
Mario J.
Grijalva, Ph.D. |
Access publications by
Grijalva MJ in Pubmed
Barnabé C,
Grijalva MJ,
Santillán-Guayasamín S, Yumiseva CA, Waleckx E, Brenière SF,
Villacís AG. 2020. Genetic data support speciation between
Panstrongylus howardi and Panstrongylus chinai, vectors of Chagas
disease in Ecuador. Infect Genet Evol. 2019 Nov 5;78:104103. doi:
10.1016/j.meegid.2019.104103. PMID: 31698115
Rivadeneira M.F.,
Moncayo A.L., Tello B., Torres A.L., Buitrón G.J., Astudillo F.,
Fredricks T.R.,
Grijalva M.J.
2020. A Multi-causal Model for Chronic Malnutrition and Anemia in a
Population of Rural Coastal Children in Ecuador. Matern Child Health
J. doi: 10.1007/s10995-019-02837-x. PMID: 31838668
Bates, B. R.,
Villacis, A. G., Mendez-Trivino, A., Mendoza, L. E., &
Grijalva, M. J. 2020.
Determinants of intentions to prevent triatomine infestation based
on the Health Belief Model: An application in rural southern
Ecuador. PLoS: Neglected Tropical Diseases. 14(1): e0007987.
https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0007987 PMID: 31999721.
Muñoz-Tobar, S. I.,
Abad-Franch, F. and
Grijalva, M. J.
2020. Rhodnius pallescens microsatellite markers for
population genetic analysis in Rhodnius ecuadoriensis:
preliminary assessment. Revista Ecuatoriana de Medicina y Ciencias
Biologicas Volumen 40 (2): 87-93.
Bates, B. R.,
Nieto-Sanchez, C., Marvel, D., Guerrero, D., Baus, E. G., &
Grijalva, M. J. 2020.
Broadening “media” for development communication: Alternative
channels employed in Loja, Ecuador. Asia Pacific Media Educator.
Bates, B. R.,
Sharma, D., Baus, E. G., &
Grijalva, M. J.
(2020). En nuestra casa no hay chinchorros: A youth-oriented,
participatory approach to Chagas prevention in Loja province,
Ecuador. Frontiers in Communication 5, Corregidum: Frontiers
in Communication 5, 30
Villacís, A.G.,
Bustillos, J.J., Depickère, S., Sánchez, D., Yumiseva, C.A.,
Troya-Zuleta, A., Barnabé, C.,
Grijalva, M.J.,
Brenière, S.F. Would tropical climatic variations impact the genetic
variability of triatomines: Rhodnius ecuadoriensis, principal
vector of Chagas disease in Ecuador? Acta Tropica 19;209:105530. doi:
10.1016/j.actatropica.2020.105530. PMID: 32439318
Santillán-Guayasamín S., Barnabé C., Magallón-Gastelum E., Waleckx
E., Yumiseva C.A.,
Grijalva M.J.,
Villacís A.G., Brenière S.F. 2020.
Molecular data
supports monophyly of Triatoma dispar complex within genus
Triatoma. Infect Genet Evol. 18:104429.
doi:10.1016/j.meegid.2020.104429. PMID: 32565363
Maiguashca Sánchez
J., Sueto S.O.B., Schwabl P.,
Grijalva M.J.,
Llewellyn M.S., Costales J.A. 2020.
genetic diversity of Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma
rangeli in two localities of southern Ecuador identified via
deep sequencing of mini-exon gene amplicons. Parasit Vectors.
14;13(1):252. doi:10.1186/s13071-020-04079-1. PMID: 32410645
Villacís, A.G.,
Dujardin, J.P., Yumiseva, C.A., Santillán-Guayasamín, S., Orozco,
M.I., Mosquera, K.D., Panzera, F., Pita, S. and
Grijalva, M.J. 2020.
