The define function

The purpose of the define function is to invoke the functions which specify the values of all the required global variables subsequently used in the Schmidt analysis, Ideal Adiabatic or Simple simulations. The data is either entered from a keyboard creating a new data file or entered from an previously created data file.

function define
% define the stirling engine geometric 
% and operational parameters
% Israel Urieli 4/1/02 (April Fool's Day)
% Modified 2/12/2010 to include no-matrix regenerator awgr0
% Modified 7/10/2016 to include betadrive engines
clear all;
% The set of global variables defined are:
% engine
global engine_type % s)inusoidal, y)oke, r)ockerV, b)etadrive
global vclc vcle % compression,expansion clearence vols [m^3]
global vswc vswe % compression, expansion swept volumes [m^3]
global alpha % phase angle advance of expansion space [radians]
global b1 % Ross yoke length (1/2 yoke base) [m]
global b2 % Ross yoke height [m]
global crank % crank radius [m]
global dcomp dexp % diameter of compression/expansion pistons [m]
global acomp aexp % area of compression/expansion pistons [m^2]
global ymin % minimum yoke vertical displacement [m]
global conrodc conrode % length of comp/exp piston connecting rods [m]
global ycmax yemax % maximum comp/exp piston vertical displacement [m]
% heatex/cooler
global vk % cooler void volume [m^3]
global ak % cooler internal free flow area [m^2]
global awgk % cooler internal wetted area [m^2]
global dk % cooler hydraulic diameter [m]
global lk % cooler effective length [m]
% heatex/heater
global vh % heater void volume [m^3]
global ah % heater internal free flow area [m^2]
global awgh % heater internal wetted area [m^2]
global dh % heater hydraulic diameter [m]
global lh % heater effective length [m]
% heatex/regenerator
global lr % regenerator effective length [m]
global cqwr % regenerator housing thermal conductance [W/K]
global matrix_type % m)esh f)oil n}o matrix
global vr % regen void volume [m^3]
global ar % regen internal free flow area [m^2]
global awgr0 % no matrix regenerator wetted area [m^2]
global awgr % regen internal wetted area [m^2]
global dr % regen hydraulic diameter [m]
% gas
global rgas % gas constant [J/kg.K]
global cp % specific heat capacity at constant pressure [J/kg.K]
global cv % specific heat capacity at constant volume [J/kg.K]
global gama % ratio: cp/cv
global mu0 % dynamic viscosity at reference temp t0 [kg.m/s]
global t0 t_suth % reference temp. [K], Sutherland constant [K]
global prandtl % Prandtl number
% operat
global pmean % mean (charge) pressure [Pa]
global tk tr th % cooler, regenerator, heater temperatures [K]
global freq omega % cycle frequency [herz], [rads/s]
global mgas % total mass of gas in engine [kg]
% new data file
global new fid
new = input('Create a new data file? (y/n)','s');
if strncmp(new,'y',1)
    filename = input('enter new filename: ','s');
    fid = fopen(filename,'w');
    fid = 0;
    while fid < 1
        filename = input('open filename: ','s');
        [fid, message] = fopen(filename,'r');
        if fid == -1
             display('press ^C to exit')
status = fclose(fid);


Stirling Cycle Machine Analysis by Israel Urieli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License