Google Earth
Map Overlays
Virtual Field Trips
(Warning: In development. Some links may not work at the time of your visit to this page).
Click on the links below to download the kml or kmz file to your computer.
If you don't have Google Earth installed, download it from Google. A topographic map symbol sheet can be downloaded from the United States Geological Survey.
Map Overlays
The following overlays illustrate several common earth features and help to understand how topographic maps represent topography.
Coastal Features
Eolian Landforms
Earth Structure
Fluvial Landforms
Fairview Alpha, LA - meanders, meander scars, bar & swale topography, point bars, oxbow lake.
Powhatan, LA - meanders, meander scars, bar & swale topography, point bars, oxbow lake.
Campti, LA (1957) - meanders, meander scars, bar & swale topography, point bars, oxbow lake. Note the Red River's change in channel location between publication of the map (1957) and date of image (2003 at this writing).
Folds and Faults
Harrisburg, PA (1:250,000) - folded mountains, anticline, syncline, water gap.
Glaciers and Glacial Features
Ayer, MA - drumlins, kames, kettles, esker
Virtual Field Trips
Tectonic Boundary Processess: Compare tectonic boundary processess and associated landforms around the earth.(In development)
Volcanoes: Visit earth features created by volcanism. (In development)
World Climates: Survey of world climates. (In development)
World Biomes: Survey of world biomes. (In development)