Bicycling Log — Notes
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January 26: lunchtime ride on county roads; 58°; winds 14G21
February 2: afternoon ride on bikepath; 51°
February 3: afternoon ride on county roads; 49°
February 5: afternoon ride on county roads; 55°
February 7: lunchtime ride on county roads; 56°
February 8: afternoon commute to office; a WTF moment: white pickup, running lights & siren, pulling a golfcart on a trailer, at speed on SR682; 63°
February 8: afternoon commute home from office; found Very Best of Macy Gray CD on Hooper; 60°
February 9: lunchtime ride on county roads; Long Run Rd closed (photos: 1 | 2 | 3); 58°; winds 9G16
February 10: afternoon ride on county roads; 61°
February 16: afternoon ride on county roads; 44°
February 20: afternoon ride to Alden and home; 58°
February 21: afternoon ride on county roads; 63°; winds 12G18
February 23: afternoon ride on county roads testing Dual XGP160; 61°
February 26: lunchtime ride on county roads; 67°
March 4: lunchtime ride on county roads; gravel & mud on Sturbois; 74°
March 5: lunchtime ride on county roads; 74°; winds 12G18
March 6: afternoon ride on county roads; drizzle; 65°
March 12: afternoon ride on county roads; 70°; winds 10G22
March 14: afternoon ride on county roads; 76°; winds 13G25
March 16: afternoon ride on county roads; 62°; winds 16G23
March 25: afternoon ride on county roads; Long Run remains closed at Fossil Rock (photo); 66°; winds 9G17
March 29: afternoon ride from West State Street Park to Strouds Run State Park Bulldog Shelter and back; 63°; winds 12G23
April 9: evening ride on county road to test shifters installed on 2024-03-29; didn't quite beat the sprinkles; 69°-63°; winds 10G21
April 14: ride in support of Athens Marathon; 54°-71°
April 16: afternoon commute to office and back; 81°-85°
April 17: afternoon ride between storms to test AIO v4; no posits generated; 77°; winds 20G30
April 18: afternoon ride on county roads; 73°
April 20: afternoon ride from MEC to Strouds Run State Park and back; 61°-62°; winds 17G28
April 27: afternoon ride on Moonville Trail to Lake Hope State Park and back; 80°; winds 15G24
April 29: lunchtime ride to CU and back; 81°
May 1: lunchtime ride on county roads; 75°
May 3: morning ride to office and back; 68°-78°
May 5: morning ride on county roads; Long Run Rd is nearly gone at Fossil Rock (photos: 1 | 2), yet I saw a guy in a 1st-gen CRV drive it; 70°
May 7: lunchtime ride on county roads; move black snake off of Angell; chatted with 'NZB on 145.15; 76°
May 12: afternoon ride from Wellston to Lake Alma State Park via Wellston Bike Path and back; 73°
May 13: lunchtime ride to office via Kroger, Cycle Path; 77°; afternoon ride home via CU; 79°
May 26: ride to Strouds Run SP Bulldog Shelter & back; moved a turtle off of Long Run Rd; 76°-83°
May 28: lunchtime ride on county roads; Long Run remains closed at Fossil Rock (photos: 1 | 2); 76°; winds 12G17
May 29: lunchtime ride on county roads; 68°; winds 13G20
June 1: afternoon ride on county roads; 80°
June 2: morning ride to office; 63°-66°
June 3: lunchtime ride on county roads; 80°
June 4: lunchtime ride to Ohio State Optical, CU, office, and back home; 86°
June 10: evening ride to Clarks Chapel for ACARA net and home; 63°
June 12: afternoon ride on county roads; Long Run Rd continues to deteriorate (photo); 81°
June 13: lunchtime ride on county roads; Jeffers Rd has a shiny new bridge (photo); 83°
June 14: midday ride on Moonville Rail Trail from Mineral to Lake Hope State Park and back; 67°-86°
June 16: morning ride to Strouds Run State Park and back; 75°-86°
June 17: morning ride to office and back; 78°-87°
June 20: morning ride to office; 78°; lunchtime ride home; 88°
June 21: afternoon ride on bikepath; 96°
June 24: lunchtime ride on county roads; 81°
June 26: (late) lunchtime ride on county roads; 84°
June 27: afternoon ride to C&E and back; 86°
July 1: lunchtime ride on county roads; 73°
July 3: lunchtime ride on county roads; 90°; winds 14G20
July 6: afternoon ride to Strouds Run State Park and back; 84°
July 8: lunchtime ride on county roads; 91°
July 9: lunchtime ride on county roads; Frum Rd continues to deteriorate (photo); 88°
July 11: lunchtime ride on county roads; repair of Long Run at Fossil Rock not yet started; 85°
July 12: afternoon ride on county roads; 94°
July 15: lunchtime ride on county roads; 84°-89°
July 16: lunchtime ride on county roads; 87°-90°; winds 13G18
July 17: lunchtime ride on county roads; 76°
July 19: afternoon ride to office and back; 85°
July 23: afternoon ride on county roads; 83°
July 24: lunchtime ride on county roads; found turtle on the edge of Angell Rd (photo); 84°
July 29: afternoon ride on county roads; got caught in the rain; 85°
August 3: afternoon ride in Menifee County, KY; 82°
August 6: lunchtime ride to office and back; 93°-95°
August 7: lunchtime ride on county roads; construction has finally started on Long Run Rd (photo); 82°
August 8: lunchtime ride on county roads; not yet drilling for pilings; 88°
August 10: lunchtime ride on county roads; 65°-73°
August 11: Moonville Rail Trail to Lake Hope State Park & back; 74°-80°
August 12: lunchtime ride on county roads; pinch-puncture at bottom of Sturbois Rd; 80°
August 13: lunchtime ride to Cycle Path; new rear tire, new brakes, new emergency-tube, fixed indexing; recalibrated pump for 60psi; 84°-87°
August 14: lunchtime ride on county roads; 85°
August 15: afternoon ride to office and back; 90°-87°
August 17: morning ride on county roads; 76°
August 25: morning ride on county roads; road-repair on Long Run at Fossil Rock continues apace (photo); 82°-87°
August 26: lunchtime ride on county roads; 95°
August 28: lunchtime ride on county roads; 96°
August 29: late morning ride on county roads to beat the heat; 87°
August 31: late morning ride on county roads to beat the heat; 84°
September 3: lunchtime ride on county roads; Frum Rd continues to deteriorate (photo); 75°
September 4: lunchtime ride on county roads; 79°
September 5: lunchtime ride on county roads; 84°
September 6: late morning ride on county roads; 60psi feels horrible on Athens County roads; 80°
September 9: lunchtime ride on county roads; 46psi feels much better on Athens County roads; 76°
September 10: lunchtime ride on county roads; 82°
September 11: lunchtime ride to office & back; 83°-86°
September 12: lunchtime ride on to WD8SCV & back; 83°
September 13: lunchtime ride to office; 78°-80°
September 16: afternoon ride on county roads; 80°
September 18: lunchtime ride on county roads; crunchy leaves under tire so soon? 88°
September 19: afternoon ride to office and back; 86°-91°
September 20: afternoon ride to CU but left bike at CyclePath for new front bearings; 89°
September 22: morning ride on county roads; new front bearings really make a difference; 73°-82°
September 23: lunchtime ride on county roads; crinkly leaves and the smell of Autumn; 76°
October 2: afternoon ride from home to CU and Heritage Hall and back home; 71°
October 4: lunchtime ride on county roads; Long Run Rd repairs still not complete; 80°
October 7: lunchtime ride on county roads; 68°
October 9: lunchtime ride on county roads; 68°
October 11: afternoon ride to office and back; 67°-71°
October 13: morning ride on county roads; 71°-75°; winds 18G26
October 18: afternoon ride on county roads; 67°
October 20: Moonville Rail Trail to Lake Hope State Park & back; 73°↑
October 23: lunchtime ride on county roads; reconstruction of Long Run at Fossil Rock nearly complete (photo); 74°; winds 13G18
October 27: afternoon ride on county roads; reconstruction of Long Run at Fossil Rock complete (photo); 61°
October 29: afternoon ride to office and back; 73°-77°; winds 13G17
October 30: lunchtime ride on county roads; 75°; winds 21G16
October 31: lunchtime ride on county roads; 78°; winds 20G30
November 3: afternoon ride on county roads; 72°
November 4: lunchtime ride on county roads; 74°
November 5: late-morning ride to beat the heat(!) to Aldi; 74°-78°; winds 16G22
November 8: afternoon ride on county roads; 66°
November 11: afternoon ride on county roads; saw four hawks and a pileated woodpecker; 64°; winds 16G20
November 13: lunchtime ride on county roads cut short by call from plumber; 58°
November 17: afternoon ride MEC to SRSP Bulldog Shelter and back; 64°
November 18: lunchtime ride on county roads; 64°
November 24: afternoon ride MEC to SRSP Bulldog Shelter and back; 51°-54°
November 25: lunchtime ride on county roads; 60°
December 8: morning ride MEC to SRSP Bulldog Shelter and back; 50°-54°; winds 15G22
December 17: afternoon ride MEC to SRSP Bulldog Shelter and back; 54°
December 26: afternoon ride MEC to SRSP Bulldog Shelter and back; 55°
December 28: afternoon ride MEC to SRSP Bulldog Shelter and back; 65°
December 30: afternoon ride MEC to SRSP Bulldog Shelter and back; 54°
January 2: afternoon ride on grit-covered county roads; 61°
January 4: afternoon ride on gravel/leaf/mud/stick-covered county roads the day after torrential rains (Waterfall on Angell Rd: photo); 61°; winds 12G24
January 5: afternoon ride on county roads; 47°
January 7: afternoon ride on county roads; 44°
January 8: afternoon ride on county roads; 100% overcast and 41°
January 10: afternoon ride to Alden Library; 45°
January 11: lunchtime ride on county roads; overcast and 51°
January 24: afternoon ride on county roads; pigs loose on Rocky Point; sunny and 47°
January 28: morning ride on county roads; 47°
February 7: lunchtime ride on county roads (photo); Sturbois descent muddy and badly rutted; 59°; winds 13G24
February 13: lunchtime ride on county roads; 57°; winds 10G20
February 14: lunchtime ride on county roads; 57°
February 15: afternoon ride on bikepath; 73°; winds 20G26
February 16: quick afternoon ride between rainstorms; Long Run was roaring (photo); little brooks were burbling; 59°
February 19: afternoon ride on bikepath with Theo-dog; trailer dramatically increases my wind-loading; 60°; winds 15G22
February 20: lunchtime ride to Alden; gray and blustery; 57°; winds 10G22
February 22: afternoon ride to Clowes Auto; daffodils in full bloom; 68°
February 23: morning commute to office; 61° + lunchtime commute home; 70°; winds 13G18
February 26: afternoon ride on bikepath trailering Theo and Ginny; 56°
February 27: lunchtime ride on county roads; didn't beat the rain; 54°
February 28: morning commute to office and back; 47°
March 1: lunchtime ride on county roads; had to sneak past Road Closed on Jeffers Rd.; 72°-75°; winds 15G20
March 2: afternoon commute to and from office; 54°
March 4: afternoon ride to N8XWO and back; 56°
March 5: afternoon ride on county roads; 60°
March 6: afternoon commute to the office; 70° + afternoon commute home, climbing Hooper to avoid CR25; 75°; winds 13G20
March 8: afternoon ride on county roads; descent on freshly-graded and lively Sturbois; 52°
March 9: lunchtime commute to office; 50° + afternoon commute home, climbing Hooper to avoid CR25; 55°
March 16: lunchtime commute to office; 54°; winds 14G18 + afternoon commute home, climbing Hooper to avoid CD25; 62° winds 14G20
March 21: lunchtime ride on county roads; bridge on Jeffers Rd closed—crossed it anyway (photo); 59°
March 23: afternoon ride on county roads; 75°; winds 16G26
March 26: morning ride on county roads following yesterday's wind-storm; tree down across North Coolville Rd (photo); downed tree cleared on Coolville Ridge Rd descent (photo); 52°
March 27: lunchtime ride to pay property taxes; 60°
March 28: lunchtime commute to office; 51° + afternoon commute home via N8XWO & Hooper; 53°
March 29: lunchtime commute to office; cherry trees in full bloom (photo); 55°; winds 12G21
March 29: afternoon ride from office to repeater site, then home via Hooper (photos: 1 | 2); ; 56°; winds 18G24
April 3: afternoon ride to Huddle Tire & home; I should never climb Old 33 from Richland Ave. at 4pm ever again—too much traffic! 68°
April 4: lunchtime ride on county roads; didn't beat the rain; 70°→66°
April 5: lunchtime ride on county roads; 80°; winds 12G23
April 9: afternoon ride on county roads; new Narrow Knobbies are confidence-inspiring on gravel; 65°
April 12: lunchtime ride on county roads to test marathon APRS (photo); fresh gravel on Willow Creek; new Narrow Knobbies were great on Sturbois ascent; 77°
April 13: afternoon commute to office; 79° + afternoon commute home via Hooper; stopped for ACARA C4FM nets on Angel Ridge; 85°
April 14: testing marathon-comms with Paul, Theo-, and Ginny-dog; 62°→70° & light rain
April 16: Athens Marathon comms; (photo | screenshot); 61°→76°
April 20: afternoon commute to office; 81°; winds 13G24 + afternoon commute home via Hooper; stopped for ACARA C4FM nets on Gura; 85°; winds 14G21
April 26: afternoon ride on county roads; Narrow Knobbies felt good on Sturbois descent; 65°; winds 9G17
May 7: post-storm ride on county roads; had to re-route due to a fallen tree on Long Run; 74°
May 8: lunchtime ride on county roads; rescued turtle on Kincade Rd (photo); Narrow Knobbies felt good on Kincade descent; 73°
May 9: afternoon ride on country roads, part w/Tom W.; GPS reported 48mph on the Terrell Rd descent; 74°; winds 7G18
May 10: afternoon ride on county roads; 71°
May 11: lunchtime ride on county roads; bridge on Jeffers Rd still closed, but I crossed it, anyway (photo); 79°
May 12: afternoon ride on county roads; Narrow Knobbies felt good on Sturbois ascent (photos: 1 | 2); didn't quite beat the rain; 79°
May 14: morning ride on county roads; butterflies everywhere; bridge on Jeffers Rd still closed, but I crossed it anyway; 72°
May 24: lunchtime tide to CU and office; 80°
May 26: Moonville Rail Trail to Lake Hope SP for POTA two-fer; Narrow Knobbies did well on Rail Trail and forestry road but corrugations on latter were rough; 75°
May 29: afternoon ride on county roads; Narrow Knobbies continue to work well on Sturbois descent; saw a mink on Willow Creek; 82°
May 30: lunchtime ride on county roads; 80°
June 1: lunchtime commute to office + afternoon commute home via Alden, CU, Hooper Rd; 81°/87°
June 3: West State St Park to Strouds Run SP Bulldog Shelter and back with Ginny- & Theo-dog (photo) for POTA; 83°-87°
June 5: afternoon ride on county roads; 74°
June 6: afternoon commute to office + afternoon commute home; crazy amount of traffic on Hooper; 76°/81°
June 13: home to Briarwood to purchase KX2 and back; beat the approaching rain; 75°; winds 12G22
June 15: afternoon commute to office and back; nearly got hit on Stimson Ave by a car overtaking an approaching car on the double-yellow; 80°
June 21: afternoon ride on county roads; rescued a turtle on Long Run Rd; 78°; winds 14G24
June 22: afternoon ride on county roads; N. Coolville has been graveled but Narrow Knobbies did OK; 72°
June 26: lunchtime ride on county roads; 82°; winds 13G18
June 29: afternoon commute to office + afternoon commute home; rode masked due to AQI 156/151 from Canadian forest fires (photo);84°/87°
June 30: lunchtime ride on county roads; bridge on Jeffers Rd is still closed but scenery was pretty (photo); AQI down to 59; 83°
July 2: morning ride on county roads; 76°
July 5: morning ride on county roads testing carry of KX2 Mini Travel Kit (photo); moved a snake off the road (photo); Narrow Knobbies did well on Sturbois descent; about got run off the road by an asshole FedEx driver; 87°
July 10: lunchtime ride on county roads; 81°
July 11: afternoon commute via CU to office; 86°; winds 12; afternoon commute home via Hooper; too much traffic on Hooper; too much gravel on Gura; 87°
July 12: lunchtime ride on county roads; 86°; winds 10
