An app to determine frequency discrimination and modulation detection thresholds
Simply download, unzip, and run the app. This app allows measurements of frequency discrimination and modulation detection thresholds. This app works for Windows 11 and macOS (Big Sur version 11.0 or later), but not for iOS or Android.
An app to perform auditory chimera experiments
Simply download, unzip, and run the app. For your convenience, some example .wav files are also provided in a separate .zip file. When prompted "Choose The .wav Files Folder", select the "wave files" folder that you just unzipped, to access a set of pre-determined chimeric sounds that are mixtures of two mono-syllabic Mandarin syllables (/yi2/ and /yi4/). Alternatively, you can replace these .wav files with whatever .wav files of your choice. This app will simply cycle through all .wav files within this folder - in a random order. For two-channel (i.e., stereo) .wav files, only data in the first channel will be used. Data in the second channel will be ignored. All the .wav files that reside within the same folder must have the same sampling rate. This app works for Windows 11 and macOS (Big Sur version 11.0 or later), but not for iOS or Android.
An app to perform behavioral frequency matching between a .wav file and pure tones
Simply download, unzip, and run the app. An example .wav file is also provided. When prompted "Select a targeted sound file", you can select the da_170ms.wav file that you have just downloaded from above. Alternatively, you may also choose any .wav file of your choice. The app allows you to play sinusoidal pure tones and adjust its frequencies to match your perception of the .wav file. If the targeted .wav file is two-channel (i.e., stereo), only data in the first channel will be used. Data in the second channel will be ignored. This app works for Windows 11 and macOS (Big Sur version 11.0 or later), but not for iOS or Android.
An app to test whether a participant can differentiate between speech stimuli produced by their mother versus female strangers
Simply download, unzip, and run the app. Several example speech stimuli, recorded from a mother (MOV001) and a female stranger (MOV002), are provided in a separate zip file. When running the app, please ensure that the Subject Code follows the syntax: three letters followed by three digits. For example, the default Subject Code "SUB001" indicates that the participant is the child of mother #1 (i.e., MOV001). All stimulus .wav files must be named with the first six characters of the filename following the same syntax: three letters followed by three digits. For example, a stimulus file named "MOV001_ .wav" indicates that it is a speech stimulus produced by mother #1. In the default situation (with "SUB001" as the test participant), the app will treat any speech stimuli recorded from MOV001 as the participant's mother's voice, while stimuli from other females (e.g., MOV002, MOV003, etc.) will be treated as coming from strangers. Similarly, if the Subject Code is "SUB002", this app will treat any stimuli recorded from MOV002 as the participant's mother's voice and any stimuli from other females (e.g, MOV001, MOV003, etc.) as strangers.
You may include as many speech stimuli (both from the participant's mother and strangers) as you like into a separate folder. The app will simply cycle through all the stimuli saved within the selected folder. The "N times per token" parameter indicates the number of times each stimulus will be played, randomly within a session. If a speech stimulus .wav file is two-channel (i.e., stereo), only the data from the first channel will be used, while the second channel will be ignored. This app is designed so that each participant must complete at least one practice session before the experimental session becomes available. Depending on your preference, you may choose to turn the "Provide feedback" option on or off during the practice and experimental sessions, respectively. All results from both the practice and experimental sessions are saved in a folder (e.g., ".../Desktop/SUB001/") on the desktop of the local computer.
This app works for Windows 11 and macOS (Big Sur version 11.0 or later), but not for iOS or Android.
An app to pick peaks for an ABR waveform
Simply download, unzip, and run the app in MATLAB. This app works for MATLAB on a Windows or macOS computer, but not for iOS or Android.
Several games that are available for auditory training, memory training, visual training, and clinical assessments. These games works only on iOS 7.0 or later, and can be downloaded from iTunes. Among these games, the Portable Automated Rapid Testing (P.A.R.T.) game may be the most relevant to our lab. Data are saved to your iOS device and are not transmitted to any other location. To access the saved data, iTunes or other software can be used to share the files for custom assessments, as well as logs of user data.
A basic speech analysis and online subject testing system for speech research
An open-source MATLAB software tool for speech analysis
Development System for Auditory Modeling
An open-source MATLAB toolbox for processing continuous and event-related EEG, MEG and other electrophysiological data
Statistical power analyses
Doing phonetics by computer
Statistical computing and graphics
Graphical user interface for R statistics
A scientific plotting package
A speech processing toolbox for MATLAB
A speech analysis, audio synthesis and language learning software