Principal Investigator

Brian Wisner, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
261 Stocker Center, Athens OH, 45701 | (740)566-0136
My primary research interest lies in the understanding of material behavior in response to external loads. To achieve this objective, I will use various Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation (NDT&E) tools to probe the changes in materials as loading is applied. Additionally, as NDT&E produces large data sets, Machine Learning algorithms will be explored and leveraged in an intelligent systems or Internet of Things (IoT) approach to identify useful information. Finally, the linkages between material and geometric processing and observed behavior will be explored in this way. In relation to these areas of research I teach courses focusing on Manufacturing Processes, Mechanics of Solid Materials, and NDT&E.
Professional Appointments
- (2019-Present) Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Ohio University
- (2017-2018) Visiting Assistant Teaching Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Drexel University
- (2017-2018) Postoctoral Research Fellow, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Group, Mechanical Engineering, Drexel University
- (2017-2018) Student Researcher, Sandia National Labs, Org1851
- (2014-2017) Research Assistant/PhD Student, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Group, Mechanical Engineering, Drexel University
- ME 3140: Introduction to Manufacturing Processes (2019-Present)
- ME 4900/5900: Special Topics (Undergrad/Masters): Introduction to Nondestructive Evaluation (2019)
- ME 6900: Special Topics (PhD): Introduction to Nondestructive Evaluation (2019)
- 2017 - PhD, Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Drexel University
- 2013 - MSc, Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Drexel University
- 2011 - BS, Mechanical Engineering, Widener University
- 2011 - BS, Physics, Widener University