July 14: lunchtime ride on county roads; 85°
July 18: lunchtime ride on county roads; bridge on Jeffers still closed; didn't quite beat the rain; 77°
July 19: lunchtime ride on county roads; Narrow Knobbies felt good on Sturbois descent; 80°
July 20: afternoon commute to office via Alden, CU, CyclePath; 85°; commute home from office; 87°
July 21: West State St Park to Strouds Run SP Bulldog Shelter and back for POTA; 81°
July 25: lunchtime ride on county roads; 83°
July 26: morning ride (before the heat) on county roads; 75°-79°
July 27: morning ride (before the heat) on county roads; Narrow Knobbies did well on the wet, soft Sturbois climb (photo); 81° 70% relative humidity
July 28: morning ride (to beat the heat and thunderstorms) on county roads; portions of Long Run south of Coolville Ridge fresh, deep, soft gravel; moved black snake off of Angell Rd (photo); 85°
July 29: morning ride (to beat the heat and thunderstorms) on county roads; rescued small turtle on Terrell Rd (photo); 76°-82°
July 30: Blennerhassett Island State Park (photo) with the dogs for Flight of the Bumblebees; 82°-87°
July 31: afternoon commute to office via County Treasurer; afternoon commute home via Hooper; 79°-82°
August 2: lunchtime ride on county roads; 80°
August 3: afternoon commute to office via CU; afternoon commute home via Hooper; saw two mama deer and three fawns on West Campus (photos: 1 | 2); 83°-85°
August 4: lunchtime ride on county roads; still too much gravel on parts of Long Run; 87°-89°
August 6: to Strouds Run SP (Bulldog Shelter) and home; Cable Lane descent was fast and fun; didn't beat the rain home; 80°
August 8: morning ride to Community Center to vote; 74°
August 12: to Strouds Run SP (Bulldog Shelter) and home via Cable Lane; 82°
August 13: to Strouds Run SP (Bulldog Shelter) via Madison; home via Cable Lane; insane amounts of traffic both directions; 83°
August 17: afternoon commute to office and back; 80°
August 18: to Strouds Run SP (Bulldog Shelter) and home via Cable Lane; 78°; winds 8G17
August 22: lunchtime ride on county roads; 74°-78°
August 24: afternoon ride on county roads; 84°-87°
August 26: morning ride to CU and back; 74°
August 29: afternoon commute to office and back; 77°-79°
August 30: lunchtime ride on county roads; Sturbois descent felt good on the Narrow Knobbies; 71°
August 31: lunchtime ride on county roads; 71°
September 1: afternoon ride on county roads; 83°
September 3: morning ride on county roads; 80°
September 4: to Strouds Run SP (Bulldog Shelter) and home via Cable Lane; 72°-86°
September 7: commute to office via CU, CyclePath, barber + commute home via Hooper; 83°-80°
September 8: lunchtime ride on county roads; gravel too deep on top of Rocky Point descent; leaf-covered Sturbois climb looked, smelled, and sounded like Fall; 83°
September 10: morning ride on county roads; allergy-eye season has arrived; 68°
September 11: lunchtime ride on county roads; had to re-route twice for fresh tar (Long Run beyond Coolville Ridge, Coolville Ridge climb); 80°
September 14: lunchtime ride to Strouds Run SP (Bulldog Shelter) and back via Cable Lane; pavement-work on Strouds Run Road; 73°-77°
September 15: West State St Park to Strouds Run SP (Bulldog Shelter) and back; 77°
September 18: lunchtime ride to Alden and CU; 71°
September 19: afternoon commute to office and back; 72°-77°
September 21: afternoon commute to office and back; 79°-82°
September 26: afternoon commute to office via Alden & CU; commute back home via Hooper; 70°
September 27: afternoon ride on county roads; 75°
September 29: afternoon ride on county roads; Narrow Knobbies did well on Sturbois descent; met Troy on Mansfield climb; it's really starting to look, smell, and sound like Fall; 77°
October 2: lunchtime ride on county roads; Frum Rd continues to narrow (photo); 83°
October 3: afternoon commute to office and back; 87°
October 4: lunchtime ride to Strouds Run SP and then to Hugh White Honda to pick up the Fit; 86°
October 5: lunchtime ride to Strouds Run SP and then to office; 82°; afternoon commute home from office; 78°
October 9: afternoon ride on county roads; 1st long-sleeve ride of the season; 62°
October 11: afternoon ride West State Street Park to Strouds Run SP Bulldog Shelter; 70°; winds 10G18
October 12: afternoon to Strouds Run State Park and home, with a stop at the office; 78°
October 17: afternoon commute to office via ACPL, Alden, CU; commute home via Hooper; 55°
October 23: afternoon ride on county roads including Sturbois descent (photos: 1 | 2); 69°
October 24: afternoon ride on county roads including Graham Chapel climb; 79°
October 25: morning commute to office; office to Strouds Run State Park; SRSP to home; 77°; winds 10G17
October 26: lunchtime commute to office via Alden & CU; 72°; afternoon commute home; 77°; winds 10G17
October 31: lunchtime commute to office via Alden; 46°; afternoon commute home; 47°
November 2: afternoon commute to office via CW; 49°; winds 7G16; afternoon commute home; 52°
November 3: afternoon ride on county roads; passed by an asshole in a gray Toyota Tundra as I was signaling for a left-turn onto Gura, and after I had moved into the left half of my lane; 61°; winds 15G18
November 4: afternoon ride on Moonville Rail Trail into Lake Hope State Park, pulling Theo-dog in the trailer from Mineral and back; 65°-68°
November 7: lunchtime ride on county roads; 73°; winds 14G20
November 9: lunchtime commute to office via Alden; afternoon commute home; 56°; winds 13G16
November 15: lunchtime commute to office via CU; 68°; winds 14G21; afternoon commute home; 68°-64°
November 16: lunchtime commute to office via Alden; 67°; commute home via Hooper; 70°
November 19: afternoon ride on county roads; 58°
November 23: morning ride on county roads; 40°
November 30: afternoon ride on county roads; 58°
December 15: afternoon ride on county roads; 56°
December 16: afternoon ride on county roads; 56°
December 21: afternoon ride on county roads; bridge on Jeffers Rd is now gone (photos: 1 | 2); 52°
December 23: afternoon ride on countyroads; sprinkles and 60°
March 3: afternoon ride on county roads; 62°; winds 10G20
March 10: afternoon ride on county roads; 53°
March 15: afternoon ride on county roads; 65°;winds 10G18
March 16: afternoon ride on bikepath; full marathon route; 66°-70°; winds 10G16
March 17: afternoon ride to office & back; 71°-74°
March 21: afternoon ride to pay property taxes; 67°-70°; winds 5G16
March 30: afternoon ride on county roads; 83°; winds 18G31
April 7: morning ride to office, CU, Alden; 55°; winds 15
April 10: morning ride in support of the Athens Marathon; 35°-48°
April 13: morning ride to PO, CU, office, and home; 65°-73°; winds 10G21
April 22: afternoon ride on bikepath; 76°
April 25: lunchtime ride to credit union and back; 80°; winds 12G18
April 28: afternoon ride on county roads; Frum Road continues to deteriorate (photo); 60°
May 3: lunchtime ride on county roads to test new shifters; 76°
May 5: lunchtime ride to CU, Kroger, and back; 66°
May 8: afternoon ride to Alden, MEC, and back; 67°
May 11: afternoon ride on Moonville Rail Trail & Buck Lane, Mineral to beyond Lookout Rock (photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5); 83°
May 12: afternoon ride on county roads to participate in ACARA radio nets; 83°
May 15: morning ride on county roads; 66°
May 16: evening ride on county roads to participate in ACARA radio nets; 7°
May 24: afternoon ride to CU, Alden, CVS, Aldi; 74°
May 25: late-lunch ride to CU & CVS; 78°
May 29: morning ride on county roads; 74°
May 31: lunchtime ride on county roads including Rocky Point climb; 87°
June 1: lunchtime ride on county roads; 87°
June 3: bicycle-portable POTA activations via Moonville Rail Trail of Zaleski SF and Lake Hope SP; 78°
June 6: afternoon ride on county roads including Rocky Point climb; 82°
June 9: afternoon ride on on county roads; new-to-me longer loop
June 10: bicycle-portable POTA activations via storm-damaged Moonville Rail Trail of Zaleski SF and Lake Hope SP; 75°
June 12: lunchtime ride on county roads; Terrell Road descent; 79°
June 16: afternoon ride on county roads; 91°; winds 14G23
June 19: lunchtime ride on county roads; 69°
June 20: afternoon ride on county roads; recent storms have taken their toll on Frum Rd (photos: 1 | 2); three young skunks on Gura Rd; 75°
June 22: morning ride on county roads to beat the heat; Athens County Fairgrounds + MEC; 84°
June 29: afternoon ride on county roads; CR24; Rocky Point climb; 84°
July 2: morning ride to office & Cycle Path; 76°
July 12: afternoon ride on county roads; 88° winds 10G16
July 13: lunchtime ride on county roads; 84°
July 14: lunchtime ride on county roads; 82°
July 15: lunchtime ride to office, APL, Lowe's; 80°
July 21: morning ride on county roads; 77°
July 22: morning ride on county roads including Rocky Point climb; 77°
July 23: morning ride on county roads; 77°
July 24: morning ride on county roads; moved a wee toad off of Old 33; 75°
July 25: afternoon ride to pick up car at dealership; 86°
July 26: morning ride to USPO & Ohio State Optical; beat the rain but not the sprinkles; 73°
July 28: morning ride on county roads; 75°
July 29: lunchtime ride on county roads including Sturbois Rd; 80°
July 31: afternoon ride to Bulldog Shelter at Strouds Run State Park for Flight of the Bumblebees; 75°-79°
August 1: evening ride to Clarks Chapel for ACARA; didn't quite beat the rain on the way home; 80°
August 2: lunchtime ride on county roads; 85°
August 3: morning ride to CU & Cycle Path; 78°-82°
August 4: lunchtime ride to CU; 87°
August 10: lunchtime ride on county roads; 79°
August 11: lunchtime ride on county roads; 81°
August 12: lunchtime ride on county roads to end of Old 33 and back; 78°
August 15: lunchtime ride on county roads; 78°
August 17: lunchtime ride on county roads including climb of Kincade Rd; walked bottom part due to deep gravel; 80°
August 21: morning ride on county roads; saw a camera-shy frog on North Coolville; rescued a small upside-down box turtle on Coolville Ridge; 75°
August 24: lunchtime ride on county roads; 80°
September 1: lunchtime ride on county roads; Terrell descent; Mansfield ascent; had to turn back on North Coolville due to fresh tar; 82°
September 2: lunchtime ride on county roads; Terrell descent; Mansfield ascent; 85°
September 8: afternoon ride on county roads; Terrell descent; extend Harmony; Willow Creek; Rocky Point ascent; no fresh tar on N. Coolville between Rocky Point & Coolville Ridge; 80°
September 9: lunchtime ride on county roads; Sturbois descent; Mansfield ascent; 83°
September 14: lunchtime ride on county roads to Lowe's; home via end of bikepath and Mansfield ascent; 76°
September 16: lunchtime ride to CU, office, & White's Mill; 80°
September 18: morning ride to CVS; 75°
September 20: lunchtime ride on county roads; 83°
September 21: lunchtime ride on county roads; 83°
September 24: Bike Your Parks Day with WD8SCV; Moonville Rail Trail + POTA Lake Hope SP, Zaleski SF, Turkey Ridge WA; 57°-72°
September 25: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 74°; winds 17G29
September 26: lunchtime ride on county roads; 69°; winds 16G25
September 27: lunchtime ride uptown for haircut; was stuck in line at PO during the storm; 62°-56°; winds 13G21
September 28: afternoon ride on county roads; cold ears and fingers; 58°
September 29: afternoon ride on county roads; Sturbois descent (photo); 60°-63°; winds 12G16
September 30: afternoon ride to office & Cycle Path; 63°
October 3: afternoon ride on county roads; Sturbois descent (photo); 66°
October 4: afternoon ride on county roads; Kincade descent + Sturbois ascent (photo); 66°
October 10: afternoon ride on county roads; Sturbois descent (photos: 1 | 2 | 3); 70°; winds 7G16
October 11: afternoon ride to CU and campus; 73°
October 12: afternoon ride on county roads; route chosen to minimize drive-home-from-work traffic; beautiful Fall colors; 76°; winds 9G18
October 14: lunchtime ride on county roads; Sturbois ascent—walked the very steepest bit; beautiful Fall colors (photos: 1 | 2); 60°; winds 17G25
October 24: lunchtime ride to office and back; 76°
October 25: lunchtime ride on county roads; Sturbois descent (photos: 1 | 2 | 3); Mansfield Rd closed but passable by bicycle (photo); 74°
October 28: afternoon ride to Heritage Hall and back; inbound, was run off the road on CR25 by an asshole in blue Dodge 4WD pickup passing with oncoming large-vehicle traffic; 66°
October 29: afternoon ride on bike-path; most of the leaves are down; 69°
October 30: afternoon ride on county roads; cloudy & 64°
November 1: afternoon ride on county roads; Sturbois descent; super-secret construction can now be seen (photo) and had to walk around fresh pavement (photo) on Mansfield Rd; 66°
November 2: lunchtime ride on county roads; Sturbois descent (photo); Mansfield Rd still closed but sneaked through; dogs everywhere; 62°
November 3: afternoon ride on county roads; Graham Chapel climb (photo); lovely aromas of Fall; 73°
November 4: lunchtime ride on county roads; Sturbois descent; 73°
November 6: morning ride on county roads; gray, dreary, drizzly; 67°
November 7: lunchtime ride on county roads; Old 33 to Jeffers Rd (photo); 70°
November 8: lunchtime ride on Cycle Path; 59°
November 9: late afternoon ride on bike-path; first ride trailering Theo-dog (photos: 1 | 2); 69° to 56°
November 10: lunchtime ride on county roads; Sturbois descent; 70°
November 21: afternoon ride on county roads; 48°; winds 14G18
November 22: afternoon ride on county roads; shake-down ride with FT-817 Mini Travel Kit; 54°
November 23: lunchtime ride to ACPL; home via Mansfield Rd; 58°
November 24: pre-feast ride on bikepath trailering Theo and Ginny (photos: 1 | 2); 62°
November 25: afternoon ride on county roads; Sturbois descent; 55°
November 29: afternoon ride on county roads; 61°
December 7: morning ride on county roads; wet, gray, lovely, 60°
December 8: afternoon ride on county roads; soft-in-places Sturbois descent; 48°
December 15: afternoon ride on county roads, post-rain; 50°
December 22: afternoon ride on county roads; didn't quite beat the rain; the thing on Mansfield Rd is a "horse training pad"; Winter Storm Elliott arrives tomorrow; 44°
March 8: afternoon ride on bikepath; spring peepers! 60°
March 9: afternoon ride on bikepath; spring peepers! 66°
March 10: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 68°; winds 10G21
March 12: afternoon ride on bikepath; amphibian serenade! 62°; winds 10G17
March 17: lunchtime ride on bikepath; peepers seem to be done peeping; 63°
March 23: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Cycle Path; 65°
March 24: lunchtime ride on county roads; 75°; winds 16G24
March 30: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 69°; winds 10G21
April 4: afternoon ride on bikepath; 70°
April 6: lunchtime ride to Clowes Auto and back; 72°
April 7: lunchtime ride to West Campus and back; 80°
April 8: lunchtime ride on county roads; 76°
April 9: lunchtime ride on county roads; 72°; winds 7G21
April 10: morning ride on county roads; 69°
April 20: lunchtime ride on county roads; 65°; winds 21G26
April 26: lunchtime ride on county roads; 61°
April 27: lunchtime ride on county roads; 78°; winds 17G24
April 28: lunchtime ride to Kroger ahead of approaching storm; 78°
May 2: afternoon ride on county roads; 78°
May 6: lunchtime ride on county roads; 58°
May 10: lunchtime ride on county roads; 56°
May 12: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 64°
May 16: afternoon ride on county roads; 70°
May 18: afternoon ride on county roads; 77°