Chagas vectors Panstrongylus chinai (Del Ponte, 1929) and
P. howardi (Neiva, 1911): melanic forms or true species?
Parasites & Vectors. 13(1):226. doi: 10.1186/s13071-020-04097-z.
PMID: 32375868
Alonso-Padilla J.,
Abril M., Alarcón de Noya B., Almeida I.C., Angheben A., Araujo
Jorge T., Chatelain E., Esteva M., Gascón J.,
Grijalva M.J., Guhl
F., Hasslocher-Moreno A.M., López M.C., Luquetti A., Noya O., Pinazo
M.J., Ramsey J.M., Ribeiro I., Ruiz A.M., Schijman A.G., Sosa-Estani
S., Thomas M.C., Torrico F., Zrein M., Picado A. 2020.
Target product
profile for a test for the early assessment of treatment efficacy in
Chagas disease patients: An expert consensus. PLoS Negl Trop
Dis. 14(4):e0008035. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008035. PMID:
Bates B.R.,
Grijalva D.A.,
Grijalva M.J.
A Culture-Centered, Participatory Approach to Defining “Development”
in Rural Ecuador. Qualitative Research Reports in Communication,
Reina Ortiz M.,
Grijalva M.J.,
Turell M.J., Waters W. F., Montalvo A.C., Mathias D., Sharma V.,
Renoy C.F., Suits P., Thomas S.J., Leon R. 2020.
Biosafety at
Home: How to Translate Biomedical Laboratory Safety Precautions for
Everyday Use in the Context of COVID-19. Am J Trop Med Hyg.
2020. doi:10.4269/ajtmh.20-0677. PMID: 32597388
Bates BR, Moncayo
AL, Costales JA, Herrera-Cespedes CA,
Grijalva MJ. 2020.
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Towards COVID-19 Among
Ecuadorians During the Outbreak: An Online Cross-Sectional Survey. J
Community Health. doi: 10.1007/s10900-020-00916-7. PMID: 32915380
Bismark Oduro,
Mario J. Grijalva,
Winfried Just. 2019. A model of insect control with imperfect
treatment. Journal of Biological Dynamics. 2019 Dec;13(1):518-537.
doi: 10.1080/17513758.2019.1640293. PMID: 31290728
Nieto-Sanchez C,
Bates BR, Guerrero D, Jimenez S, Baus EG, Peeters Grietens K,
Grijalva MJ. 2019.
Home improvement and system-based health promotion for sustainable
prevention of Chagas disease: A qualitative study. PLoS Negl Trop
Dis. 2019 Jun 13;13(6):e0007472. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007472.
eCollection 2019 Jun. PMID: 31194754
Benjamin R Bates,
Diana L Marvel, Claudia Nieto-Sanchez,
Mario J Grijalva.
2019. Painting a community-based definition of health: A
culture-centered approach to listening to rural voice in Chaquizhca,
Ecuador. Frontiers in Communication. 4:37.
Jessica Arnold,
Julia Flint, Sharon Casapulla, Claudia Nieto &
Mario J. Grijalva
(2019) Medical pluralism in maternal health-seeking behavior of
rural women in Southern Ecuador, Health Care for Women
International, DOI: 10.1080/07399332.2019.1642891
Schwabl P, Imamura
H, Van den Broeck F, Costales JA, Maiguashca-Sánchez J, Miles MA,
Andersson B,
Grijalva MJ,
Llewellyn MS. 2019. Meiotic sex in Chagas disease parasite
Trypanosoma cruzi. Nat Commun. 2019 Sep 3;10(1):3972. doi:
10.1038/s41467-019-11771-z. PMID: 31481692
Moncayo AL, Granizo
Grijalva MJ,
Rasella D. 2019. Strong effect of Ecuador's conditional cash
transfer program on childhood mortality from poverty-related
diseases: a nationwide analysis. BMC Public Health. 2019 Aug
17;19(1):1132. doi: 10.1186/s12889-019-7457-y. PMID: 31420035.
