Vacuum Tube Variable High Voltage power supply info.

Vacuum Tube Variable Regulated High Voltage power supplies.

Schematics and pictures supporting the December 2019 article in
"Those regulated power supplies; Heathkit and others"

RCA regulated PS in RCA Service Notes 1934
RCA regulated power supply

Simplified RCA regulated Power Supply schematic
RCA regulated power supply simplified aschematic

RCA regulated Power Supply full schematic
RCA regulated power supply full_schematic

Lambda Model 25 power supply schematic

Heathkit PS-1 catalog ad

Heahtkit PS-1 variable power supply schematic - not regulated
Heahtkit_PS-1_ not_ regulated

Heathkit PS-2 catalog ad 1953

Heathkit PS-3

Heathkit PS-3 schematic

Heathkit PS-4 schematic

Heathkti IP-32 schematic

Heathkti IP-17 schematic

Heathkit IP-2117A regulated PS in 1988 Heathkit catalog

Heathkti EUW15 power supply catalog specs
EUW-15 specs

Heathkit EUW-15 schematic

Chatham E-50 regulated PS informational ad in 2-50 RTV News

Column schematic - Dan's 90 volt "B" supply schematic and circuit board
'B' supply schematic and board

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