May 19: afternoon ride to APL; 83°
May 20: afternoon ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill inbound; 84°
May 22: afternoon ride on county roads; 83°
May 25: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 85°
May 26: lunchtime ride on county roads; terrible pollen-in-the-eyes; construction on Angel Ridge; 84°; winds 12G18
May 27: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 75°
May 31: afternoon ride on county roads; dropped tires to ~30psi for rough portion of Long Run; GPS quit again; 71°
June 1: lunchtime ride on bikepath; overcast & 72°
June 6: morning ride on county roads; 76°
June 8: lunchtime ride on bikepath; sprinkles; 84°
June 13: recce-ride through WNF on bikepath in preparation for Flight of the Bumblebees; 85°
June 14: lunchtime ride on county roads; 82°
June 16: afternoon ride on county roads; 75°
July 2: afternoon ride on county roads; 74°
July 4: morning ride on county roads; 74°
July 6: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 88°
July 7: lunchtime ride on county roads; 87°
July 9: lunchtime ride on county roads; 75°
July 10: lunchtime ride on bikepath + POTA; shake-down for upcoming Flight of the Bumblebees; 76°
July 11: lunchtime ride on county roads; 77 °:
July 12: lunchtime ride on county roads; 80°
July 14: lunchtime ride on county roads; 82°
July 15: afternoon ride to the office and back; 87°
July 21: morning ride home the long way from Huddle Tire; 72°
July 25: afternoon ride from Salina/Beaumont to Baileys Trailhead Doanville for Flight of the Bumblebees; 84°
July 26: lunchtime ride on county roads; 89°
July 27: morning ride to Huddle; ride home from Muffler Man; 84°
July 29: lunchtime ride home to Muffler Man; 84°
July 30: lunchtime ride to office, then to The Wall That Heals (photo), then home; 81°
August 2: lunchtime ride to credit union and Alvis; 77°
August 4: lunchtime ride on county roads; 77°
August 5: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 82°
August 9: morning ride to pay property taxes; crazy amount of traffic on CR25; 80°
August 10: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 89°; winds 10G18
August 13: lunchtime ride on county roads; 90°
August 14: afternoon ride on county roads; 86°
August 23: lunchtime ride on county roads; 87°
August 24: lunchtime ride on bikepath + OUCU; 88°
August 25: lunchtime ride on county roads; Frum Rd continues to deteriorate (photo); 88°
August 26: lunchtime ride on county roads; leaves down on bikepath like it's Fall; 81°
September 1: afternoon ride on county roads after former-hurricane Ida passed; 73°; winds 13G21
September 3: lunchtime ride on county roads; 72°
September 13: first post-allergy ride; still not 100%; 82°
September 14: lunchtime ride on bikepath; crinkly leaves undertire; saw osprey near campus; 85°
September 17: afternoon ride on county roads; seasonal-allergy shortness of breath remains; had to yield to a rafter of wild turkeys on Longview Heights; 86°
September 24: lunchtime ride on county roads; 70°
September 26: afternoon ride on bikepath; crinkly leaves hiding the too-many pavement heaves; 73°; winds 12G16
September 27: lunchtime ride home to Holzer Walmart, to Holzer Clinic, to Holzer Walmart, to CVS, and home; 75-78°; winds 10G16
September 30: lunchtime ride on bikepath; crinkly leaves; 73°
October 5: lunchtime ride on county roads; 79°
October 6: lunchtime ride on county roads; 80°
October 10: morning ride on county roads; 73°
October 13: lunchtime ride on county roads; carried bike past new asphalt being laid on Kincade; 72°
October 14: afternoon ride to PO and back; heaps of traffic on CR25; 80°
October 15: lunchtime ride on county roads; visited WD8SCV; 78°; winds 8G16
October 18: afternoon ride on county roads; 68°
October 19: afternoon ride on county roads to run errand; 71°
October 20: afternoon ride on county roads: PO, CU, Cycle Path; still no real Fall color; 72°; winds 12G18
October 25: short afternoon ride on county roads between rainstorms to pick up Vickie's car; the Fall color has arrived! 65°
November 1: afternoon ride on county roads; rode with WD8SCV from Kincade to Mansfield Rd; lovely Fall colors & crisp temperature! 57°
November 8: lunchtime ride on county roads; climbed Kincade; 65°
November 9: lunchtime ride on bikepath; some Fall color remains; crinkly leaves still hiding the too-many pavement heaves; saw north/west-bound train at Armitage (photo); 68°
November 10: lunchtime ride on county roads; 65°
November 16: afternoon ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill inbound; 57°
November 17: afternoon ride in county roads; 70°
December 3: lunchtime ride on county roads; 56°
December 10: afternoon ride on county roads; turned around early because indexing is all messed up; 58° and gray
December 13: lunchtime ride on county roads; sunny and 49°
December 16: lunchtime ride on county roads; 64° and gray; winds 13G24
December 17: afternoon ride on county roads; 47° and gray
December 20: afternoon ride on county roads; 44° and sunny
December 21: afternoon ride on county roads; 45° and sunny
December 24: afternoon ride on county roads; had to deliver found-in-ditch mail; 59° and gray
December 25: Christmas Day afternoon ride on wet county roads; 66°
December 27: afternoon ride on county roads; 65° and gray
January 10: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 59°
January 11: morning ride on bikepath; 70°; winds 9G18
January 14: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 51°; winds 11G13
January 15: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 50°
January 23: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath + ACCVB; 44°
February 3: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 62°
March 4: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound + Bickle Ins via Cols Rd extension inbound; spring peepers at Armitage; 60°; winds 15G21
March 5: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outboud; spring peepers at Armitage & larger frogs along River Road; 57°
March 8: day of time-change evening ride on county roads; 63°
March 9: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 61°; winds 13
March 19: lunchtime ride from home to campus and back; campus not as empty as I would have thought; 61°
March 20: lunchtime ride on county roads; 72°; winds 21G26
March 25: lunchtime ride on county roads; 56°
March 26: lunchtime ride on county roads; 64°
March 29: morning ride on county roads; 72°; winds 15G25
April 3: afternoon ride on county roads; 66°; winds 8G16
April 5: afternoon ride on county roads; 65°
April 6: afternoon ride on county roads; 65°
April 7: afternoon ride on county roads w/Kate; 75°; winds 13G22
April 12: afternoon ride on bikepath w/Kate; 70°; winds 14G20 inbound
April 20: afternoon ride on bikepath w/Kate; saw three adolescent killdeer w/mom & dad killdeer; 63°; winds 11G18
April 25: morning ride on county roads; saw an osprey over Angel Ridge; 62°
April 27: afternoon ride on bikepath w/Kate + Add-a-Hill outbound; 62°
April 28: afternoon ride on county roads; saw three foxes and the Hobbit House; 70°
May 2: afternoon ride on county roads; 75°
May 5: afternoon ride on county roads; 65°
May 7: afternoon ride on county roads; 64°; winds 16G23
May 9: installed SPD pedals on Raleigh Technium and full tune-up
May 10: afternoon ride on county roads; 1st road-ride on Raleigh Technium in 13 years; 61°; winds 9G22
May 13: afternoon ride on county roads; 2nd road-ride on Raleigh Technium in 13 years; 64°
May 15: morning ride on county roads; getting comfortable on the Raleigh again; paced a blue heron along old 33 for about a ¼ mile
May 16: morning ride on county roads; broke a spoke on the Raleigh on the last significant climb; 65°
May 17: morning ride on county roads; 72°
May 22: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound + home; 65°
May 23: morning ride on county roads + bike path; 67° removed a turtle from the road
May 24: morning ride on county roads + bike path; 73°
May 28: lunchtime ride on bikepath; moved turtle off of Old US33; 77°
May 29: morning ride on county roads; carried turtle across road on Long Run; 71°
June 1: afternoon ride to office and credit union and back; 72°
June 2: lunchtime ride on county roads; 80°
June 3: lunchtime ride to credit union & back; 85°; winds 14G21
June 4: lunchtime ride on county roads; back home just before the rain hit; 83°
June 5: morning ride to barber; returned home "high & tight"; 71°
June 6: morning ride on county roads; broke a 2nd spoke on the Raleigh, on the same climb; 80°
June 7: morning ride on county roads; Technium tires at 100psi, up from 80psi; 67°
June 8: lunchtime ride on county roads; 78°
June 9: morning ride on county roads; 76°
June 10: lunchtime ride to office and back; 85°
June 11: lunchtime ride on county roads; 73°
June 12: lunchtime ride on county roads; 63°
June 13: morning ride to office and back; picked up a screwdriver & a ratcheting tie-down at different points; was verbally accosted by a driver along the bottom of the Rock Riffle descent; 64°
June 14: morning ride on county roads; new quick-release rear wheel shifted in dropouts; chatted w/KE8EAS outside his QTH; 63°
June 17: lunchtime ride on county roads; 72°
June 18: morning ride on county roads; sprinkles; 69°
June 20: morning ride on county roads; 69°
June 21: morning ride on county roads; 77°
June 24: lunchtime ride on county roads; 77°; winds 14G23
June 25: morning ride on county roads; 73°
June 26: morning ride on county roads; 72°
June 27: morning ride on county roads; 72°
June 29: morning ride to Clowes Auto; 72°
July 1: lunchtime ride on county roads; 84°
July 2: lunchtime ride on county roads; 83°
July 3: morning ride to Cycle Path to find it closed for the 4th of July weekend; 82°
July 4: morning ride on county roads; 78°
July 5: morning ride on county roads; 80°
July 10: retrieved GT Arette from Cycle Path with re-greased wheel-bearing & freewheel, an attempt to cure drivetrain clunk
July 11: morning ride on county roads; 1st post-surgery ride; 77°; winds 9G20
July 12: morning ride on county roads with approaching storm; 70°
July 15: morning ride to restart office PC; GT Arette freewheel bearing failed during Rock Riffle climb; had to call home for rescue; 74°
July 15: new freewheel cassette and rear tire on GT Arette
July 17: lunchtime ride on county roads to test new cassette; 84°
July 25: morning ride on county roads; 73°
July 26: morning ride on county roads; 80°
July 29: explored new roads; 85°
July 31: afternoon ride on county roads; 85°
August 1: afternoon ride on county roads; moved beautiful orange salamander off of Coolville Ridge Road; 84°
August 2: afternoon ride on county roads; drizzle at start; blustery; 72°; winds 15G22
August 4: afternoon ride on county roads; 77°; winds 14G17
August 6: afternoon ride on county roads; 78°
August 7: lunchtime ride to office; 82°
August 9: morning ride on county roads; 75°
August 10: lunchtime ride on county roads; 86°
August 12: lunchtime ride on county roads; 87°
August 14: lunchtime ride on county roads; moved snapping turtle off of Angel Ridge (photo); 87°
August 15: afternoon ride on county roads after the rain; goat on the road North Coolville Ridge; 75°
August 16: afternoon ride on county roads; 70°
August 18: lunchtime ride on county roads; moved Gray Ratsnake off Long Run; 77°
August 19: lunchtime ride to office and back; 77°
August 20: lunchtime ride to office and back; 81°
August 21: lunchtime ride to office and back; 81°
August 23: morning ride on county roads; 70°
August 25: lunchtime ride on county roads; falling leaves made it feel like Fall; 87°
August 26: morning ride to office and back; 82°
August 28: lunchtime ride on county roads; light sprinkles at the end; 86°
August 29: morning ride on county roads to beat the rain; 77°
August 31: afternoon ride on county roads; chickens on the road on Angel Ridge; gray, dreary 72°
September 1: afternoon ride on county roads; 85°
September 4: afternoon ride on bike path; 77°
September 6: morning ride on county roads; 67°
September 9: lunchtime ride to office; test-carried K1 Travel Kit minus the mast; 83°
September 11: morning ride on county roads; gray, dreary 68°
September 14: lunchtime ride on county roads; 74°
September 16: lunchtime ride on county roads; 71°
September 17: lunchtime ride to APL and back; 72°
September 19: morning ride on county roads; crazy amount of traffic on Old 33; 59°
September 20: afternoon ride on county roads; 64°
September 21: lunchtime ride to APL and back; 64°
September 24: lunchtime ride on county roads; 74°
September 25: afternoon ride on county roads; 74°
September 26: morning ride on county roads; 64°
September 27: morning ride on county roads; 72°
October 1: afternoon ride on bike path; 65°
October 4: afternoon ride on county roads; Raleigh Technium 400 feels better post-service; 65°
October 5: afternoon ride to dentist & back; 51° → 54°
October 6: lunchtime ride on county roads; 60°
October 7: lunchtime ride to town for in-person early vote; 72° → 78°
October 9: lunchtime ride on county roads; 73°
October 15: lunchtime ride on county road; + bikepath + Cycle Path + ACPL; 70° winds 10G20
October 21: afternoon ride on county roads; leaves in color, spicy aromas, crinkly-undertires; 77°
October 23: lunchtime ride on county roads; a sensory treat; 77°
November 4: lunchtime ride on county roads + Class A Sounds + Crowes Auto + Cable Lane ascent; 68°
November 5: morning ride on county roads to barber and C&E + Hooper ascent; 61°
November 8: morning ride on county roads; 60° → 71°
November 9: afternoon ride on county roads; 76°
November 19: lunchtime ride on county roads; 64°; winds 10G20
November 20: lunchtime ride on county roads; went down turning onto Willow Creek due to loose gravel; fractured #1 rib on right side; 65°; winds 12G17
December 11: afternoon ride on bikepath; first post-crash ride outdoors; 63°
January 4: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 37°
January 5: morning county-road loop; 40°
January 6: morning county-road loop; 40°
January 7: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 46°
January 8: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 62°; winds 15G31
January 28: lunchtime ride on bikepath; pockets of snow remain on bikepath between Armitage & Eclipse; 40°
February 4: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill inbound; new expensive-sounding noise—trashed rear wheel bearing? 64°
February 7: GT Arette rear axle is bent and bearing is trashed; bought new rear wheel at from Athens Bicycle
February 8: had Raleigh Technium rear wheel bearing rebuilt at Athens Bicycle
February 14: lunchtime ride on bikepath; new rear wheel feels good; River Road under water in several places; Hamley Run Road almost entirely under water; 42°
February 21: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 46°
February 22: lunchtime ride on bikepath + visit w/KC8OVB; 41°
March 10: morning county-road loop; 54°; winds 20G29
March 11: lunchtime ride home to walk dogs; 48° winds 12
March 14: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 1st shorts-and-short-sleeves ride of the year; spring peepers! 70° winds 13G21
March 15: lunchtime ride home to walk dogs; 52° windy but no measurements
March 19: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 43°
March 26: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath; 45° winds 9
March 27: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Cable Lane ascent + Columbus Rd Extension; 48°
March 29: lunchtime ride home to walk dogs; 58°
April 2: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath; 50°
