EICO through the years as illustrated by its ads. Supplement page to
"The EICO story: The Electronic Instrument Company and Its Kits"
published in The Spectrum Monitor, December 2018

KB8TAD's articles in The Spectrum Monitor.TSM article

1. July 1946 Radio News ad, the first Eico product, model 113 "Electron Tracer" (not a kit)

2. September 1947 Radio News, The second EICO ad. The "Electron Tracer" is now the 113A Multi-Analyst". It and the new model 210 VTVM are not kits.

3. The competition in June 1948 Radio News. Full-page Heathkit ad for kits touting "Nothing Else to Buy"

4. August 1948 Radio & Television News, Eico's first kit, model 221K VTVM. Note the ad line for the kit, "Nothing Else to Buy"

5. November 1948 Radio & Television News, the price of the VTVM kit drops from $33 to $23.95

6. August 1949, EICO 400 oscilloscope informational ad in Radio & Television News

7. October 1949 Radio & Television News inside back cover, EICO's first full page ad

8. Allied 1950 catalog page 160 with EICO kits

9. December 1949 inside back cover ad in Radio & Television News introducing new 360K sweep generator and new 425K scope

10. February 1950 EICO full page ad in Radio & Television News featuring new probes. Model 315 "Deluxe Signal Generator" is not yet offered as a kit.

11. August 1950 ad in Radio & Television News 'Over 50,000 servicemen must be right'. Eico's new model 625 tube tester and 1040K battery charger-eliminator. Model 315 signal generator now offered as a kit.

12. Page from the 1951 Radio Shack catalog showing Eico kits

13. The 1951 Allied Radio Catalog with a full page of Eico kits

14. January 1951, Radio & Television News, first TV manufacturer ad, 'Eico Guards Emerson'

15. March 1951, "Radio Television Service Dealer" magazine, Ashley article

16. September 1951 "Television Engineering" magazine. Harry Ashley, EICO President, at "Tele-King", a TV manufacturer.

17a. August 1953, Radio & Television News cover with 'Miss Eico' motor yacht

17b. August 1953 Radio & Television News cover info

17c. August 1953 Radio & Television News, Ashley yacht article

17d. August 1953 Radio & Television News EICO ad

18. September 1955 Radio & Television News ad featuring Harry Ashley asking 'Do you overpay'

19. November 1955 Radio Television News ad for new model 324 signal generator

20. March 1956, Popular Electronics, informational ad for EICO's new HF-20 integrated audio amp

21. EICO Ham & CB equipment from a 1960 EICO specialty catalog

22a. October 1961 two page ad Radio-Electronics magazine (1 of 2)

22b. October 1961 two page ad Radio-Electronics magazine (2 of 2)

23. January 1965 EICO ad in Electronics Illustrated.JPG

24. A 1968 full-page ad for Eicocraft wireless mike and other Eicocraft kits

25. January 1970 Eico full page Ad in Popular Electronics offering 1970 catalog. Solid state test equipment now advertised with 5 year warranty. "Over 3 million EICO instruments now in use."

26. May 1972 EICO ad in Popular Electronics for EICO alarm system, no soldering required

27a. October 1975 EICO one column ad in Popular Electronics offering a catalog

27b. December 1975 EICO one column ad in Popular Electronics offering a catalog

28. November 1979 EICO ad in Popular Electronics offering 32 page catalog

29. June 1983, last EICO ad in Computers and Electronics magazine, 32 page catalog, Compare this ad to the 1979 ad. Note that the '79' of the 1979 catalog ad has simply been blacked out.

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KB8TAD's articles in The Spectrum Monitor.