Maria E Grillet,
Juan V Hernandez, Martin S. Llewellyn; Alberto Paniz-Mondolfi,
Adriana Tami, Maria F Vincenti-González, Marilianna Marquez, Adriana
Mogollon-Mendoza, Carlos E Hernandez-Pereira, Juan Plaza-Morr,
Gabriela Blohm,
Mario J Grijalva,
Jaime A Costales, Heather Ferguson, Philipp Schwabl, Luis E
Hernandez-Castro, Poppy Lamberton, Daniel Streiker, Daniel Haydon,
Michael A Miles, Maikell Segovia, Alvaro Acosta-Serrano, Harry
Acquatella, Maria G Basañez, Gustavo Benaim, Luis A Colmenares, Jan
E Conn, Raul Espinoza, Hector Freilij, Mary C Graterol-Gil, Peter
Hotez, Hirotomo Kato, John A Lednicky, Edgar Marchan, Clara E
Martinez, Santiago Mas-Coma, Antonio Morocoima, Glenn Morris Jr,
Juan C Carlos, José L Ramírez, Marlenes Rodríguez, Julio A Urbina,
Leopoldo Villegas, Hernán J Carrasco, James L Crainey, Sergio Luz,
Jorge Moreno, Oscar Noya, Juan D Ramírez, Belkisyolé Alarcón-de Noya.
Venezuela's humanitarian crisis, resurgence of vector-borne diseases
and implications for spillover in the region: a call for action.
Lancet. February 21, 2019.
Santillán-Guayasamín, Anita G. Villacís,
Mario J. Grijalva and
Jean-Pierre Dujardin. 2018. Triatominae: does the shape change of
non-viable eggs compromise species recognition? Parasites and
Vectors 2018 Oct 10;11(1):543. doi: 10.1186/s13071-018-3104-1
Benjamin R. Bates,
Diana L. Marvel, Claudia Nieto-Sanchez &
Mario J. Grijalva
(2019) Community cartography in health communication: An asset-based
mapping approach in four communities in rural Ecuador, Journal of
International and Intercultural Communication, 12:3, 228-247, DOI:
Anabel Padilla N.,
Ana L. Moncayo, Clifford B. Keil,
Mario J. Grijalva,
Anita G. Villacís. 2019. Life cycle, feeding and defecation patterns
of Triatoma carrioni 1 (Larrousse, 1926), under laboratory
conditions. Journal of Medical Entomology. Feb 15. pii: tjz004. doi:
Sofía Ocaña-Mayorga,
Simón E. Lobos, Verónica Crespo-Pérez, Anita G. Villacís, C. Miguel
Pinto and
Mario J. Grijalva.
Influence of ecological factors on the presence of a triatomine
species associated with the arboreal habitat of a host of
Trypanosoma cruzi. Parasites and Vectors 2018 Oct 29;11(1):567.
doi: 10.1186/s13071-018-3138-4.
Santillán-Guayasamín, Anita G. Villacís,
Mario J. Grijalva and
Jean-Pierre Dujardin. 2018. Triatominae: does the shape change of
non-viable eggs compromise species recognition? Parasites and
Vectors 2018 Oct 10;11(1):543. doi: 10.1186/s13071-018-3104-1
Patterson NM, Bates
BR, Chadwick AE, Nieto-Sanchez C,
2018. Using the health belief model to identify communication
opportunities to prevent Chagas disease in Southern Ecuador. PLoS
Negl Trop Dis. 2018 Sep 27;12(9):e0006841. doi:
10.1371/journal.pntd.0006841. PMID: 30260961
Lydy SL, Lascano
MS, Garcia-Perez JE, Williams-Newkirk AJ,
Seroprevalence and risk factors for infection with Bartonella
bacilliformis in Loja province, Ecuador. Emerg Microbes Infect.
25;7(1):115. doi: 10.1038/s41426-018-0110-5.