April 3: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 56°; winds 12G18
Aoril 4: lunchtime ride on bikepath; tested APRS trackers WD8RIF & W8UKE-5; 60°; winds 8G16
April 5: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill inbound; tested APRS tracker W8UKE-5; 54°
April 7: morning county-road loop; 60°
April 8: lunchtime ride on bikepath; tested HT on vest and APRS trackers WD8IRF, W8UKE-7, and W8UKE-9; 65°
April 9: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath Marathon route + Add-a-Hill inbound; 70°; winds 12G16
April 10: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 63°
April 11: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 72°; winds 9G17
April 14: support of Athens Marathon; heavy rain but stayed dry except for hands and feet
April 16: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 58°; winds 9G16
April 17: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 73°; winds 12G17
April 21: longer county-road loop with tires at 60psi instead of 80psi; gravel sections were not as uncomfortable; 49°
April 22: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; found a toad (photo); 60°
April 23: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; moved a big blacksnake off the path; 77°; winds 20G25
April 29: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill both directions; 1st ride since injuring ribs in a fall—not too much discomfort; saw west-bound coal unit-train with two NS & one WAMX locomotive at Eclipse; 67°
April 30: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; saw lash-up of two WAMX locomotives running light westbound at Armitage; 62°
May 1: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; dust/pollen in the eyes; 81°; winds 18G28
May 2: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 75°
May 3: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill both directions + AHS extension inbound; 70°
May 6: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath; 74°
May 7: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 74°
May 8: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill both directions + Johnson Rd inbound; 71°
May 9: lunchtime ride on bikepath + AHS extension; 75°; winds 13G18
May 23: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; dust/pollen in the eyes; 77°; winds 10G18
May 24: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill with AHS extension inbound; 75°
May 26: morning county-road loop; 60psi; riding on re-paved Old US33 felt like flying; 78°
May 27: morning county-road 8-mile loop + 2; met WD8SCV and his daughter Anna; 67° & 100% humidity
May 28: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; dust/pollen in the eyes; 83°; winds 15G23
May 31: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 68°
June 3: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound + Huddle Tire; 66°
June 6: late-lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill both directions; 77 °
June 7: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 72°
June 11: late-lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 70°
June 12: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 70°; winds 10G18
June 14: long lunchtime ride on bikepath to HVSR; 71°; winds 10G17
June 17: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 76°
June 19: late-lunchtime ride on bikepath; 82°
June 21: late-lunchtime ride on bikepath; 72°
June 24: late-luncthime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill inbound; 82°
June 26: lunchtime ride on bikeplath + Add-a-Hill both directions; 81°
June 27: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 86°
July 1: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill both directions; 82°
July 2: Thunderstorm! lunchtime ride on bikepath; 86° dropping to 66° in 20 minutes; winds 17G31
July 3: late-lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 85°
July 5: morning county-road loop w/60psi; now-washboardy gravel sections of Long Run are uncomfortable; rescued turtle on Long Run; 82°
July 7: morning county-road loop w/60psi; 78°
July 8: late-lunchtime ride on bikepath; saw girl walking a turtle on a leash near LSB; 79°
July 9: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 84°
July 10: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 84°
July 11: post-rain lunchtime ride on bikepath; 74°
July 14: morning county-road loop w/60psi; washboardy gravel sections of Long Run are getting worse; 80°
July 15: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 85°
July 16: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound + Lindsey's Collectibles + Huddle Tire; 80°
July 18: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound + Lindsey's Collectibles; 78°
July 19: lunchtime ride on bikepath + ½-Add-a-Hill outbound + Lindsey's Collectibles; 85°
July 22: lunchtime ride on bikepath; rain; 77°
July 23: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill both directions; 72°
July 24: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 72°
July 26: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill both directions + Johnson Road inbound; found dinosaur on bikepath beyond Salina/Beaumont (photo); 80°
July 29: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 81°
July 30: lunchtime ride on bikepath; got stung on left hand by yellowjacket; 76°
August 2: lunchtime ride on bikepath + The Ridges inbound to see the ruins of Building 20 (photo); 82°
August 4: new morning county-road loop avoiding newly-tarred Long Run Road; 77°
August 5: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound + credit union both directions; 83°
August 6: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 84°
August 9: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; jumped to avoid hitting a blacksnake; 79°
August 10: morning county-road loop; new tar-and-chip on Long Run extends only to Coolville Ridge; 64°
August 11: morning county-road loop + Ridgeview + Angell; 74°
August 12: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Alden Library; Harmony Road extension not yet open; 81°
August 13: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Alden Library; 80°
August 14: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Alden Library; 80°
August 15: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; rain inbound; 82°
August 16: lunchtime ride on bikepath; Harmony Road Extension is open but there's no access to Dow Lake Dam; 80°
August 17: morning county-road loop + Angell; 72°
August 22: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; allergy-symptoms starting; 78°
August 23: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound + credit union; post-ride itchy-eyes; 68°
August 28: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 77°; winds 10G16
August 30: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; post-ride itchy-eyes; 78°
September 1: morning county-road loop; 70°
September 3: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill both ways; post-ride allergy-eyes; 76°
September 5: lunchtime ride on bikepath; post-ride allergy-eyes; 72°
September 8: morning county-road loop; bike began clunking while pedaling at end of ride; 65°
September 9: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; three instances of clunking while pedaling but couldn't isolate; 79°
September 10: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Cable Lane climb + Cycle Path; freewheel started sticking after climb but John found nothing; 85°
September 12: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound + Beads & Things + Cycle Path; crinkly leaves under tire + spicy aroma; 89°
September 13: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 87°
September 16: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; crinkly leaves under tire + spicy aroma; 85°
September 17: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Holzer + Athena Grand to find it closed; 71°
September 20: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Cycle Path for complete new drivetrain; 82°
September 22: morning county-road loop; had to learn new gearing; front derailleur needs adjustment; 75°
September 24: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; feels and smells like Fall; 70°
September 27: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 81°; winds 11G20
September 29: morning county-road loop; 75°
October 1: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 88°
October 2: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound + Dr Mathews; 89°; winds 9G21
October 3: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 90° winds 17G21
October 4: lunchtime tide on bikepath + Cable Lane climb; Cable Lane ground up for re-paving; saw osprey flying over the Hocking; 66°
October 6: ride to Peden Stadium (and back) in rain for ACARA support of Komen More than Pink Walk; 65°
October 9: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Madison Ave climb; Cable Lane closed for road-work; 68°
October 10: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 73°
October 11: lunchtime ride on bikepath; moved snake off bikepath; saw cow on bikepath near Eclipse (photos: 1 | 2); 75°
October 14: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Cable Lane climb; Cable Lane still undergoing destruction; 60°
October 15: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Dr Mathews + OUECU + new MedEd Bldg; 66°
October 17: lunchtime ride to HVB on Richland + APL; 53°; winds 15G20
October 18: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound + APL The Plains; moved a big, beautiful toad off the bikepath; 59°
October 20: morning county-road loop; 62°
October 21: lunchtime ride on bikepath; three brilliant red trees at W. State St Park & some gold elsewhere; 69° winds 11G16
October 24: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 63°
October 25: lunchtime ride on bikepath; overcast sky and soft light made fall colors "pop"; 53°
October 28: lunchtime ride on bikepath; path completely covered in leaves in places; 60°
October 29: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath; Fall colors (photo); caught tail of west-bound train "walking" past slip along River Road; 61°
November 20: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 47°
November 21: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Cols Rd Extension + Cycle Path; John lubed the wheel-bearing seals to get rid of squeak; 52°
November 25: lunchtime ride on bikepath; nearly all the leaves are down; fruity Fall aroma near Community Gardens; 52°
November 27: lunchtime ride on bikepath; lots of twigs and branches down on the bikepath; 62°; winds 30G41
January 10: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath; couldn't proceed past Armitage due to mushy snow; Strava app worked well on MotoE4; 55°
January 11: lunchtime ride bikepath + Add-a-Hill inbound; rain inbound; 63° winds 9G18
January 20: weekend ride on bikepath; couldn't proceed past Armitage; lots of slush and water; shoes got wet and lost feeling in my toes; 47°
January 22: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill inbound; slush mostly gone; 60°
January 26: lunchtime ride on bikepath; patches of easy-to-ride snow beyond Armitage; 48°
January 29: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 45°
February 9: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath; 47°
February 15: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 63°
February 19: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill inbound; suffered rear-tire puncture; walked from just north of Armitage to 2nd & Central; new rear tire; 67°
February 20: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 76°; winds 15G28
February 23: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath + West State Street outbound; 65° bikepath closed in two places due to possible flooding (photo)
February 26: lunchtime ride on bikepath + OUCU; 48°
February 28: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL; 58°; winds 12G18
March 6: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill + Kate's place outbound; 50° - 55°; winds 12G17
March 12: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath; 44°; winds 14G22; Columbus Road Extension is being undermined by the Hocking River (photo)
March 19: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 55°; winds 12G17
March 31: Saturday ride on bikepath to full-marathon turn-around; Hamley Run Road remains flooded; 61°; winds 13G18
April 5: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL + ACCVB; Hocking River flooded; bikepath blocked at Richland, Stimson, US33, & dip near APL; 46° (photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4)
April 6: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Mathews DDS + Ohio State Optical; Hamley Run Road deep under flowing water; 56°; winds 12G16
April 10: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath to full-marathon turnaround to test voice-radio & repeater; both functioned well; found long-arm tractor cutting brush back; 45°
April 11: lunchtime ride on bikepath; encountered brush-cutter a bit beyond Eclipse and an OU Facilities truck along Shaeffer; 50°; winds 8G16
April 12: lunchtime ride on bikepath; encountered brush-cutter a bit beyond Armitage; tested three APRS trackers; 72°; winds 21G26
April 15: Athens Marathon bicycle-mobule with voice radio and APRS; lots of rain and ~60°
April 23: lunchtime ride on bikepath + KC8OVB via climb of 2nd Street and descent on Cable Lane; 67°; winds 16G24
April 26: lunchtime ride on bikepath + climb of Cable Lane + descent of Cols Rd + climb of Cols Rd; Cols Rd spur remains closed; 58°
April 27: vacation-day ride to office; 71°; winds 8G23
April 30: lunchtime ride to KC8OVB via climb of Cable Lane plus detour at Athens City Service Garage; 60°
May 1: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Aldi + Verizon + KC8OVB via Cable Lane + Cycle Path; 73°
May 2: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 78°; winds 13G20
May 3: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 80°; winds 14G23
May 7: lunchtime ride on bikepath + climb of Cable Lane + descent and climb of Columbus Road; 66°
May 8: lunchtime ride home to walk Theo & back; 71°
May 9: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 77°
May 10: lunchtime ride on bikepath + climb of Cable Lane; 77°; winds 9G16
May 11: vacation-day ride to barbershop & KC8OVB; 74°
May 13: Sunday ride on county roads; rescued three box turtles; Old 33 almost too rough to ride; 80°
May 15: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Alden; 82°
May 23: luncthime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 70°
May 24: luncthime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 76°; winds 7G16
May 26: weekend county-road ride; rescued a small box turtle; 76°
May 27: weekend county-road ride; Old 33 passable with care; rescued a small box turtle on Angel Ridge climb off of Old 33; 76°
May 29: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 80°
May 31: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Stimson Ave PO + KC8OCB via Lancaster St + HVB uptown; 80°
June 4: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 71° winds 10G17
June 6: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 60° & cloudy
June 7: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 68°
June 10: weekend county-road ride; Old 33 patched—better but not perfect; 78°
June 12: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 76°
June 13: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Athens PO for ACARA; 79°
June 12: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 77°
June 17: weekend county-road ride to dog park to retrieve Theo's collar; 83°
