopy (ERS), particle-induced x-ray spectroscopy (PIXE) and
particle induced gamma-ray emission (PIGE) spectroscopy.
I use two of the six beamlines of the accelerator for materials
analysis, modification, and production. One of the beamlines (15o
L) is used for routine MeV ion beam analysis (RBS, ERS, PIXE). It
also can be used for MeV ion irradiation of samples over an area
of about 1 cm wide and 2 cm high. The scattering
chamber is high-vacuum and has an xyz remotely controlled
manipulator with an additional manual rotation about the vertical
axis. The targets are aligned with a laser to ensure the 1 mm
wide 2 mm high ion beam hits the desired spot on the
The second beamline (23o R) provides the ion beam for
the W.M. Keck Thin Film Characterization Facility. This is a suite
of ultra-high vacuum (uhv) compatible chambers that enable all the
ion beam analysis of 15o L beamline. The target
manipulator is a Panmure 6-axis goniometer. This instrument
enables ion channeling of single crystal samples. In the base of
the scattering chamber are various physical vapor deposition (PVD)
systems: thermal evaporation sources; magnetron sputtering;
Kaufman ion source. The chamber also includes a low energy
electron diffraction (LEED) system. The chamber is connected via a
uhv highway to a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) chamber and a
Kratos electron spectrometer for x-ray photo-electron spectroscopy
(XPS), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), and ultra-violet
photo-electron spectroscopy (UPS).