at no increase in price!
Mr. Halligan decided that it would be in keeping with the Hallicrafters policy
to produce the finest communications receiver possible to sell just below $50.00.
It is the new S20R Sky Champion.
It has all the fine features of the former model plus these quality additions: 1
additional stage of I.F. (2 I.F. stages in all); 1 additional tube (making 9 tubes
in all); Dickert Automatic Noise Limiter; Separate electrical bandspread - Inertia
controlled; Drift-Compensated High Frequency Oscillator; 3 Watts output; Both
Dials illuminated.Of course it retains all the essential features of the former model such as a Stage of
Pre-selection; Sponge mounted Speaker; Beat Frequency Oscillator; Continuous
coverage from 545 kc. to 44 mc, etc."