June 20: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound through a downpour; 84°
June 28: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 78°
July 5: installed new Jagwire brake pads front and rear on the GT Arette
July 6: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; heatwave seems to be broken: 75°
July 7: bought new Bontrager cycling shoes, cleats, and SPD pedals in Columbus; best estimate is about 13,000 miles on the old shoes
July 9: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 1st ride with new shoes—the ride-experience was transformed; 81°
July 10: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 84°
July 11: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Athens PO + cemetery across from Dairy Barn; 78°
July 12: lunchtime ride on bikepath + climb of Cable Lane + Old Peach Ridge Road; 75°
July 13: lunchtime ride home to take the dogs out; 81°
July 17: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath; 85°; winds 10G17
July 18: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath; 78°
July 19: office-to-home and back to meet Spectrum Cable Installer; 83°
July 24: w/Joey Boyle's help, installed new SPD pedals on GT Arette
July 24: lunchtime ride to P.O. for ACARA mail & Muffler Man; 76°
July 25: lunchtime ride on bikepath to test new Joey-built bracket for transport of KX3 Travel Kit; 80°
July 25: post-lunchtime ride to Huddle to pick up Accord; 82°
July 26: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 81°
July 29: home to The Ridges Dairy Lane cemetery and back with loaded bicycle for Flight of the Bumblebees; 79°
August 2: lunchtime office to home via Athens P.O. and back; 72°
August 3: lunchtime office to home and back; 77°
August 6: lunchtime office to home and back; 85°
August 7: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Athens P.O. for ACARA mail; 82°
August 8: lunchtime office to home and back; 80°
August 10: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 82°
August 15: lunchtime office to home and back; had to leave Mindy-dog loose outside; 80°
August 20: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Athens P.O. for ACARA mail; 80°
August 23: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; heavy traffic around campus—move-in week; mild allergy-related itchy eyes post-ride; 73°
August 24: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; heavy traffic around campus—move-in week; mild allergy-related itchy eyes post-ride; 74°
August 29: post-rain lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 77°-83°
August 31: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound + Cols Rd Spur inbound; spur doesn't appear to be officially open; Strava failed to track this ride; 72°
September 4: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; crunchy leaves under-tire; 89°
September 5: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Athens P.O. + Athens Bicycle for kickstand-bolt ($9.30—ouch!); 86°
September 10: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; wet leaves under-tire; feels like fall; 66°
September 11: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Athens P.O.; 64°
September 12: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; crunchy leaves under-tire; 70°
September 14: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; first hint of spicy Autumn aroma; 83°
September 18: pre-lunchtime ride on bikepath + Red Cross + Athens P.O.; 73°
September 21: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; crunchy leaves under-tire; 83°; winds 8G17
September 26: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; wet leaves under-tire; light rain inbound; 74°
September 27: lunchtime ride home to walk dogs; 63°
September 28: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound + attempt of newly-reopened Columbus Road Spur but blocked by truck at bridge; 60°
October 2: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Cable Lane ascent outbound + Columbus Road Spur inbound; rain inbound; 79°
October 5: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 62°
October 7: Sunday morning county-road loop + Pleasanton Rd; saw a fox on Long Run Rd; more traffic on Old 33 than usual for a Sunday morning; 78°
October 8: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; rescued box turtle bikepath; 82°
October 9: post-lunchtime office to home and back to walk the dogs; 83°; winds 14G21
October 10: lunchtime office to home and back to walk the dogs; had to leave Mindy outside; heavy rain inbound; 77°; winds 14G17
October 12: lunchtime ride on bikepath; feels like Fall; slight "spiciness" between Armitage and Eclipse; 51°
October 14: ride from home to Peden and back + ACARA support of Komen Race for the Cure Athens; 49°
October 16: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 47°
October 17: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 54°
October 18: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 49°
October 19: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 55°
October 24: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound + Columbus Rd Spur & The Laurels inbound; ~50°
October 25: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Mathews DDS outbound + Add-a-Hill inbound; 46°
October 29: lunchtime ride on bikepath; rain both directions; 48°
October 30; post-lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; crinkly leaves undertire; golden canopy above; spicy fall aroma; 61°
October 31: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound + Cols Run Spur + Aaron Bickle Ins + Shawna Stump Ins; large snapping turtle near Eclipse (photo); 70° winds 13G26
November 2: lunchtime ride on bikepath; a blanket of colorful, wet leaves (photo); 47°
November 5: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 59°
November 7: post-luncthime ride on bikepath; 49°
November 23: first ride following FL trip; 50°
November 25: county road loop; 49°
November 30: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath; trees are bare; saw bald eagle flying over the Hocking near O'Bleness; 47°
December 2: final Sunday county-road-loop ride in 2018? Perhaps; 63°; winds 13G20
December 6: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 36°
December 13: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill inbound; 49°
December 17: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 44°
December 19: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath; 46°
December 20: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 45°
December 28: county-road loop in off-and-on light rain; 55°
January 3: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 55°; drizzly
January 11: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL; 53°; light rain started during last mile
January 12: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 64°; winds 13G20
January 13: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 38°
January 20: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 60° winds 14G17
January 21: home to campus and back; 63°
January 22: 8-mile loop + 2; 62°
January 25: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 52°
February 6: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 54°
February 8: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL; 47°
February 11: new 13-mile loop: Long Run-Coolville Ridge-North Coolville-Mansfield-Willow Creek-Rocky Point-Long Run; 63°
February 12: 63°; winds 14G24
February 14: lunchtime ride to repeater site; 46°; winds 10G16
February 20: lunchtime ride on bikepath;58°
February 21: lunchtime ride home to get car + additional bikeway miles; 71°; winds 12G16
February 22: lunchtime ride on bikepath;57°
February 23: lunchtime ride on bikepath;67°
February 24: lunchtime ride office to home and back; 75°; winds 15G24
March 5: long country road loop; 58°
March 8: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 56°; winds 28G36
March 9: lunchtime ride home via Hooper; 63°; winds 10
March 21: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 47°
March 23: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 46°
March 24: afternoon ride on bikepath; 76° winds 17G25
March 25: test of voice-radio, 1/2λ Larsen antenna, & speaker-mic along entire bikepath portion of the marathon route; 73°
March 27: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 64°
March 28: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 63°
March 29: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 49°
March 30: afternoon ride on bikepath; 79°; winds 14G18
April 3: afternoon ride on bikepath to test Earthmate/GST-1/TinyTrak3/IC-2AT APRS Tracker in a Pelican Case (WD8RIF) & Micro-Trak-AIO (W8UKE-5); 65°; winds 15G23
April 4: lunchtime ride on bikepath to test Micro-Trak AIO (W8UKE-7); 62°; winds 21G28
April 5: lunchtime ride to repeater site to play with DR-1X settings; 65°; winds 12G15
April 9: bicycle-mobile in support of the Athens Marathon; 37° at race start; 74° at race end
April 10: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL; 76°; winds 16G29
April 11: afternoon ride on bikepath + APL + Chase Bank East State; 72°
April 12: lunchtime ride to KC8OVB and beyond; 63°
April 13: lunchtime ride on bikepath + the original Add-a-Hill over The Plains; 63°
April 14: morning ride to repeater site to see 9-1-1 tower and buildings; 59° rising to 64°
April 18: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 72°; winds 12G21
April 19: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 69°; winds 10
April 24: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 60°; light rain for last mile
April 25: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL; 66°
April 26: evening ride on county roads; explored Graham Chapel Rd; 82°
April 27: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL; 74°; winds 17G23
April 28: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL; 68°
May 5: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL + Alden; 64°; winds 13G17
May 14: extended 20-mile loop on County Roads: Old 33 / Jeffers / Fossil Rock / Coolville Ridge / Graham Chapel / Long Run; 68°
May 15: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL; 67°
May 16: lunchtime ride to APL & home; 78°
May 17: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL; 86°; winds 14G21
May 23: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 67°
June 1: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 72°
June 1: office to home "light"; 77°
June 2: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 76°
June 2: office to home "light"; 80°
June 5: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 75°
June 6: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Re-Use Industries via new bikepath spur; 67°; winds 9G13
June 7: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Aldi; 64°; winds 10G18
June 8: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 71°
June 9: lunchtime ride on bikepath; found tiny tutle (photos: 1 | 2); 75°
June 12: lunchtime ride on bikepath + repeater site; 85°
June 14: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Carquest NAPA on Columbus Road; 82°
June 16: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 85°
June 19: office to home "light"; 81°
June 20: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Kitchen Creations; saw a pair of ospreys near Whites Mill; 73°
June 21: office to dentist's office; saw one of the ospreys at Richland Avenue bridge
June 28: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Kitchen Creations; 73°
July 3: lunchtime ride on bikepath; moved snake off bikepath for lady-with-dog; found little box turtle (photo); 83°
July 5: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL + astronomical observatory on The Ridges; 82°
July 7: lunchtime ride on bikepath + climb of Cable Lane; 76°
July 11: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL + climb of Cable Lane + Cycle Path to have crank & pedal tightness checked; 80°
July 14: lunchtime ride on bikepath; crank/pedal/bottom bracket still click; tested APRSdroid—no spots for WD8RIF-2 were seen by; 83°; 65% humidity
July 15: to Cycle Path; had John check click; lubed/tightened pedals & crank; found evidence of loose/rubbing crank; click gone
July 16: Jeffers Rd loop; a subdued drivetrain click under load reappeared; 76°
July 17: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Huddle Tire + KAC + Columbus Road; 83°
July 18: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL + Cable Lane + Northwood + Columbus Road; 84°
July 20: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL + Cable Lane + Orchard + Columbus Road; 84°
July 24: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 82° winds 10
July 25: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL + climb of Cable Lane; 67°
July 26: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL + climb of Cable Lane; 76°
July 28: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 75° + 92% humidity
July 30: Flight of the Bumblebees; home to Highland Park and back with the Enhanced KX3 Travel Kit; 83°
August 1: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 79°
August 3: lunchtime ride on bikepath + over The Plains; 81°
August 8: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL + climb of Cable Lane + Strouds Run State Park; 73°
August 9: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL + Red Cross + climb of Cable Lane; 76°
August 10: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL; 68°; light rain
August 11: pre-lunchtime ride on bikepath to Holzer Clinic; 68°
August 14: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 77°
August 15: lunchtime ride on bikepath + climb of Cable Lane; 81°
August 19: hot, humid morning ride on Ocean Isle, NC
August 20: hot, humid morning ride on Ocean Isle, NC
August 22: hot, humid morning ride on Ocean Isle, NC
August 24: cool, comfortable morning ride on Ocean Isle, NC
August 25: cool, comfortable morning ride on Ocean Isle, NC
August 29: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL + climb of Cable Lane; 75°
August 31: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL The Plains + Salina/Beaumont; 76°
September 3: 17-mile county road loop w/Kate; 74°
September 5: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL + climb of Cable Lane; saw osprey near Whites Mill; 70°
September 6: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL + climb of Cable Lane; starting to feel like Fall; 64°; post-ride allergy-eyes
September 7: lunchtime ride on bikepath; falling leaves & crunchy leaves undertire; 61°; post-ride allergy-eyes
September 8: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 69°; post-ride allergy-eyes
September 11: lunchtime rode home and back; 65°
September 13: lunchtime ride to repeater site via Cable Lane; 72°
September 14: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 65°
September 15: lunchtime ride on bikepath and over The Plains; 64°
September 18: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 77°; bad post-ride allergy congestion and sneezing
September 20: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL + climb of Cable Lane despite (allery-related?) sinus congestion; saw an osprey near Richland Avenue Bridge; 77°
September 21: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL + climb of Cable Lane despite (allery-related?) sinus congestion; saw the pair of ospreys near Richland Avenue Bridge both outbound and inbound; 78°
September 25: lunchtime ride on bikepath; lots of crinkly leaves undertire; the barest hint of spicy leaf aroma; 81°
September 26: lunchtime ride on bikepath; lots of crinkly leaves undertire; more than the barest hint of spicy leaf aroma; 84°
