August 2019 – Present: Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track), Dept. of Social and Public Health, College of Health Sciences and Professions, Ohio University, Athens OH
- Instructor of Record of Healthcare Finance I (HLTH 4210) and Healthcare Finance II (HLTH 4220) in the undergraduate Health Services Administration (HAS) program.
August 2013 – December 2017: Instructor and Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Health Services Policy and Management, Arnold School of Public Health, USC, Columbia, SC
- Instructor of Record of an undergraduate course on Health Economics (HSPM 412-Fall 2014)
- Instructor of Record of Doctoral Seminar on Health Services Research Methods (HSPM 800- Fall 2017)
- Teaching Assistant for several graduate courses:
– Health Economics (HSPM 712- Spring 2014, Spring 2015, Spring 2016)
– Quantitative Methods for Health Administration (HSPM 716- Spring 2014)
– Approaches and Concepts for Health Administration (HSPM 700- Summer 2014)
– International Health (HSPM 772- Fall 2017)
– Managerial Epidemiology and Statistics in Healthcare (HSPM 775- Fall 2017)
– Healthcare Policy and Principles of Health Insurance (HSPM 777- Summer 2017)
– Doctoral Seminar on Health Services Research Methods (HSPM 800- Summer 2016)
April 2017: Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) Certificate, Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE), USC, Columbia, SC
PFF certificate is awarded to the graduate students of USC who have completed activities designed to prepare participants in the critical areas of faculty competence: teaching, research and service. This accomplishment is an indicator of the participant’s initiative and a measure of experience toward becoming future faculty.
March 2012 – August 2013: Lecturer, Dept. of Public Health and Informatics, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Instructor of Record of Health Economics, Population Dynamics, and Biostatistics courses in an undergraduate public health program.
- The department of Public Health is first of its kind in Bangladesh offering Undergraduate degree. Prepared syllabi and course curriculum, served in several committees, and mentored students.