The particle trajectory function 'plotmass'

The function plotmass allows one to do a particle trajectory plot using Natural Coordinates, as defined by Allan Organ: 'Natural' coordinates for analysis of the practical Stirling cycle (ImechE, 1992). Refer also to Chapter 9 of his book: The Regenerator and the Stirling Engine (John Wiley, 1997).

Essentially, for an ideal gas the mass in any volume is inversely proportional to the temperature. Thus for the particle mass trajectory plot we normalize the volumes with respect to the local temperature. In the typical particle trajectory plot shown below the reduced volumes of the expansion and heater spaces are much smaller than those of the cooler and compression spaces. The regenerator is normalized with respect to the regenerator mean effective temperature.

This plot shows particles of equal mass flowing through the engine over a cycle. In this design it appears as though the cooler volume can be reduced, since some mass particles never leave the cooler. This information is not intuitively obvious, and enables a better understanding of the process, however at this stage it should not be used to influence the design of the machine.

The following MATLAB function plotmass was developed by students of the Stirling Cycle Machine Analysis course, and is invoked by the function Schmidt.

function plotmass
% Kyle Wilson 10-2-02
% Stirling Cycle Machine Analysis ME 589
% Particle Trajectory Map
% Equations from Organ's "'Natural' coordinates for analysis of the practical
% Stirling cycle" and Oegik  Soegihardjo's 1993 project on the same topic
% Modified by Israel Urieli (11/27/2010) to obtain correct phase advance
% angle alpha subsequent to error determined by Zack Alexy (March 2010)

% Global values from define program
global vclc vcle % compression,expansion clearance vols [m^3]
global vswc vswe % compression, expansion swept volumes [m^3]
global alpha % phase angle advance of expansion space [radians]
global vk % cooler void volume [m^3]
global vh % heater void volume [m^3]
global vr % regen void volume [m^3]
global pmean % mean (charge) pressure [Pa]
global tk tr th % cooler, regenerator, heater temperatures [K]

NT = th/tk; % Temperature ratio
Vref = vswe;     % Reference volume (m^3)
%% Fixed reduced volumes (dimensionless)
vswe_r = (vswe/Vref)/NT;     % Reduced expansion swept volume
vcle_r = (vcle/Vref)/NT;        % Reduced expansion clearance volume
vh_r = (vh/Vref)/NT;                    % Reduced heater void volume
vr_r = (vr/Vref)*log(NT)/(NT-1);   % Reduced regenerator void volume
vk_r = (vk/Vref);                           % Reduced cooler void volume      
vswc_r = (vswc/Vref);           % Reduced compression swept volume
vclc_r = (vclc/Vref);           % Reduced compression clearance volume
%% Phase domain
angi = 0;
angf = 2*pi;
dang = 0.1;
ang = [angi:dang:angf];
n = size(ang);
%% Reduced volume variations
for i = 1:n(2)
    deg(i) = ang(i)*180/pi;
    Ve(i) = (vswe/2)*(1- cos(ang(i)));  % Expansion volume vs phase
    Vc(i) = (vswc/2)*(1+ cos(ang(i) - alpha));  % Compression volume vs phase
    ve(i) = (Ve(i)/Vref)/NT;    % Reduced expansion vs phase
    vc(i) = Vc(i)/Vref;   % Reduced compression vs phase
    vt(i) = vswe_r + vcle_r + vh_r + vr_r + vk_r + vclc_r + vc(i); % Total volume vs phase
step = 30;
for m = 1:step-1
    for i = 1:n(2)
       v(i) = ve(i) + (m/step)*(vt(i)-ve(i)); % Reduced volume segments
    hold on
    plot(v,deg, 'k:')
hold on
plot(vt,deg, 'k')
%% Vertical lines
L1 = vswe_r;   % Boundary of reduced expansion swept volume
L2 = L1 + vcle_r;  % Boundary of reduced expansion clearance volume
L3 = L2 + vh_r;   % Boundary of reduced heater void volume
L4 = L3 + vr_r;   % Boundary of reduced regenerator void volume
L5 = L4 + vk_r;   % Boundary of reduced cooler void volume
L6 = min(vt);     % Boundary of reduced expansion swept volume
point1 = [L1;L1];   % Preparing for plot
point2 = [L2;L2];
point3 = [L3;L3];
point4 = [L4;L4];
point5 = [L5;L5];
point6 = [L6;L6];
point = [0;deg(n(2))];
plot(point1, point, 'r--', point2, point, 'r--', point3, point, 'g--')
plot(point4, point, 'g--', point5, point, 'b--', point6, point, 'b--')
axis([0 max(vt) 0 deg(n(2))])
xlabel('Reduced volume')
ylabel('Crank Angle (deg)')
title('Particle mass plot')
hold off


Stirling Cycle Machine Analysis by Israel Urieli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License