September 28: lunchtime ride on bikepath; lots of leaves undertire; 69°
September 29: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL + climb of Cable Lane; 64°
October 3: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 72°
October 4: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Dollar General + Dr. Mathews; 77°
October 5: lunchtime ride on bikepath + climb of Cable Lane; 68°
October 6: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Cycle Path; 69°
October 9: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Muffler Man; wet leaves on bike path very pretty; saw osprey east of Richaland Avenue; 74° + light rain
October 10: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 71°
October 11: pre-lunchtime ride on bikepath; 74° wet leaves on bike path and saturated colors were very pretty
October 12: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL + Perfeet; 62°
October 13: lunchtime ride on bikepath to Floodwood Spur; 73°
October 13: replaced rear wheel on GT Arette
October 15: ACARA support of Susan G. Komen Athens Race for the Cure—bicycle-mobile with 5k lead & 5k last walkers
October 16: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 54°
October 18: lunchtime ride home via Hooper to get towel and back; 63°
October 19: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath; nearly got hit crossing West Union by old man leaving VA Clinic; 70°
October 20: lunchtime ride on bikepath + over The Ridges add-a-hill; 67°
October 22: possibly my last big loop (Old 33 to Jeffers to CR25) ride of the season — significant portions of CR25 are now deep gravel; no real Fall color on the trees; 68°
October 24: lunchtime ride on bikepath; saw bald eagle between O'Bleness & White's Mill; light rain; 58° winds 10G21
October 25: between rains, lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL; 44°
October 26: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL; 40°
October 27: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL; 68° winds 10G20
October 30: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 40°; winds 12G18
October 31: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL; 45°; winds 10G15
November 2: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Red Cross + APL + climb of Cable Lane; 61°
November 3: lunchtime ride on bikepath; grey, cloudy skies, wet leaves undertire, lovely! (photo) 59°
November 4: modified county road loop to avoid bridge-out on CR25; 65°
November 5: modified county road loop to avoid bridge-out and gravel on CR25; 70°
November 6: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL; 52°
November 8: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 44°
November 9: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 50°
November 13: lunchtime ride on bikepath + APL; heard call of what might have been bald eagle or osprey across river from O'Bleness but didn't see; 40°
November 14: lunchtime ride on bikepath; saw pileated woodpecker between Armitage & Eclipse; 46°
November 15: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath + Muffler Man to pick up Accord; 50°
November 20: lunchtime ride on bikepath; saw pileated woodpecker between Armitage & Eclipse; 40°
November 21: lunchtime ride on bikepath (photo); 51°; winds 20G20
November 22: lunchtime ride on bikepath; 38°
November 27: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound + Seaman's Grocery; saw pileated woodpecker being harried by a robin along River Road; 50°–56°
November 29: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill inbound; 57°
November 30: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; light rain inbound; 58°
December 4: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill inbound; 59°
December 5: lunchtime ride on bikepath; rain inbound; 55°
December 6: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Aldi; 42°; winds 10G20
December 18: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill inbound; misty drizzle inbound; 44°F
December 19: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; saw pileated woodpecker between Eclipse & Armitage inbound; 48°; winds 14G17
December 20: post-lunchtime ride on bikepath; 45°
December 21: lunchtime ride on bikepath + Add-a-Hill outbound; 47°
December 22: luncthime ride on bikepath; 54°
January 31: 66°; winds 10G16
February 7: 53°; winds 12
February 20: 64°
February 23: post-lunchtime ride on the bikepath; 56°
March 1: 64° winds 16G22
March 7: lunchtime ride on bike path; 60°
March 8: lunchtime ride on bike path; 72°; winds 15G21
March 11: lunchtime ride on bike path; 54°
March 12: 67°
March 15: lunchtime ride on bike path; 59°
March 17: lunchtime ride on bike path; 60°; winds 17G28
March 22: lunchtime ride on bike path; 57°; winds 14G24; tested TT3/Earthmate APRS Tracker + 3.4w IC-2AT
March 23: lunchtime ride on bike path; 65°; winds 16G25; tested both MicroTrak AIO trackers + FT-60R w/MH-34 and extension
March 24: lunchtime ride on bike path; 73°; winds 16G24; tested re-programmed MicroTrak AIO W8UKE-5; met Tim—his recumbent is fast into a headwind
March 29: lunchtime ride on bike path; 52°; tested re-programmed MicroTrak AIO & FT-60R w/MH-34 and extension
April 10: Athens Marathon; 26° at race-start; 49° at 2pm; both male-lead and female-lead APRS trackers failed due to cold
April 14: lunchtime ride on bike path; 60°
April 15: home to office and back on vacation day
April 16: home to Cycle Path to diagnose clunk; found loose cranks; noise returned on return up Rock Riffle; probably bottom bracket
April 18: new bottom bracket; clunk remains; new under-warranty freewheel; clunk seems to be gone; lunch-time ride on bike path
April 19: office to home at lunchtime to get car
April 20: lunchtime ride on bike path
April 21: lunchtime ride on bike path
April 25: lunchtime ride on bike path
April 28: lunchtime ride to Rec Center and Chase Bank East State Street branch
May 4: lunchtime ride on bike path; met KD8YBE on the way out
May 5: lunchtime ride on bike path; 54°
May 11: lunchtime ride on bike path
May 12: lunchtime ride on bike path
May 13: home to office for Senior Director interview; vacation day
May 16: lunchtime ride on bike path; 56°
May 24: lunchtime ride on bike path
May 25: lunchtime ride on bike path
May 25: lunchtime ride on bike path; itchy eyes & sneezy
May 31: lunchtime ride on bike path
June 1: home to Concert Under the Elms and back
June 2: lunchtime ride on bike path; finished in a light rain
June 3: lunchtime ride on bike path
June 7: lunchtime ride on bike path
June 8: lunchtime ride on bike path + home to Concert Under the Elms and back
June 9: lunchtime ride on bike path
June 10: office to repeater-site via W8KVK and back
June 13: lunchtime ride on bike path
June 15: lunchtime ride on bike path
June 17: lunchtime ride on bike path
June 22: lunchtime ride on bike path + home to Concert Under the Elms and back
June 28: lunchtime ride on bike path
June 29: lunchtime ride on bike path
June 30: lunchtime ride to W8KVK, then to Strouds Run Bulldog Shelter, and back to office
July 6: lunchtime ride on bike path
July 7: lunchtime ride on bike path
July 12: lunchtime ride to Third Sun Solar and on the bike path
July 13: lunchtime ride on bike path
July 14: lunchtime ride on bike path
July 15: lunchtime ride on bike path
July 18: early afternoon ride on bike path
July 19: lunchtime ride on bike path
July 20: lunchtime ride on bike path
July 21: lunchtime ride on bike path
July 22: lunchtime ride on bike path
July 25: lunchtime ride on bike path
July 26: lunchtime ride on bike path
July 27: lunchtime ride on bike path
July 29: lunchtime ride on bike path
July 31: home to Highland Park with KX3 Travel Kit for ARS "Flight of the Bumblebees"
August 1: lunchtime ride on bike path
August 2: lunchtime ride on bike path; over-The-Plains both directions
August 3: lunchtime ride on bike path
August 4: lunchtime ride to APL & uptown for artisanal chocolate
August 8: lunchtime ride on bike path
August 9: lunchtime ride on bike path
August 10: lunchtime ride on bike path
August 11: lunchtime ride on bike path
August 12: extra long, slow lunchtime ride on bike path
August 15: lunchtime ride on bike path
August 16: lunchtime ride on bike path; winds 10G20
August 18: extra long lunchtime ride on bike path
August 19: lunchtime ride on bike path; suffered post-ride itchy allergy-eyes
August 22: extra long lunchtime ride on bike path; suffered post-ride itchy allergy-eyes
August 23: extra long lunchtime ride on bike path
August 24: lunchtime ride on bike path; suffered post-ride itchy allergy-eyes & congestion
August 26: lunchtime ride on bike path
August 29: lunchtime ride on bike path
August 30: lunchtime ride on bike path; suffered post-ride itchy allergy-eyes & congestion
August 31: lunchtime ride on bike path; suffered post-ride itchy allergy-eyes & congestion
September 2: lunchtime ride on bike path; saw bald eagle over river near campus
September 5: Labor Day ride from home to repeater-site via 2nd Street; saw bald eagle across river near West Green
September 6: lunchtime ride on bike path
September 7: lunchtime ride on bike path
September 8: lunchtime ride on bike path; 89° winds 13G21; saw blimp fly over The Plains and then west of Athens
September 9: lunchtime ride on bike path, abbreviated due to rain
September 13: lunchtime ride on bike path
September 14: lunchtime ride on bike path + Athens Public Library
September 15: lunchtime ride on bike path; crinkly leaves under-tire
September 16: lunchtime ride on bike path to APL The Plains + APL Athens
September 19: lunchtime ride on bike path + Athens Public Library
September 20: lunchtime ride on bike path + Athens Public Library
September 22: lunchtime ride on bike path + Athens Public Library
September 23: lunchtime ride on bike path + Athens Public Library
September 26: lunchtime ride on bike path, short-ish due to approaching weather
September 27: lunchtime ride home to care for Bo-puppy
September 28: lunchtime ride to Athens Public Library
September 29: lunchtime ride on bike path
October 3: lunchtime ride on bike path
October 4: lunchtime ride on bike path + Athens Public Library instead of watching Bill Clinton on the Green
October 6: lunchtime ride on bike path + Athens Public Library
October 7: lunchtime ride on bike path
October 10: lunchtime ride on bike path
October 14: post-lunchtime ride on bike path
October 17: lunchtime ride on bike path
October 18: lunchtime ride on bike path; winds 12G23; crinkly leaves & spicy Fall smell
October 19: lunchtime ride on bike path; wet leaves & spicy Fall smell
October 19: lunchtime ride on bike path; crinkly leaves & stronger spicy Fall smell; saw s bird-of-prey (a Osprey?) catch something in the Hocking River
October 23: ACARA support of Susan G. Komen Athens Race for the Cure
October 24: lunchtime ride on bike path; crinkly leaves
October 26: lunchtime ride on bike path; crinkly leaves; found Vickie, Kate, and Bo at the westside dog park
October 28: lunchtime ride on bike path; few crinkly leaves
November 2: lunchtime ride on bike path
November 3: lunchtime ride on bike path; light sprinkles
November 4: post-lunchtime ride on bike path
November 7: lunchtime ride on bike path
November 10: lunchtime ride on bike path
November 14: lunchtime ride on bike path
November 15: lunchtime ride on bike path; could see that Columbus Road bikeway extension is being laid
November 16: post-lunchtime ride on bike path
November 17: lunchtime ride on bike path
November 18: lunchtime ride on bike path; 75°
November 28: lunchtime ride on bike path
November 30: lunchtime ride on bike path; encountered light rain on the way back in
December 5: lunchtime ride on bike path + Athens Public Library; 41°
January 17: 54°; impassible snow still in shaded portions of bike path
March 9: lunchtime ride on bike path; 55° just four days past the 10" snowfall
March 11: lunchtime ride on bike path; 58°
March 16: lunchtime ride on bike path; 64°
March 21: test of Marathon APRS; TinyTrak3 didn't work (dead 9v battery); MicroTrak AIO #1 (W8UKE-5) worked well; voice radio (3.4w IC-2AT) worked well
March 31: lunchtime ride on bike path; 64° & winds gusting to 36mph; test of Marathon APRS; Earthmate/GST-1/TinyTrak3/IC-2AT (WD8RIF) worked well
April 1: lunchtime ride on bike path; 44°; test of Marathon APRS; AIO #2 (W8UKE-7) worked well
April 10: 1st ride of the season on county roads
April 11: Hanley Run Road under floodwater over most of its length
April 15: lunchtime ride on bike path; 64°
April 18: explored Robinson Ridge Road
April 19: Athens Marathon Athens Marathon w/voice net and APRS radios
April 28: lunchtime ride on bike path; 57°
April 29: lunchtime ride on bike path; 68°
May 1: lunchtime ride on bike path; 63°
May 2: 1st ride of the season from home to campus & back; graduation/move-out traffic on West and South Greens was fierce
May 4: lunchtime ride on bike path; 78°, winds 12mph gusting to 18mph
May 5: lunchtime ride on bike path; 76°
May 6: 1st ride of season from home to work and back
May 10: home-to-office and back on Sunday to move photos off camera
May 23: tested FT-60R, MFJ-282Y headset, & Diamond DP-NR2C antenna w/W8KVK; all tested very well
May 26: lunchtime ride on bike path
May 27: home-to-office and back
May 28: lunchtime ride on bike path; determined noise from saddle is due to saddle breaking
May 29: home-to-office and back on vacation day to attend Senior Director interview
May 29: replaced more-broken-than-I-had-realized Terry Liberator Y saddle with the OEM GT Streamline saddle
May 30: test ride with GT Streamline saddle from home to Farmers Market and back; seemed OK, if not perfect
June 4: home-to-office and back
June 10: home to Concert Under the Elms and back
June 11: lunchtime ride on bike path; 88°
June 12: purchased and installed new SpeedV WTB 142mm saddle on GT
June 13: home to farmers market and back to test new saddle; felt good
June 15: lunchtime ride on bike path
June 18: lunchtime ride on bike path
June 19: lunchtime ride on bike path
June 22: lunchtime ride on bike path; encountered power-equipment working on bike path after weekend storms
June 23: lunchtime ride on bike path
June 24: home-to-office and back
June 30: lunchtime ride on bike path
July 1: home-to-office and back; insane drivers on way home
July 7: lunchtime ride on bike path
July 10: 10-mile loop: Longview to Angel Ridge to Gura; ride past Gura x.3 miles to reach integral mileage at home
July 11: home to APL to Lowe's to Farmers Market; back home via Angel Ridge and into Hickory Hills the back way
July 13: lunchtime ride on bike path
July 14: lunchtime ride on bike path
July 15: lunchtime ride on bike path
July 16: home-to-office and back
July 17: home-to-office; back home "light"
July 20: lunchtime ride on bike path
July 21: lunchtime ride on bike path
July 22: lunchtime ride on bike path
July 23: home-to-office and back
July 24: home-to-office; back home "light" the back way
July 26: to West State Street with the KX3 Travel Kit for Flight of the Bumblebees
July 28: home-to-office; back home "light" the back way
July 29: home-to-office; back home "light" the back way
July 30: lunchtime ride on bike path; fell while stopped at Convo & South Green Drive
July 31: lunchtime ride on bike path
August 2: 15-mile loop: Longview to Old US33 to Angel Ridge to Gura; extended Old US33 section to a measured 10 miles
August 3: Taylor Honda to work and back
August 4: home-to-office and back
August 5: home-to-office and back with stop at Athens Public Library
August 7: home-to-office and back; hayfever-symptoms starting?
