Nancy Stevens, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Co-Lead, Ohio Museum Complex
115 Life Sciences Building
Biographical Sketch
Professional Preparation
- Ph.D. in Anthropological Sciences, Stony Brook University, 2003.
- M.S. in Anthropology, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1999.
- M.Phil. in Biological Anthropology, University of Cambridge, England, 1994.
- B.S. in Anthropology, Honors College, Michigan State University, 1992.
- Distinguished Professor, Ohio University, 2020 (Permanent).
- Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Christ’s College, University of Cambridge, 2021-present.
- Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Ohio University. 2014-present.
- Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Ohio University. 2011-2014.
- Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Ohio University. 2003-2011.
- Adjunct Professor and Advisory Board Member, African Studies Program, Ohio University, 2003-present.
- Adjunct Professor, Department of Anthropology, Ohio University, 2003-present.
- Research Associate, Michigan State University Museum Natural History Division, 2004-present.
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Ohio University, 2001-2003.
- Assistant Director, Women in Science and Engineering, SUNY- Stony Brook, 1999-2001.
Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Lecturer, Laboratory instructor, Small group learning coach—Wellness, Pathways to Health and Wellness Curriculum, Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, Ohio University, 2018-present.
- Lecturer, Laboratory instructor—Acute Injury, Pathways to Health and Wellness Curriculum, Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, Ohio University, 2018-present.
- Course Team—Return to Wellness, Pathways to Health and Wellness Curriculum, Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, Ohio University, 2018-present.
- Curriculum Transformation Team—Pathways to Health and Wellness Curriculum, Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, Ohio University, 2018-present.
- Lecturer, Laboratory instructor—CPC Year 1-2, Musculoskeletal and Endocrinology Blocks, Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, Ohio University, 2005-2019.
- Course Director, Topics in Biomedical Science—PCC Year 3-4. College of Osteopathic Medicine, Ohio University, 2003-2004.
- Course Director, Biomedical Sciences—PCC Year 1. College of Osteopathic Medicine, Ohio University, 2002-2003.
- Problem-Based Learning Facilitator, Small Group: Year One Patient-Centered Continuum. Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, Ohio University, 2001-2017.
- Case-Based Learning Facilitator, Small Group: Year Two Clinical Presentation Continuum, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Ohio University, 2001-2003.
Ecology/Evolution/Anthropology/Museum topics
- Faculty participant, BIOS Graduate Program, seminar courses including Conservation Biology, Functional Morphology, Macroevolution, Allometry, Mineralized Tissues, Bone Mechanics.
- Instructor, BIOS Graduate Program, Mammalian Evolution.
- Invited lecturer, Environmental Studies graduate program, 2014-present.
- Invited lecturer, Museum Studies Certificate Program, 2013-present.
- Honors Tutorial College advisor, Topics in functional morphology, Research Techniques, Mammalian adaptations, Conservation Biology, Museum Collections and Educational Outreach. Ohio University. 2005-present.
- Invited lecturer, Outdoor Education program, Ecotourism, 2014-2019.
- Invited lecturer, Anthropology department, Introduction to Biological Anthropology, Primate Conservation, 2014-2016.
- Co-Instructor, Introduction to African Studies grad course (co-instructor S. Howard), 2009.
- Co-Instructor, Department of Geology, Paleoecology course (co-instructor A. Stigall), 2009.
- Field school co-instructor: Evolutionary ecology of the primates of Uganda, 2008-2009.
- Course Coordinator, An Introduction to Research. Women in Science and Engineering, SUNY-SB, 2001.
- Course Instructor, Topics in Primate Evolution. Dept. of Anthropology, SUNY-SB, 1999.
- Laboratory Instructor, Introduction to Biology. Biological Sci. Program, SUNY-SB, 1998-1999.
Research and Training
Laboratory experiences
- Distinguished Visiting Scholar, University of Cambridge, 2021-present.
- Paleobiology Specimen Preparation Facility, Ohio University, 2009-present.
- Postdoctoral Fellowship in vertebrate locomotor biodynamics laboratory, Ohio University, 2001-2003.
- Dissertation research on prosimian locomotor kinematics, Duke University Primate Center, 1998-2000.
- Dental radiography, thin sectioning, microscopy, SUNY-SB, 1995.
- Thesis research on proboscidean molecular genetics, University of Cambridge, England 1993-1994.
- Human osteology workshop at Universities of London and Cambridge, Summer 1991.
- Zooarchaeology and paleoecological reconstruction of materials from southern Africa, Michigan State University, 1990-1991.
Field experiences
- Vertebrate paleontology, Rukwa Rift Basin, Tanzania, 2002- present.
- Vertebrate paleontology, Mesozoic-Cenozoic deposits, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2013-present.
- Vertebrate Paleontology, Early Miocene Tinderet localities, Kenya, 2013-present.
- Vertebrate paleontology and trackway research, Chinje Formation, Zimbabwe, 2010-present.
- Locomotor ecology of endangered primates, Kibale and Bwindi NPs, Uganda, 2007-present.
- Locomotor ecology of endangered primates, Cuc Phuong NP, Vietnam, 2005-present.
- Behavioral ecology, primate functional morphology, SE Madagascar, 1996-present.
- Vertebrate Paleontology, Western Turkana, Kenya, 2013-2019.
- Vertebrate paleontology, Imo, Ameke, Ogawashi Asaba geological formations, Nigeria, 2008.
- Paleogene paleontology, Dhofar Region, Sultanate of Oman, 2007-2008.
- Mesozoic – Cenozoic paleontology, Hawdraumaut, Aden regions, southern Yemen, 2006-2008.
