Using Matlab Solving Ordinary Differential Equations Analytically (by T. Gu)

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Matlab can solve linear ODE's or ODE systems with or without initial/boundary conditions. Do not expect Matlab to solve nonlinear ODE's which typically have no analytical solutions. Matlab version R12 and later treats y as default function symbol and t as default variable symbol. Earlier version treats x as default symbol.

Example 1.  d2y/dx2 -2dy/dx -3y=x2
>> dsolve('D2y - 2*Dy - 3*y=x^2', 'x')
ans =
Example 2. d2y/dx2 -2dy/dx -3y=x2, with y(0)=0, and y(1)=1. 
>> dsolve('D2y - 2*Dy - 3*y=x^2','y(0)=0, y(1)=1','x')
ans =
Example 3. d2y/dx2 -2dy/dx -3y=x2, with y(0)=0, and dy/dx =1 at x=1
>> dsolve('D2y - 2*Dy - 3*y=x^2','y(0)=0, Dy(1)=1','x')
ans =
+1/27*(33+1 4*exp(-1))/(3*exp(3)+exp(-1))*exp(3*x)
Example 4.  d2y/dx2 -2dy/dx -3y=0, with y(0)=a, and y(1)=b.
>> dsolve('D2y-2*Dy-3*y=0','y(0)=a, y(1)=b')
ans =
>> pretty(ans)
              (exp(3) a - b) exp(-t)   (-b + a exp(-1)) exp(3 t)
              ---------------------- - -------------------------
                -exp(-1) + exp(3)          -exp(-1) + exp(3)
Example 5.  d2y/dt2+y=4cos(t), y(pi/2)=2pi, dy/dt=-3 at t=pi/2
>> y=dsolve('D2y+y=4*cos(t)' , 'y(pi/2)=2*pi, Dy(pi/2)=-3')
y =
>> simplify(y)
ans =
Example 6.  Solving two ODE's with two initial conditions:
dx/dt =3x+4y, dy/dt =-4x+3y, with x(0)=0, y(0)=1
>> [x,y]=dsolve('Dx=3*x+4*y','Dy=-4*x+3*y','x(0)=0,y(0)=1')
x =
y =
Example 7.  Bessel Equation: x2(d2y/dx2) +x(dy/dx) + (x2-v2)y=0
                 Solution: y=c1Jv(x) + c2Yv(x)
>> y=dsolve('x^2*D2y+x*Dy+(x^2 - v^2)*y =0','x')
y =
Using Matlab Solving Algebraic Equations Analytically

Matlab can be used to solve nonlinear algebraic equations or equation systems. Sometimes only numeric answers are returned. Sometimes, Matlab fails.

Example 1:
>>syms x
>>solve(-x^3 +3*x ==0)
ans =
[       0]
>> numeric(ans)
ans =
Or, use the command "roots" for polynomials
>> roots([-1,0,3,0])
ans =
Example 2:
>>syms x a b
>> solve('log(x)+a^2==b')
ans =
Example 3:
>> T=solve('ln(T)+a^2=b','T')
T =
Example 4: Solving 2 equations simultaneously
>> syms x1 x2
>> [x1,x2]=solve(x1^2+x2==10,x1-x2==2)
x1 =
x2 =

Using MATLAB to Solve for Friction Factor Using Colebrook Formula
Save the following 6 lines into friction.m m-file.
function dummy %this allows you to pack the 5 lines below into a single m-file.
fsolve(@cole, 0.02) %fsolve looks for cole function below. If missing, it looks in current directory.
function y=cole(f)
y=1/sqrt(f)+2*log10(eoverD/3.7 + 2.51/Re/sqrt(f));
Run friction.m in Matlab
f =
Using fsolve for a nonlinear equation system
The problem below is from a multiple pipe system in ChE345 (Fluid Mechanics.)
Save the 7 lines below as a file named fluids.m to be run in Matlab.
function dummy  %This allows you to pack the 6 lines below into a single m-file
fsolve(@mflow,x0)  %fsolve looks for mflow function below. If missing, it looks in current directory.
function z=mflow(v)
z(2)=322 -v(1)^2-0.4*v(3)^2;
z(3)=258 -v(1)^2-0.5*v(2)^2;
Run the m-file to get three velocities. 
>> fluids
ans =
   15.9327    2.8802   13.0526
The same problem can be solved using the solve command.
Save the 5 lines in equations.m m-file.
syms x1 x2 x3
e1=x1 == x2 + x3;
e2=322 == x1^2+0.4*x3^2;
e3=258 == x1^2+0.5*x2^2;
ans =
   15.9327    2.8802   13.0526
    5.6656  -21.2556   26.9212
  -15.9327   -2.8802  -13.0526
   -5.6656   21.2556  -26.9212
"solve" is not as reliable as "fsolve" in MATLAB.
When you copy text from WORD or html to Matlab, be careful! You may carry over some hidden symbols. Use a .txt file. 
Another example using fsolve to solve 6 nonlinear equations
This is for Problem 8.64 on p. 374 of ChE345 (Fluid Mechanics) textbook.
How to solve Homework Problem 8.64* using Matlab's fsolve?
Save the 10 text lines below as solution.m file.
function dummy
function z=fcn(x)
z(1)=x(1)-0.64*x(2)-0.64*x(3);%x(1)=v1, x(2)=v2, x(3)=v3
z(2)=40-102*x(4)*x(1)^2 - 127*x(5)*x(2)^2; %x(4)=f1, x(5)=f2, x(6)=f3
z(3)=60-102*x(4)*x(1)^2 - 255*x(6)*x(3)^2;
z(4)=1/sqrt(x(4))+2.0*log10(1.22e-4 +2.81e-5/x(1)/sqrt(x(4))); %Colebrook for f1
z(5)=1/sqrt(x(5))+2.0*log10(1.52e-4 +3.52e-5/x(2)/sqrt(x(5))); %Colebrook for f2
z(6)=1/sqrt(x(6))+2.0*log10(1.52e-4 +3.52e-5/x(3)/sqrt(x(6))); %Colebrook for f3
Run solution.m in Matlab
ans =
    3.5001    2.6915    2.7774    0.0179    0.0192    0.0191
The answers are:
v1=3.500 m/s, v2=2.692 m/s, v3=2.777 m/s
f1=0.0179, f2=0.0192, f3=0.0191

Factoring a function or number
>> factor(12)
ans =
     2     2     3
>> syms x y     % declare that x and y are symbols
>> factor(x^2-y^2)
ans =
>> factor(x^2-1)
ans =