Marco-Crespo B,
Casapulla S, Nieto-Sanchez C, Urrego JGG,
Grijalva MJ. 2018.
participatory research and evaluation to inform a Chagas disease
prevention program in Ecuador. Eval Program Plann. 2018 Apr
30;69:99-108. doi: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2018.04.009. PMID:
29753193. [Abstract]
LE, Paterno M, Villacís AG, Andersson B, Costales JA, De Noia M,
Ocaña-Mayorga S, Yumiseva CA,
Grijalva MJ,
Llewellyn MS. 2017.
genotyping for population genomic studies of Chagas disease vectors:
Rhodnius ecuadoriensis in Ecuador. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2017 Jul
19;11(7):e0005710. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005710. eCollection
2017 Jul. PMID: 28723901. [Abstract]
Grijalva MJ,
Villacís AG, Moncayo AL, Ocaña-Mayorga S, Yumiseva CA, Baus EG.
Distribution of triatomine species in domestic and peridomestic
environments in central coastal Ecuador. PLoS Negl Trop Dis.
2017 Oct 2;11(10):e0005970. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005970.
eCollection 2017 Oct. PMID: 28968383. [Abstract]
Oduro B,
Grijalva MJ, Just W.
2018. Models of Disease Vector Control: When Can Aggressive Initial
Intervention Lower Long-Term Cost? Bull Math Biol. 2018
Apr;80(4):788-824. doi: 10.1007/s11538-018-0401-y. Epub 2018 Feb 5.
PMID: 29404878.
Sharon L. Casapulla,
Gloria Aidoo-Frimpong, Tania B. Basta,
Mario J. Grijalva.
2018. Zika virus knowledge and attitudes in Ecuador AIMS Public
Health, 5(1): 49-63. doi: 10.3934/publichealth.2018.1.49
Villacís AG, Marcet
PL, Yumiseva CA, Dotson EM, Tibayrenc M, Brenière SF,
Grijalva MJ. 2017.
Pioneer study
of population genetics of Rhodnius ecuadoriensis (Hemiptera:
Reduviidae) from the central coastand southern Andean regions of
Ecuador. Infect Genet Evol. 2017 May 22;53:116-127. doi:
10.1016/j.meegid.2017.05.019. [Abstract]
Casapulla SL, Howe
CA, Mora GR, Berryman D,
Grijalva MJ,
Rojas EW, Nakazawa M, Shubrook JH. 2017.
Cardiometabolic risk factors, metabolic syndrome and pre-diabetes in
adolescents in the Sierra region of Ecuador.Diabetol Metab Syndr.
2017 Apr 19;9:24. doi: 10.1186/s13098-017-0224-2. eCollection 2017.
Santillán-Guayasamín S, Villacís AG,
Grijalva MJ, Dujardin
JP. 2017. The modern morphometric approach to identify eggs of
Triatominae. Parasit Vectors. 2017 Jan 31;10(1):55. doi:
10.1186/s13071-017-1982-2. [Abstract][Full
Mario J. Grijalva,
Anita G. Villacis, Sofia Ocaña-Mayorga, Cesar A. Yumiseva, Ana L. Moncayo, Esteban G. Baus. 2015. Comprehensive Survey of Domiciliary
Triatomine Species Capable of Transmitting Chagas Disease in
Southern Ecuador. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. Oct 6;9(10):e0004142.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0004142.
Pinto CM,
Ocaña-Mayorga S, Tapia EE, Lobos SE, Zurita AP, Aguirre-Villacís F,
MacDonald A, Villacís AG, Lima L, Teixeira MMG,
Grijalva MJ, Perkins SL. Bats,
trypanosomes, and triatomines in Ecuador: new insights into the
diversity, transmission, and origins of Trypanosoma cruzi and Chagas
disease. PLoS One. 2015 Oct 14;10(10):e0139999. doi:
10.1371/journal.pone.0139999. eCollection 2015. PMID:26465748
Sofia Ocaña-Mayorga,
Fernanda Aguirre-Villacis, C. Miguel Pinto, Gustavo A. Vallejo,
Mario J. Grijalva.
