News Archive

  • Spring, 2018
  • Rachel Olson receives an Ohio University Student Enhancement Award for her dissertation research on tongue biomechanics.

    See the art and check out the blog by the College of Fine Arts undergraduates taking an anatomical illustration course with Lab PI Susan Williams, graduate student Rachel Olson and artist Lori Esposito.


    Fall-Winter, 2017-2018

    New article published with former PhD student Jillian Davis in Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A on chewing motor patterns in carnivorous ferrets and frugivorous kinkajous.... it made the cover!

    New article published in Journal of Experimental Biology on kinematic flexibility during feeding in pigs.

    New article published in Zoology with former Honors Tutorial College undergraduate Kristin Stover on the biomechanics and ontogeny of symphyseal fusion in alpacas .

    New article published in American Journal of Primatology on thyroid hormone fluctuations in mantled howling monkeys and macaques.

    Rachel Olson received an Ohio University Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies Fellowship for Fall, 2018 and an Ohio University Original Work Grant to study the anatomy of the tongue in mammals.


    Summer, 2017

    Charlotte Klimovich successfully defended her Honors Thesis on August 10, 2017.

    Charlotte Klimovich receives 2nd price in The International Society for Computational Biology’s Wikipedia Competition for her Wikipedia article on Margaret Oakley Dayhoff. She traveled to Prague to receive her award in July 2017.

    Charlotte Klimovich recently presented her thesis research at the 2017 annual meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists in Moscow, Idaho.