Math 3200/5200: Applied Linear Algebra


·     Test 1 is on Wednesday, Sept. 18 at class time. It will cover Chapters 1, 2, 3 of the textbook. The test is closed book, closed notes.



Class Materials


Links to online rooms

Melkonian Office Hours Room in Microsoft Teams


Linear Algebra links

·      History of matrices

·      Online matrix calculator


·    Linear Optimization with Applications

·      John Mitchell's Optimization Pointers

·      Applications of Linear Programming in Civil and Environmental Systems Engineering

·      Optimization of cable robots (application in Mechanical Engineering)

·      Applications of Linear Programming (includes applications in Finance, Scheduling, Chemical Engineering)


 ·   Top ten algorithms of the 20th century


 ·      Determinants (from Wikipedia)

·    Determinants and their applications (powerpoint slides)

·    Applications of determinants (area of a triangle, etc.)

·      Unimodular and totally unimodular matrices


·      Linear Transformation Matrices

·      Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

·      Applications of Matrices in Computer Graphics

·      Eigen decomposition of matrices


 ·      Markov Chains  (chapter from another textbook)

·      Markov Chains and applications in Genome Search (powerpoint slides)


·      Solving a regression problem by linear programming