2015 Prevalence, Genetic
Characterization, and 18S Small Subunit Ribosomal RNA Diversity of Trypanosoma
rangeli in Triatomine and Mammal Hosts in Endemic Areas for
Chagas Disease in Ecuador.. Journal of Vector Borne and Zoonotic
Diseases. Dec;15(12):732-42. doi: 10.1089/vbz.2015.1794. Epub
2015 Dec 8. PMID:26645579
Costales, Jaime A.,
Miguel A Jara-Palacios, Martin S. Llewellyn, Louisa A. Messenger,
Sofía Ocaña-Mayorga, Anita G. Villacís, Michel Tibayrenc, and
Mario J. Grijalva. 2015. Trypanosoma cruzi population dynamics in the Central Ecuadorian
Coast. Acta TropicaScienceDirect, EBSCOhost (accessed September 3,
2015). [Full
Nieto-Sanchez, C., Baus, E.G., Guerrero, D, &
Grijalva, M.J. 2015.
Positive deviance study to inform
a Chagas disease control program in southern Ecuador. Memórias Do
Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, (3), 299. doi:10.1590/0074-02760140472 [Full
Costales JA,
Sánchez-Gómez A, Silva-Aycaguer LC, Cevallos W, Tamayo S, Yumiseva
CA, Jacobson JO, Martini L, Carrera CA, Grijalva MJ. 2015. A National Survey to Determine
Prevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi Infection Among Pregnant Women in
Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2015 Feb 9. pii: 14-0562. [Abstract]
Villacís AG,
Ocaña-Mayorga S, Lascano MS, Yumiseva CA, Baus EG,
Grijalva MJ. 2015. Abundance,
Natural Infection with Trypanosomes, and Food Source of an Endemic
Species of Triatomine, Panstrongylus howardi (Neiva 1911), on the
Ecuadorian Central Coast. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 92(1), 187–192.
doi:10.4269/ajtmh.14-0250 [Abstract]
Mario J. Grijalva,
David Terán, Olivier Dangles. 2014. Dynamics of Sylvatic Chagas
Disease Vectors in Coastal Ecuador is Driven by Changes in Land
Cover. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2014 Jun 26;8(6):e2960. doi:
10.1371/journal.pntd.0002960 [Full
Bhattacharyya T,
Falconar AK, Luquetti AO, Costales JA, Grijalva MJ, Lewis MD, Messenger LA, Tran TT, Ramirez JD,
Guhl F, Carrasco HJ, Diosque P, Garcia L, Litvinov SV, Miles MA.
2014. Development of Peptide-based lineage-specific serology for
chronic chagas disease: geographical and clinical distribution of
epitope recognition. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2014 May 22;8(5):e2892. doi:
10.1371/journal.pntd.0002892. eCollection 2014 May.[Full
Rodolfo Viotti, Belkisyolé Alarcón de Noya, Tania Araujo-Jorge,
Mario J. Grijalva, Felipe Guhl,
Manuel Carlos López, Janine Ramsey, Isabela Ribeiro, Alejandro
Schijman, Sergio Sosa-Estani, Faustino Torrico, and Joaquin Gascon.
Towards a paradigm
shift in the treatment of chronic Chagas disease. 2014. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Antimicrob Agents
Chemother. 58(2):635-9. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01662-13. Epub 2013 Nov 18.
[Full text]
Amaya Sánchez-Gómez, Mario J
Grijalva, Luis C Silva-Aycaguer, Susana Tamayo, Cesar A
Yumiseva, Jaime A Costales, Jerry O Jacobson, Marcelo Chiriboga,
Eliana Champutiz, Carlos Mosquera, Mercedes Larrea, William Cevallos.
2014. HIV and syphilis infection in pregnant women in Ecuador:
prevalence and characteristics of antenatal care. Sexually
Transmitted Infections.
90(1):70-5. doi:
10.1136/sextrans-2013-051191. Epub 2013 Nov 26.