August 12: lunchtime ride on bike path
August 13: home-to-office and back
August 14: home-to-office and back
August 17: lunchtime ride on bike path
August 19: home-to-office; back home in the rain
August 20: home-to-office and back
August 20: diagnosis at Cycle Path: entire drivetrain replacement needed for GT Arette — $120-$150
August 21: lunchtime ride on bike path
August 25: GT Arette retrieved from Cycle Path with new drivetrain — $130
August 25: lunchtime ride on bike path; allergy-related itchy eyes & sinus drainage started after ride
August 26: replaced GT Arette rear brakes; front brakes still good
August 26: home-to-office and back
August 27: home-to-office and back
August 28: home-to-office + lunchtime ride on bike path
August 30: Lake Hope Bicycle Race course; about done-in by Two Mile Road
August 31: home-to-office + hard lunchtime ride on bike path + office-to-Alvis to pick up car; allergy-related itchy eyes & sinus drainage after lunchtime ride
September 3: home-to-office; back home "light"
September 4: home-to-office and back
September 9: home-to-office "light" + lunchtime ride to The Market on State & Athens Public Library; back home "light"
September 11: home-to-office + ride to Ohio State Optical; back home "light"
September 14: home-to-office (42°) and back (73°); squirrel jumped from base of tree and ran into my front wheel but bounced off spokes
September 17: home-to-office; back "light"
September 18: lunchtime ride on bike path
September 21: home-to-office and back
September 22: home-to-office and back
September 23: home-to-office and back
September 24: home-to-office + Ohio State Optical + office-to-home; will probably find Gura Rd and/or Adeline Circle freshly graveled tomorrow afternoon
September 25: home-to-office and back; found Gura Road and Adeline Circle had been (very roughly) patched
September 28: home-to-office and back
September 29: home-to-office; back home in the rain
September 30: home-to-office and back
October 1: home-to-office and back + HRTC; had to have lock cut off at HRTC
October 2: home-to-office; too cold and rainy to bicycle home
October 5: home-to-office and back
October 10: home to OU Homecoming Parade and back with Pentax K3 in LowePro Nova 1
October 12: lunchtime ride on bike path
October 13: lunchtime ride on bike path
October 16: lunchtime ride on bike path; crinkly leaves and spicy aroma
October 16: Canaan Township graveled Gura Road and Adeline Circle
October 19: lunchtime ride on bike path
October 22: home-to-office and back; had to walk up freshly-graveled Gura Road
October 22: home-to-office and back; walked down and walked up freshly-graveled Gura Road
October 25: home-to-Peden and back; bicycle-mobile support of Susan G. Komen Race for a Cure with FT-60R/MH-34/MFJ-1714S on Crane bicycle-packpack shoulder-strap
October 26: lunchtime ride on bike path with Pentax K3
November 1: home-to-ABC (The Plains)
November 5: home-to-office and back
November 16: lunchtime ride on bike path
November 17: lunchtime ride on bike path
November 18: lunchtime ride on bike path; 70° winds 18G25
November 19: lunchtime ride on bike path; 62° winds 15G22
November 20: lunchtime ride on bike path; 49° winds 7G20
November 24: lunchtime ride on bike path; 49°
November 25: lunchtime ride on bike path; 58°
November 26: home-to-office to shut down Win7-64 PC on Thanksgiving Day and back home; 65°
December 9: lunchtime ride on bike path; 55° winds 7G20
December 10: post-lunchtime ride on bike path; 58°
December 11: lunchtime ride on bike path; 63° winds 12G17
December 12: home to repeater site to KC8OVB to Cycle Path (for new Shimano Acera rear derailleur for GT Arette) to home; 71°
December 13: county roads; 64°
December 15: lunchtime ride on bike path; 46°
December 16: post-lunchtime ride on bike path; 62°
December 22: lunchtime ride on bike path; 1st day of winter; 64°
December 23: post-lunchtime ride on bike path; 64°
December 24: lunchtime ride on bike path; 64°
December 24: office to home, light; 65°
December 26: home to library and back; 54°
December 27: county roads; 71°
December 29: county roads; 53°
December 30: county roads; 50°
Feb 01: 60°; first test of bicycle-transport of KX3 Travel Kit on bike path
Mar 15: test of MT-AIO #1 on bike path; had to remove rubber grommet from SMA connector; new tires & tubes on bike
Mar 22: test of TinyTrak3 on bike path with Miles; worked very well; Miles and I both went down; my rear wheel bent
Mar 24: bicycle repairs completed (rear wheel trued)
Apr 06: bike-path test of TT3 (MS-Walk & Marathon configurations) and AIO (Marathon configuration) & voice-net radio
Apr 12: MS-Walk w/voice net and APRS radios
Apr 13: Athens Marathon w/voice net and APRS radios
Apr 18: home to Athens & back
Apr 19: home to library & back plus extra miles on bike path
May 04: very blustery home to The Plains and back; encountered Scott Cason (link | photo) on his 10,000 mile cross-country trek
May 11: home to The Plains and back
May 23: home to The Plains and back
May 30: 24-miles on bike path with Miles; new tires and tubes on his Raleigh before ride; he broke a rear-wheel spoke inbound
May 31: home to The Plains and back
Jun 01: home to The Plains and back
Jun 03: home to work and back
Jun 05: home to work and back plus extra miles on bike path
Jun 06: 8-mile loop counter-clockwise ~80°F; encountered tar on Coolville Ridge ascent; was able to clean shoes and pedals; need two new tires and a tube
Jun 07: two new tubes & tires, two wheels trued → $100
Jun 08: bike felt good with new tires and tubes
Jun 09: home to work and back
Jun 10: home to work and back
Jun 13: home to KAC and back
Jun 13: installed FT-60R handlebar-mount; worked OK on very short test ride
Jun 15: home to work (to move photos from camera) and back
Jun 15: tested new bike-mobile set-up; 1/4λ whip didn't work well and I didn't like FT-60R handlebar-mount
Jun 15: both 1/4λ whips measure very high SWR; both my 1/2λ extendable whips were found to be broken
Jun 15: removed FT-60R handlebar mount
Jun 17: home to work and back
Jun 18: to the Under the Elms Concert and back
Jun 21: home to Lowes and back; returned empty-handed
Jun 23: south on Long Run Road to intersection with Fossil Rock Road
Jun 24: home to work and back
Jun 26: home to work and back plus Cycle Path to have crank tightened; pump-bracket broke on ride home
Jun 27: home to Fairgrounds plus Cycle Patch; replaced pump-bracket and kickstand
Jul 06: Long Run → Fossil Rock → Mill School and back
Jul 09: home to work and back
Jul 12: home to Shade and back with Miles via Long Run Rd, Fossil Rock Rd, & Shade Rd; met Teri the goat lady and her lovely 24yo daughter, Alexis
Jul 16: home to work and back plus Radio Shack; first real test of rear-rack-mount of HT with panniers; worked well except 1/4λ whip hits my backside
Jul 18: home to work and back
Jul 20: home to Shade and back
Jul 24: home to work and back; installed new antenna mount
Jul 27: home to West State Street Park with KX3 Travel Kit for The Adventure Radio Society Flight of the Bumblebees
Jul 29: home to work and back
Jul 31: home to Shade and back with extra miles on the bike path
Aug 02: weighed GT Arette: 37lbs w/fenders, rack, box, lights, kickstand, bottle-cages w/o bottles, HT-mount w/o HT, antenna-mount w/o antenna
Aug 07: home to work and back; to work with a single pannier; home "light"
Aug 08: home to work with single pannier; additional lunchtime miles on bike path
Aug 09: tested FT-60R speaker-mic 6' extension-cable; didn't like it; might have found way to use Yaesu adapter cable and Radio Shack speaker-mic
Aug 19: home to work and back with trip to library
Aug 19: on ride home from work, tested FT-60R w/speaker-mic and bike-mounted SRH77CA antenna; W8KVK gave reports of good audio and low wind-noise
Aug 21: new brakes front-and-rear on GT Arette
Aug 25: hay-fever symptoms starting to hit hard; is this the end of summertime riding?
Aug 29: no significant hay-fever symptoms during ride; itchy, watery eyes and congestion began an hour or so post-ride
Sep 03: no significant hay-fever symptoms during ride; milder post-ride symptoms than after previous ride
Sep 05: no significant hay-fever symptoms during ride; post-ride symptoms worse than on Sep 3
Sep 08: on Claritin since Sep 06; no significant hay-fever symptoms during ride; no significant hay-fever symptoms post-ride
Sep 08: successfully tested new Jetstream dual-band antenna and FT-60R on bike path with W8KVK
Sep 09: on Claritin since Sep 06; no hay-fever symptoms during ride; no symptoms post-ride
Sep 09: tested new Jetstream dual-band antenna and FT-60R on upper-end of Athens Marathon route; several areas of poor signal into the repeater up-course
Sep 13: bicycle-mobile in support of Run for the Blue Blazes 5K using Jetstream dual-band antenna
Sep 13: Nelsonville-to-Athens on bike path; tested Larsen 2m 1/2λ whip; didn't perform substantially better than the Jetstream dual-band antenna
Sep 14: home to office and back
Sep 15: unplanned and unprepared office-to-home
Sep 17: work to home; hit impressively indecisive squirrel with rear wheel @ 35mph
Sep 19: home to work and back
Sep 20: home to Highland Park (via Madison) with the KX3 Travel Kit for QRP Afield; back home "light"; nice clouds over barn (photo)
Sep 22: home to work and back
Sep 23: home to work and back
Sep 25: home to work and back
Sep 30: home to work and back
Oct 08: spicy scent of Fall has arrived on the bike path
Oct 15: home to work and back
Oct 17: home to work and back; blustery during ride home; dramatic sky over barn (photo)
Oct 26: Run Like Hell 5K; FT-60R speaker/mic connection got wonky and I had to stop using the speaker/mic
Oct 27: home to work and back; 42° for the morning ride; 78° for the afternoon ride
Oct 28: home to work
Dec 23: 1st Winter 2014/15 outdoor ride; overcast and 54°f; to 59°f;
Dec 27: probably last outdoor ride of 2014; 59°f;
December 31 (2012): injured left foot; possibly broken toe(s) -- no riding for a while
January 09: visited Holzer Urgent Care; toe is broken
January 12: > 60°F
January 13: > 60°F
January 28: diagnosed with pneumonia
January 31: follow-up on broken toe; am not supposed to ride for another month
February 23: premature 1st ride following podiatrist visit; 46°
February 24: premature 2nd ride; ~40°
March 30: 1st "hill ride" of the season; toe felt fine
April 09: Marathon-APRS test
April 10: office-to-Frognet-to office; 10 miles on bikepath test of APRS; home
April 14: Athens Marathon
April 15: test MS-Walk APRS, then home from work
April 20: MS-Walk with Earthmate/GST-1/TinyTrak3/IC-2AT APRS in Pelican Case
April 22: home-to-office (34°F); office-to-home "light"
April 23: home-to-office (39°F); office-to-home
April 26: Athens to Nelsonville for Kate's dance concert
April 27: QRP to the Field at West State Street Park (M&C Ry) with KX1 Mini Travel Kit
April 30: home-to-office and back with short jaunt on bike path
May 01: home-to-office and back with short jaunt on bike path
May 09: home-to-office
May 10: home-to-C&E and back with a short jaunt on the bike path
May 15: Carsey's Barbershop, bike path, Farmers Market; bike path closed at US33 underpass
May 20: home-to-office and back with stop at Kroger; first time to new office--exactly 6 miles one way; first time with new FT-60R HT
May 23: home-to-office and back
May 29: home-to-office and back with jaunt on bike patch w/Tim Creamer; FT-60R jumped off trunk-box over bump but didn't hit ground
May 30: home-to-office and back; successful test of improved FT-60R mount
May 31: home-to-office and back with ride to Cycle Path for new rear-rack
June 04: home-to-office and back with jaunt on bike path
June 05: home-to-Concert Under the Elms and back
June 09: home-to-repeater-site via Madison; home via Courier and bike path
June 11: home-to-vet via Old 33; tested FT-60R with MH-34 speaker-mic; MH-34 cord too short; may have had "hot mic" during county emergency exercise
June 11: Township applied tar-and-gravel to Gura Road
June 13: slow-descent and ascent of Gura Road was OK
June 15: home-to-Huddle to pick up repaired Odyssey
June 15: home-to-office and back (Saturday)
June 19: home-to-office and back
June 19: home-to-Concert Under the Elms and back; forgot water-bottle on The Green
June 21: twice home-to-fairgrounds and back to meet 9-1-1 Center and Third Sun Solar for Field Day set-up; stopped at Cycle Path to have indexing adjusted
June 26: rear-tire blow-out ½ mile from home on way to Under the Elms; walked home; broke rim-liner while mounting new tube
June 28: home-to-office and back (vacation day)
July 02: home-to-office and back
July 03: home-to-office; heavy rain prevented ride home
July 07: home-to-W8MHV via Madison; home via Courier and bike path
July 10: home-to-office and back; left work early to beat storm
July 11: home-to-office and back
July 12: home-to-office and back
July 19: home-to-office and back
July 23: home-to-office and back
July 26: home-to-office and back
July 28: Flight of the Bumblebees at West State Street Park with KX1 Mini Travel Kit
July 30: home-to-office and back
August 01: home-to-office and back
August 06: home-to-office and back
August 10: home-to-Alden and back with additional miles on the bike path
August 13: home-to-office and back
August 14: home-to-office and back with additional miles on the bike path
August 15: home-to-office and back after stop at Cycle Path
August 21: home-to-office
August 22: lunch-time ride on bike path; hay-fever symptoms upon return to office
August 23: lunch-time ride on bike path; hay-fever symptoms upon return to office
August 26: lunch-time ride on bike path; hay-fever symptoms upon return to office
August 26: after-work ride on bike path
August 27: lunch-time ride on bike path; hay-fever symptoms upon return to office
August 30: lunch-time ride on bike path; slight hay-fever symptoms upon return to office
September 02: lunch-time ride on bike path; now on Equate-brand Claritin-substitute; reduced hay-fever symptoms
September 05: lunch-time ride on bike path
September 06: lunch-time ride on bike path with three climbs to KAC
September 09: lunch-time ride on bike path; all signs of right-knee pain have been gone for several days
September 11: home-to-work and back on vacation-day; Gura Rd partially graveled but climb OK
September 12: home-to-work and back
September 13: home-to-work and back
September 17: lunch-time ride on bike path
September 18: work-to-Holzer and back; rain during out-bound ride
September 18: work-to-home "light"
September 19: 20 rainy miles on the bike path after work
September 23: lunch-time ride on bike path
September 24: work-to-dentist and back plus lunch-time ride on bike path
September 26: lunch-time ride on bike path; couldn't bring up UHF repeater anywhere along route from West Campus to Pine Air Village with 5w into SRH77CA
September 27: lunch-time ride on bike path; brought up UHF repeater everywhere tried with 5w into SRH77CA except in gully behind Parks Hall
September 29: home-to-office and back on weekend
October 01: home-to-work and back
October 02: lunch-time ride on bike path
October 03: home-to-work; back home in the rain
October 06: photographed fall colors along bike path with digital point-and-shoot
October 07: home-to-work and back
October 08: home-to-work and back
October 09: home-to-work and back with additional miles on the bike path
October 10: lunch-time ride on bike path
October 11: home-to-work and back
October 15: lunch-time ride on bike path
October 18: lunch-time ride on bike path
October 19: bicycle-mobile in support of Run Like Hell 5K; used IC-2AT instead of FT-60R
October 21: lunch-time ride on bike path; bought used Shimano SPD pedals at Cycle Path after finally determining old right pedal was broken
October 28: lunch-time ride on bike path; new pedals worked well
October 29: lunch-time ride on bike path
November 01: lunch-time ride on bike path
November 04: lunch-time ride on bike path; was told not to take long lunches for bike rides anymore
November 05: home-to-work and back, "light" both ways
November 06: home-to-work and back, "light" both ways; just beat the rain on the way home
November 15: lunch-time ride on bike path
November 18: home-to-work and back, "light" both ways
November 21: lunch-time ride on bike path
November 27: diagnosed with neuroma on left foot
December 03: lunch-time ride on bike path
December 04: home-to-work, "light"; suffered rear-tire puncture somewhere along the route
December 04: work-to-home, "light" with new rear-tire inner-tube; darkness fell early
December 05: home-to-work before the deluge, "light"; 61°
December 19: lunch-time ride on bike path; 54°; still some some slush in the shadows
December 22: on bike-path w/Miles; 59°
March 10: tested repeater coverage on far-end of Marathon route with IC-2AT at 9.6v (~2w) -- excellent signals through full-marathon turnaround
March 14: rode home from work after jaunt on bike-path with Tim Creamer -- 79°F
March 16: tested KX1 Mini Travel Kit bicycle mount fixture on 8-mile CR loop--tested well; some refinement needed
March 21: rode home from work after jaunt on bike-path; tested KX1 Mini Travel Kit refined bicycle mount fixture; worked well
March 24: tested both MicroTrak AIO units on bike-path; encountered problem with intermittent battery-pack
March 27: rode home from work after jaunt on bike-path; tested newer MicroTrak AIO; problem with intermittent battery-pack remains
March 29: tested both MicroTrak AIO units on bike-path; problems continue with newer AIO--probably not battery-related
April 1: Athens Marathon; did 96% of metric century but suffered puncture
April 6: tested KX1 Mini Travel Kit bicycle mount fixture on 8-mile CR loop--tested well
April 12: rode home from work after jaunt on bike path
April 30: rode home from work after testing MicroTrak AIO on bike-path; unit seems to work more reliably with factory whip
May 9: rode home from work after jaunt on bike-path; removed small copperhead from path between Armitage & Eclipse
May 12: 25-miles from home, along bike-path, and back home with Miles
May 14: rode home from work after jaunt on bike path; tested camera-bag portion of combined camera-bag/KX1 Mini Travel Kit fixture
May 16: rode home from work after short jaunt on bike path
May 23: evening ride from home, out bike path, and back home
May 24: evening ride from home, out bike path, and back home; accompanied Mme. Renard as she carried her dinner home to her petite enfant.
