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Essentials of Geography

Essentials of Geography

ReviewGIS technician

Use the links below to review and assess your learning. Start with the "Important Terms and Concepts" to ensure you know the terminology related to the topic of the chapter and concepts discussed. Move on to the "Review Questions" to answer critical thinking questions about concepts and processes discussed in the chapter. Finally, test your overall understanding by taking the "Self-assessment quiz".

Additional Readings and Resources

Use these links to further explore the world of geography.



video icon USGS Public Lecture Series: "Science Through Imagery" (April, 2009) Description from the site: "Knee-high to Bird's Eye: Multi-scale Remote Sensing of Vegetation Dynamics. Dr. John Jones, an expert in remote sensing, discusses several projects in the Shenandoah National Park and the Everglades. Learn how science from satellites can help decision-makers address issues related to climate change, water resources, and habitat conditions."

video icon "Careers in Geoscience" - (AGI) from the Site " The Careers for Geoscientists video introduces the breadth of scope of the geosciences, including atmosphere, oceans, and the solid-Earth. Through interviews with individual practicing geoscientists discussing current projects, the nature of a career working in the geosciences is revealed. A discussion of the opportunities and adventures of travel, working outdoors, and using state-of-the-art technology is presented through this rare glimpse into the work-a-day world of geoscientists."

video icon "Using Space Technology to Understand Earthquakes" (NASA JPL Lecture series)

audio icon "Laser Mapping Technology Gives New Glimpse of Earth" (NPR) Dec. 28, 2004 All Things Considered report on airborne LIDAR.

audio icon "Mapping Technology Helps Direct Tsunami Aid Efforts" (NPR) Dec. 29, 2004 All Things Considered report on LandScan mapping technology.

audio icon "Mapping Shuttle Debris" (NPR) Feb. 11, 2003 Morning Edition report on the use of GPS to map the debris field of the space shuttle Columbia.

video icon"One Earth, Many Scales: Lost in Space? Geography Training for Astronauts" The Power of Place (Annenberg Media) Preparation for a NASA Shuttle mission provides context for introducing key issues in physical geography and human-environmental interaction. (First segment of program - 11:50) (Windows Media Player required) Go to the Power of Place site and scroll to "One Earth, Many Scales: Lost in Space? Geography Training for Astronauts"


readings icon Location, Location, Location (NASA EOS)

readings icon Hantavirus Risk Maps (NASA EOS)


 Google Earth - 3-D interface to the Earth

Web Sites

web site icon Association of American Geographers

web site icon National Council for Geographic Education

web site icon Geography at

web site icon National Geographic Magazine

web site icon Virtual Geography Department Project



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For Citation: Ritter, Michael E. The Physical Environment: an Introduction to Physical Geography.
Date visited.

Michael Ritter (
Last revised 07/01/09

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