Monteiro FA,
Peretolchina T, Lazoski C, Harris K, Dotson EM, Abad-Franch F,
Tamayo E, Pennington PM, Monroy C, Cordon-Rosales C, Salazar-Schettino
PM, Gómez-Palacio A, Grijalva MJ,
Beard CB, Marcet PL. 2013. Phylogeographic Pattern and Extensive
Mitochondrial DNA Divergence Disclose a Species Complex within the
Chagas Disease Vector Triatoma dimidiata. PLoS One. Aug
5;8(8):e70974. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0070974 [Full
Grijalva MJ,
Suarez-Davalos V, Villacis AG, Ocana-Mayorga S, Dangles O. 2012.
Ecological factors related to the widespread distribution of
sylvatic Rhodnius ecuadoriensis populations in southern Ecuador.
Parasites and
Teodoro TM, Jannotti-Passos LK, Carvalho
Odos S,
Grijalva MJ,
Baús EG, Caldeira RL. 2011. Hybridism between Biomphalaria cousini
and Biomphalaria amazonica and its susceptibility to Schistosoma
mansoni. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2011 Nov;106(7):851-5.
Mario J. Grijalva,
Anita G. Villacís, Sofía Ocaña-Mayorga, César A. Yumiseva, Esteban
G. Baus. 2011. Limitations of selective deltamethrin application for
triatomine control in central coastal Ecuador. Parasites and
Vectors. 4:20 (18 February 2011) [Full
Ocaña-Mayorga S,
Llewellyn MS, Costales JA, Miles MA, Grijalva MJ. 2010. Sex, Subdivision, and Domestic
Dispersal of Trypanosoma cruzi Lineage I in Southern
Ecuador. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 4(12): e915.
[Full text]
Anita G. Villacis,
Mario J. Grijalva,
Silvia S. Catala.
2010. Phenotypic variability of
Rhodnius ecuadoriensis populations
at the Ecuadorian central and southern Andean region.
Journal of Medical Entomology.
Jose R. Loaiza, Marilyn E. Scott,
Eldredge Bermingham, Oris I. Sanjur, Richard Wilkerson, Jose Rovira, Lina A. Gutiérrez, Margarita M. Correa,
Mario J. Grijalva, Lotty
Birnberg, Sara Bickersmith, Jan E. Conn. 2010. Late Pleistocene environmental
changes lead to unstable demography and population divergence of
Anopheles albimanus in the
northern Neotropics. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
Mario J. Grijalva,
Francisco S. Palomeque, Anita G. Villacís, Carla L. Black, Laura
Arcos-Terán. 2010. Absence of domestic triatomine colonies in
an area where Chagas Disease is considered endemic in the coastal
region of Ecuador. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 105(5): 667-681.
Richard Reithinger, Mario J.
Grijalva, Rosa F. Chiriboga, Belkisyolé Alarcón de Noya,
Jaime R. Torres, Norma Pavia, Pablo Manrique-Saide, and Ricardo E.
Gürtler. 2010. Rapid
detection of Trypanosoma cruzi in human serum using an
immunochromatographic dipstick test. Journal of Clinical
Microbiology. 2010 Aug;48(8):3003-7.
Abad-Franch F, Ferraz G, Campos C, Palomeque FS,
Grijalva MJ, Aguilar HM, Miles MA. 2010. Modeling disease vector occurrence when detection is imperfect:
infestation of Amazonian palm trees by triatomine bugs at three
spatial scales. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2010 Mar 2;4(3):e620
[Full text]
Miguel Pinto, B. Dnate’ Baxter, J. Delton Hanson, Francisca M.
Méndez-Harclerode, John R. Suchecki, Mario
J. Grijalva, Charles F. Fulhorst, and Robert D. Bradley.
2010. Using Museum Collections to Detect Pathogens. Journal of Infectious Diseases.
Carla L. Black,
Sofía Ocaña-Mayorga, Diana K. Riner, Jaime A. Costales, Mauricio S.