May 27: morning ride from home, out bike path, and back home
June 3: late morning shopping-run: Big Lots, Save-a-Lot, & Aldi
June 6: rode home from work after jaunt on bike path with Tim
June 8: rode to work and then home after jaunt on bike path
June 10: late morning ride from home to bike path; met and rode on bike path with Bill Warthman
June 13: rode to work and then home after jaunt on bike path
June 20: home to Concert Under the Elms and back home
June 26: rode to work and home with no extra miles on bike path
June 27: home to Concert Under the Elms and back home
June 28: rode to office (on vacation) and then home after short jaunt on bike path
July 1: home-to-office and back to check email
July 10: rode to work and then home after jaunt on bike path
July 11: home to Concert Under the Elms and back home
July 17: rode to work; home in Odyssey
July 19: rode to work; home in Odyssey
July 22: broke spoke on rear wheel on ride to office
July 23: installed and tested new rear wheel
July 24: rode to work and then home
July 25: rode to work and then home after jaunt on bike path
July 27: finally bought real bicycling shoes (Bike Source, Dublin, Ohio)
July 29: Flight of the Bumblebees at West State Spring Park with KX1 Mini Travel Kit
August 1: home to work and back home; Tim installed SPD pedals on my bike; didn't fall
August 2: home to work and then home after jaunt on bike path
August 6: home to work and then home after jaunt on bike path
August 13: home to work and then home
August 15: home to work and then home
August 18: first SPD-splat
August 19: cleaned/lubed SPD pedals and cleats worked much better
August 20: home to work and then home; foggy morning
August 24: home to work and then home; crazy drivers on way home
August 27: home to work and then home between storms; more crazy drivers
August 29: home to work and then home
August 30: home to work and then home
September 5: home to work and then home
September 6: home to Dr. Mathew's to work to Radio Shack to home
September 7: home to work and then home; rode "light" home
September 11: home to to work, to KAC and back to office, and home after jaunt on bike path
September 12: home to to work and them home after jaunt on bike path
September 14: home to to work and them home after jaunt on bike path
September 15: QRP Afield at West State Spring Park with KX1 Mini Travel Kit
September 17: home to to work and them home; left work early to beat rain
September 19: home to to work and them home after jaunt on bike path
September 21: home to work and then home
September 28: home to work and then home
September 30: home to work to Lowes to home
October 3: home to to work and them home after jaunt on bike path
October 4: home to to work and them home after jaunt on bike path
October 5: home to work; long-ish ride on bike path over lunch
October 8: home to work and then home; fixed flat in office; discovered new rear wheel is significantly narrower than drop-outs
October 10: Cycle Path "cold formed" chainstays to reduce gap
October 12: home to work and then home after jaunt on bike path
October 15: home to work and then home; cold & dreary
October 17: installed new rear brake pads on GT Arette
October 17: home to work and then home after jaunt on bike path; had to detour from South Green Drive to bike path due to presence of Marine 1 on soccer field
October 19: home to work and then home; departed work early to avoid heavy rain
October 20: ACARA support of Run Like Hell 5k Run
October 23: home to work and then home after jaunt on bike path
October 24: home to work and then home after jaunt on bike path
October 25: home to work via Kroger and then home after jaunt on bike path
October 26: home to work and then home
December 3: home to work; work to Holzer and back to work; work to home
December 4: home to work and then home
March 12: tested voice-net radio and Micro-Trak AIO; generated 76 valid packets but lots of QRM into HT
March 17: tested voice-net radio and Micro-Trak AIO; generated 107 valid packets; no QRM until mile 6.5 but remained thereafter
March 19: tested voice-net radio and new Micro-Trak AIO; no spots appeared on; no QRM until mile 16.5 but it remained low enough to squelch out
April 03: Athens Marathon
April 21: 1st CR ride; regular 8-mile loop
May 08: 2nd CR ride; out to Old 33
May 25: evening practice ride to work; home-fairgrounds-home
May 28: evening practice ride to work; home-Armitage-home
June 08: evening practice ride to work; home-West State Street Park-home
June 12: practice ride to work; home-Eclipse-home
June 19: practice ride to work; home-Hamley Run-home
June 22: to Concert Under the Elms and back
June 29: to Concert Under the Elms and back
July 03: Delaware to a bit beyond Prospect
July 31: Flight of the Bumblebees
August 16: tested voice-net radio and Micro-Trak AIO for upcoming Pelotonia
August 20: Pelotonia sweep Hocking College to Athens
August 21: Pelotonia sweep Athens to Hocking College; heavy rain
September 13: biked to work; A-frame-house Jeff yelled obscenities at me three times on Long Run and Gura Road on the ride home
September 25: discovered now-paved Angell Road
October 09: moved copperhead from bike path during ride with Miles
November 02: night-ride on the bike path; slow leak in rear tire became fast leak; pumped up tire four times the last seven miles
March 07: tested Byonics Micro-Trak AIO on bike path; position packets generated
March 18: tested Byonics Micro-Trak AIO on far end of Marathon route
March 30: tested home-made headset w/handlebar-PTT
April 03: tested N8VZ's mobile digipeater; handlebar-PTT was inop
April 11: Athens Marathon
May 01: home to Grosvenor (36 minutes) to Cycle Path to Farmers Market to home; first hills of the season
May 15: Delaware
May 16: Delaware
May 27: 1st-ever commute to work
May 29: to Farmers Market with kids; home alone
June 11: Newark-to-Alexandria on T.J. Evans Trail and back with Miles
July 22: borrowed Tim's B-O-B Yak trailer
July 25: rode from home to West State Street Park and back with loaded B-O-B Yak for Flight of the Bumblebees
August 16: home to Seigfred; back home fully dark; beautiful cool evening; clear, starry sky with half-moon
August 22: sweep of bikepath-portion of Pelatonia
November 08: night ride with Miles testing lights; the $5 1-watt flashlight works beautifully as a headlight
March 15: successful test of APRS on 144.39MHz
March 22: North Coolville loop with Kate
March 28: North Coolville loop
April 4: pre-marathon test; APRS interface intermittent; repeater seems to be going deaf
April 5: Athens Marathon; 41 miles; suberb weather
April 18: Athens Spring Tour/Tom's Trillium Tour with Miles, 30-mile loop
May 11: North Coolville loop with Kate
May 24: abbreviated North Coolville loop (Rocky Point) with Kate
July 10: home to Nelsonville pool
September 10: Kate and I found young northern copperhead on bike path just west/north of Pine Air Village
October 3: Kate and I young northern copperhead on bike path just west/north of Zook residence
March 3 -- night ride
March 16 -- Gura-Long Run-North Coolville-Rocky Point-Long Run-Gura -- hillier than I'm used to
March 26 -- night ride
April 4 -- trainer recalled
April 6 -- Athens Marathon support; 63 miles--1st metric century
April 8 -- arranged for replacement trainer components
April 10 -- tested two speaker-mics over 12 miles chatting with W8KVK; both mics good; need headset for bicycle-mobile
April 16 -- night ride
April 19 -- Tom's Trillium Tour (30-mile route) with Miles
April 24 -- tested rewired GST-1 and APRS
April 30 -- tested APRS on national freq; no successful packets; GPS couldn't keep lock
May 1 -- ride with Miles to test APRS; GPS kept lock but unproto path wrong for repeat by node
May 5 -- ride with Miles to test APRS; a plethora of packets reached node and were disbursed--success!
May 22 -- tested Pryme headset and 1/4-wave whip; whip broke and headset seemed to have lots of wind-noise on transmit
May 24 -- tested Pryme headset w/foam windscreen; microphone still has far too much wind-noise
May 28 -- tested KC8OVB military behind-the-head headset; audio good but cord much too short
June 5 -- successful test of home-brew headset and remote PTT; PTT cable too short
June 8 -- Granville-Johnstown-Granville on bike path
June 10 -- first outdoor ride on Raleigh Technium since 2007; suffered puncture in rear tire
June 19 -- night ride with Tim
July 7 -- from home to Eclipse Mining Town and back; not easy but easier than before
July 9 -- from home to ABC in The Plains
July 10 -- climbed Lemaster Road hill
July 12 -- evening ride from home to Nelsonville pool; climb over ridge on CR25 easier
July 16 -- Poston Station Rd to SR691 to bike path
July 20 -- home to ABC in the Plains
July 23 -- home, over uptown, to Armitage and back home
July 26 -- home to Farmers Market with Miles; home alone
July 27 -- 8 miles on bike path with QRP Station in a Backpack; 22 additional hard miles
July 30 -- home to Longview to US33 (and Old Coach) and back
August 2 -- home to Farmers Market with Miles; home alone
August 5 -- home to fairgrounds
August 8 -- home to fairgrounds via uptown with Miles
August 9 -- home to Farmers Market with Miles; home alone
August 10 -- New England Road (CR48)
August 11 -- home to library via uptown, Eclipse Mining Town, and eastern end of path
August 16 -- home to Farmers Market with Miles; home alone
August 19 -- home to Longiew to US33 (and Old Coach/Carroll) and back
August 25 -- home to North Coolville to CR75 to home
September 1 -- home to North Coolville to CR75 to home
September 2 -- home to North Coolville to CR75 to home with Miles
September 8 -- evening ride: home to North Coolville to CR75 to home with Miles
September 10 -- evening ride: CR19 to CR17A to CR17 and back; attacked by Wakefield dog before getting on bike
September 13 -- home to Farmers Market with Miles; climbed out-bound in largest chainring; home alone via Creamer's place
September 17 -- climbed Lemaster Road hill
September 20 -- home to Farmers Market with Miles; climbed out-bound in largest chainring; home alone
September 22 -- evening ride: home to North Coolville to CR75 to home with Miles
September 24 -- evening ride: home to Walmart (to pick up processed film) to home
September 27 -- home to Homecoming Parade uptown to Farmers Market with Miles; to Cycle Path and to home alone
September 28 -- home to Longview to 33 back to Angel Ridge to Coal Hill to home with Miles
September 29 -- evening ride; out the back way to Angel Ridge and back via Coal Hill to home with Miles
October 1 -- evening ride; home to North Coolville to CR75 to North Coolville and back home
October 5 -- hill-climb extravaganza with Miles--Gura Road, Angel Ridge, Laughlin, Coal Hill
October 9 -- night ride on bike path; headlight batteries failed and spares were worse
October 12 -- hill-climb extravaganza--Gura Road, Angel Ridge, Laughlin, Rock Riffle
October 13 -- night ride; bike path
October 15 -- home to North Coolville to CR75 to home with Miles
October 20 -- night-ride; home to North Coolville to CR75 to home; tested 1-watt Mini-Mag in borrowed mount
October 22 -- night-ride with three headlights; Longview Heights loop; North Coolville loop
October 23 -- night-ride on bike path with two headlights
October 29 -- night ride on North Coolville Road loop; three headlights
November 2 -- 68 degrees; North Coolville Road loop
November 3 -- 68 degrees; North Coolville Road loop with Kate
November 5 -- 54 degrees; night-ride on bike-path with two headlights
November 13 -- night-ride on bike-path with two headlights
April 1 -- rode with Athens Marathon leader; GT Arette with APRS
May 16 -- J.K. & I were verbally assaulted by "IM TOO EZ" in Union County
June 1 -- rock thrown at me by driver of oncoming vehicle near Rickenbacker AIP
August 1 -- first round-trip home-town-home via Hooper; the hills coming home are a real slog
August 15 -- beginning to notice late-summer allergy-related shortness of breath
August 22 -- night ride
August 29 -- night ride
September 3 -- rode from Granville to OSU-N and back on Johnstown-Granville-Newark bike path
September 5 -- night ride
September 12 -- night ride
September 13 -- night ride
September 19 -- night ride; headlamp bulb (6v system) burned out
September 29 -- Delaware-Radnor-Delaware with Miles; saw Stearman biplane multiple times and one CSX train
October 4 -- night ride; headlamp bulb (3v system) burned out
October 9 -- night ride with Miles
October 18 -- night ride with Miles
October 28 -- round-trip home-town-home via Rock Riffle; the hills coming home are still a slog
October 31 -- night ride; headlamp bulb (6v system) burned out
November 4 -- one-way home-town via Rock Riffle
November 7 -- night ride, 44 degrees; tested borrowed Princeton EOS and Cateye EL530 lights--I much prefer the EOS
November 8 -- night ride, 48 degrees; tested borrowed Princeton EOS
November 28 -- night ride, 46 degrees; used own Princeton EOS and two sets of NiMH batteries
December 1 -- bought new trainer
December 2 -- Delaware: cold, windy, and raining
December 22 -- Delaware: 50 degrees and windy
July 17 -- bicycle accident resulting in broken wrist and trashed GT Arette
September 17 -- purchased used, low-miles, Raleigh Technium 400 road bike (circa 1992) ($100)
September 22 -- first post-accident ride (on Raleigh)
September 22 -- GT Arette repairs complete; new fork and front wheel ($150)
October 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 -- 106 miles, Nellis AFB, Nevada
October 28 -- acquired used Nashbar bicycle trainer (with fan for load)
November 26 -- 22-miles in hilly Kentucky
December 17 -- fan load of Nashbar trainer destroyed in bearing replacement
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