Hla Group

Atom/Molecule Manipulation Laboratory

We are manipulating individual atoms and molecules on surfaces for both fundamental understanding and novel device applications.

 We specialize in nanoscience/nanotechnology research area and our diverse research topics cover atomic and molecular interactions, molecular magnetism, nanobio technology, molecular electronics and molecular machines.  ( Hla group Atom/Molecule Manipulation Laboratory.)






Principal Investigator


Prof. Saw-Wai Hla



·         Professor of Physics & Astronomy, Ohio University

·         Director of Condensed Matter and Surface Program

·         Group Leader, Quantum and Energy Materials, Center for Nanoscale Materials, Argonne National Laboratory


Member of

-Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute

-Quantitative Biology Institute

-Condensed Matter and Surface Science Program


Email: hla@ohio.edu

Web: https://people.ohio.edu/hla

Tel: 740-593-1727 (office), 740-593-2951 (lab)

Fax: 740-593-0433


Group Members


Yang Li


Ph.D. Candidate (Physics & Astronomy)



STM on molecular heterostructures, molecular spintronics.



Kyaw Zin Latt


Ph.D. Candidate (Physics & Astronomy)



STM on molecular superconductors, molecular charge transfer systems, molecular machines.


Hao Chang


Ph.D. Candidate (Physics & Astronomy)


Research: Synchrotron X-ray Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/ Spectroscopy studies of nanomaterials.


Sanjoy Sarkar


Ph.D. Candidate (Physics & Astronomy)


Research: Single Molecule Spintronics

Greg Rosen


Ph.D. Candidate (Physics & Astronomy)


Research: Quantum Molecular Machines

Shaoze Wang


Ph.D. Candidate (Physics & Astronomy)


Research: Quantum Entanglement, Quantum Sensing.

Robert Radloff


Ph.D. Candidate (Physics & Astronomy)


Research: STM atom/molecule manipulation




Tolulope Michael Ajayi


Ph.D. Candidate (Physics & Astronomy)


Research: STM atom/molecule manipulation

Sineth Premarathna


Ph.D. Candidate (Physics & Astronomy)


Research: STM atom/molecule manipulation



Zaw Myo Win


Visiting PhD Candidate (City University of Hongkong)


Research: Molecular Machines


Ryan Tunbleson


UG Research Student (Engineering Physics, Honors Tutorial College, OU)


Research: Molecular Machines




Former Group Members

 Dr. Heath Kersell, Ph.D. 2015. (Postdoc at LBNL)


 Dr. Yuan Zhang, Ph.D. 2014. (Postdoc at ANL)

 Dr. Sajida Khan, Ph.D. 2014. (Postdoc at U Colorado)

Andrew-DilulloDr. Andrew DiLullo, Ph.D. 2013. (Firestone, USA)



gayani1 Dr. Gayani Perera, Ph.D. 2011. (Postdoc at BNL)


Kendal-03 Dr. Kendal Clark, Ph.D. 2010. (Assistant Professor, Central Methodist University, Missouri)


01-Timur Dr. Timur Skeini, Ph.D. 2010.



01-Acharya Dr. Danda P. Acharya, Ph.D. 2007. (Globalfoundaries, Albany, NY)

01-Aparna Dr. Aparna Deshpande, Ph.D. 2006. (Assistant Professor of Physics, IISER, Pune, India.)


Violeta-1 Dr. Violeta Iancu, Ph.D. 2006. (Extreme Light Infrastructure, Romania.)


Jessi-Benson Dr. Jessica Jones Benson Ph.D. (Imperial College London, UK).

Former undergraduate student.


Greg Babonis

Former MS student.


Dr. Kai Felix Braun

Former Research Assistant Professor

Currently at PTB in Braunschweig, Germany.


Jack Steiner

Former undergraduate research student.

Currently a Ph.D. candidate at the Harvard University.


Joel Vaughn

Former undergraduate student.

Currently a PhD candidate at Ohio University.


Thy Vo

Former graduate student.

MA (Physics & Astronomy).

Instructor, Robotic company.




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