Lascano, Laura Arcos-Terán, John S. Preisser, J. Richard Seed, and
Mario J. Grijalva. 2010. Seroprevalence of
Trypanosoma cruzi in rural
ecuador and clustering of seropositivity within households.
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 81(6): 1035-1040.
Victoria Suarez-Davalos, Olivier Dangles, Anita G. Villacis,
Mario J. Grijalva. 2010 . Microdistribution of sylvatic triatomine populations in
Central-coastal Ecuador. Journal of Medical Entomology.
47(1): 80-88
Grijalva MJ, Chiriboga RF, Cueva GF, Arcos-Teran L. 2009. Evaluación
externa del desempeño
en serología para el marcador VIH en los bancos de sangre del
Ecuador (2003 a 2008).
[External performance evaluation in HIV serology in the blood banks
of Ecuador (2003 to 2008). Boletín Epidemiológico
52(6): 7 - 17
Grijalva M.J., Villacis, A. G. 2009. Presence of
ecuadoriensis in Sylvatic Habitats in the Southern Highlands (Loja Province) of Ecuador.
Journal of Medical
Entomology 46(3): 708 -711
Schofield C.J.,
M.J., Diotaiuti L. (2009) Distribución de los vectores de la
Enfermedad de Chagas en países “no endémicos”: la posibilidad de
transmisión vectorial fuera de América Latina. [Distribution of
Chagas disease vectors in "non endemic" countries: Potential for
vectorial transmission outside of Latin America]. Enfermedades
Emergentes 11 (supl..1) 20-27.
Anita G Villacís, Laura
Arcos-Terán, Mario J Grijalva. 2008. Life cycle, feeding and
defecation patterns of Rhodnius ecuadoriensis (Lent & León
1958) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae) under laboratory
conditions. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 103(7):
690-695 [See PDF]
Carla L. Black, Sofia
Ocaña, Diana Riner, Jaime A. Costales, Mauricio S. Lascano, Santiago
Davila, Laura Arcos-Teran, J. Richard Seed, and
Mario J. Grijalva. 2007.
Household Risk Factors For Trypanosoma cruzi Seropositivity
In Two Geographic Regions Of Ecuador. Journal of Parasitology.
93 (1): 12-16.
C. Miguel Pinto, Sofía
Ocaña-Mayorga, Mauricio S. Lascano, and Mario J. Grijalva. 2006. Infection By Trypanosomes In
Marsupials And Rodents Associated With Human Dwellings In Ecuador.
Journal of Parasitology. 92: 1251-1255.
J. Grijalva, Rosa F.
Chiriboga, Hans Vanhassel, Laura Arcos-Teran. 2005. Improving
the safety of the blood supply in Ecuador through external
performance evaluation of serological screening of blood donors. Journal of Clinical Virology 34 Suppl. 2. S47–S52
M. J. Grijalva
; F. S.
Palomeque-Rodríguez ; J. A. Costales ; S. Davila ; L. Arcos-Teran.
2005. High Household Infestation
Rates by Synanthropic Vectors of Chagas Disease in Southern Ecuador.
Journal of Medical Entomology. 42(1): 68 - 74
Mario J. Grijalva, Luis Escalante,
Rodrigo A. Paredes, Jaime A. Costales, Alberto Padilla, Edwin C.
Rowland, H. Marcelo Aguilar and Jose Racines. 2003 . Seroprevalence
and Risk Factors for Trypanosoma cruzi Infection in the Amazon
Region of Ecuador. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and
Hygiene. 69: 380-385. [See
Medline record] [See
article at AJTMH ]
Palomeque FS, Abad-Franch F,
Grijalva, M.J. 2003. Notas sobre la biología y bionomía de
Rhodnius robustus Larrouse, 1927 (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae).
de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador 71: 49-60
Pinto, C.M.,
Grijalva, M.J.,
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Medline record]
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