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Energy and Radiation

Energy and Radiation
Self-Assessment Quiz


1. The earth is closest to the sun on about

January 4th
March 21st
July 4th
June 21st

2. Latent heat is transferred into the air by

none of the above

3. Which place likely receives the most insolation at noon (barring any effect of clouds)?

90 N on June 22nd
45 N on June 22nd
23.5 N on June 22nd
0 on June 22nd

4. The highest amount of net radiation is found

over polar seas
over midlatitude continents
over subtropical deserts
over tropical oceans

5. The earth's maximum wavelength of emission is about

.5 micrometers
1.0 micrometers
10 micrometers
100 micrometers

6. The sun is directly overhead of 23.5 S at noon on

March 21st
June 22nd
Sept. 23rd
Dec. 22

7. The hotter the emitting body

the shorter the wavelength of maximum emission
the longer the wavelength of maximum emission
the less energy it will emit
the more latent heat it will store

8. Clouds are good absorbers of radiation at a wavelength of about

.5 micrometers
1 micrometers
10 micrometers
at all the above wavelengths

9. ________ is the total energy associated with random atomic and molecular motions of a substance.

potential energy

10. Where would I expect to find the largest amount of latent heat transfer into the air?

The west coast of the United States near Los Angeles
The east coast of the United States near New York
In the middle of the Sonoran Desert of Mexico
In the tropical rain forest of Brazil 


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For Citation: Ritter, Michael E. The Physical Environment: an Introduction to Physical Geography.
Date visited.

Michael Ritter (
Last revised 6/5/12

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