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Fluvial Systems

Fluvial Systems
Self-Assessment Quiz

1. An oxbow lake

is created by the cutoff of a meander
is formed by stream aggradation
is formed by flooding
none of the above

2. Deposition of alluvium

takes place on the outside bank of a meander
occurs when stream velocity increases
takes place on the inside bank of a meander
occurs with an increase in discharge

3. Under constant discharge, an increase in the width of a channel

will decrease the cross-sectional area of the stream
will likely decrease stream velocity
will likely increase stream velocity
will do none of the above

4. Point bar formation is found

on the inside bank of a meander
on the outside bank of a meander
in the middle of the channel
at any of the above locations

5. The highest velocity of flow is found

at the side of the channel
at the floor of the channel
in the middle of the channel just below the surface
on the inside bank of a meander

6. Vertical cutting and channel deepening primarily occurs

prior to reaching equilibrium
after reaching equilibrium
occurs once the stream has achieved base level
during the Old Age stage of Davis's cycle of erosion.

7. Which of the following drainage patterns typify the Ridge and Valley physiographic province of North America?


8. Which of the following physiographic features would display a  rectangular drainage pattern? 

The Appalachian Mountains
The San Andreas Fault
Mount Rainer
The Black Hills of South Dakota

9. The upland between two tributaries is called

an interfluve
a neck
a levee
none of the above

10. A drainage basin that has undergone urbanization

is likely to experience higher peak discharges
decreased infiltration
shorter lag times
all the above


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For Citation: Ritter, Michael E. The Physical Environment: an Introduction to Physical Geography.
Date visited.

Michael Ritter (
Last revised 6/5/12

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