- Paleogene vertebrate paleontology, Cabinda, Angola, 2006.
- Vertebrate paleontology, Etjo Formation, NW Namibia, 2003-2008.
- Participant on field research in Jebel Qatrani Formation of Egypt (1998-9); Maeverano Formation of Madagascar (1996, 2003); Morrison Formation of Colorado (1998); Kirkwood Formation of South Africa (1997); Kalahari caves of Botswana (1997); Bridger Formation of Wyoming (1992-3); Neolithic Archaeology in Italy (1990).

Museum experiences
- Research Associate, Smithsonian/National Museum of Natural History, 2019-present
- Research Associate, National Museums of Kenya, 2015-present
- Research Associate, Michigan State University Museum Natural History Division, 2004-present
- Adjunct Curator, Michigan State University Museum, 2005-2006
- State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1998
- Michigan State University Museum, East Lansing, MI, 1994- 1995
- Sedgwick Museum of Geology, University of Cambridge, England, 1994
- University of Michigan Natural History Museum, Ann Arbor, MI, 1992-1993
- Michigan State University Museum, East Lansing, MI, 1990-1993
Leadership / Mentorship experiences
- Co-Lead, OHIO Museum Complex, 2014-present.
- Director, PCC Curriculum, OU College of Osteopathic Medicine, 2004-2017.
- Coordinator, PCC Curriculum, OU College of Osteopathic Medicine, 2002-2003.
- Assistant Director, Women in Science and Engineering (WISE), SUNY-SB, 1999-2001.
Symposia organized/invited/moderated
- PalEurAfrica Congress, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium, 2019, resulting from BRAIN grant (invited keynote)
- Division of Fossil Primates, Duke Lemur Center – 40th Anniversary Symposium, 2017 American Association of Physical Anthropologists (invited presentation)
- The Context of Our Origins: Geological Studies of Old World Fossil Primate and Hominin Sites 2016 Geological Society of America (invited presentation)
- Hidden Motivations and Glossed Justifications: Problems and Priorities in Biocultural Field Research, 2015 American Association of Anthropologists (invited presentation)
- When, where and why did Old World monkeys evolve? 2014 American Association of Physical Anthropologists (invited presentation)
- The Tempo of Vertebrate Evolution: Geochronologic Advances in Dating the Fossil Record, 2013 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (invited presentation)
- Paleoclimate and Biotic Change in Africa, Mesozoic to Present, 2013 Geological Society of America (invited speaker)
- Evolution of the Modern African Fauna, 2010 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (co-organizer)
- African Health Summit, 2010 Ohio University African Studies Conference (moderator)
- Studying primate locomotion: Linking in situ and ex situ research, 2008 International Primate Society (invited speaker)
- Technical session on mammal evolution, 2008 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (moderator)
- Bridging the gaps between experimental and naturalistic approaches in the study of primate behavior, 2006 International Primate Society (co-organizer)
- Evolution, functional morphology, and behavioral ecology of lorises and galagos (Lorisoids), 2005 American Association of Physical Anthropologists (invited speaker)
- Integrating approaches to the study of tetrapod locomotion, 2004 International Congress of Vertebrate Morphologists (co-organizer)
Professional Service and Peer Review
- Research Associate, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, 2019-present
- Research Affiliate, Palaeontology Division, National Museums of Kenya, 2005-present
- Research Associate, Natural History Division, Michigan State University Museum
- Executive Committee, Society of Vertebrate Paleontologists, 2017-2020
- Scientist from Economically Developing Nation Program, Founding Chair, SVP, 2008-2017
- Development Committee, Member, Society of Vertebrate Paleontologists, 2008-2017
- Membership Committee, Member, Society of Vertebrate Paleontologists, 2008-2017
- International Devt/Biodiversity Committee, Member, International Primate Society, 2006-2017
- Women in Paleontology, Invited Panelist, Society of Vertebrate Paleontologists (SVP), 2010
- Morris Skinner Award Committee, Chair, Society of Vertebrate Paleontologists, 2008
- Manuscript Review: Nature, Science, PLOS ONE, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, Journal of Experimental Biology, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Folia Primatologica, Palaeoworld, American Journal of Primatology, Journal of Experimental Zoology, Journal of Human Evolution, International Journal of Primatology, OU Press, Annals of the Carnegie Museum, Geobios
- Grant Review: National Science Foundation Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences, National Science Foundation Division of Earth Sciences, National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards, National Geographic Society Committee for Research and Exploration, LSB Leakey Foundation
Service Activities
- Director, Ohio STEM Learning Network Southeast Hub, 2020-present.
- Co-Lead, OHIO Museum Complex (OMC). Development of OMC Outdoor Museum, mAppAthens outdoor tour app, nature gallery and acquisition of Crane Hollow ATBI natural history collection, 2014-present.
- Rukwa Rift Basin Project website, featuring research outputs and science educational outreach materials for undergraduate/K-12/general public. Site explores environmental change through time, highlighting new developments in our knowledge about the East African Rift System via research findings in the Rukwa Rift, 2002-present.
- National Science Foundation multimedia science educational outreach websites featuring recent finds from the Rukwa Rift Basin project.
- Scientific exhibit development for general audiences at National Museums of Tanzania, Michigan State University, Dairy Barn Cultural Arts Center, 2005-present
- Local science outreach and science fair support, southeastern Ohio, 2002-present.
- Outreach science education, rural underserved schools in Mbeya region, Tanzania. 2004-present
- Project Leader, Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) High School Program, Stony Brook, NY: Introduction to Anatomy and Forensic Anthropology. 2001.
- Project Leader, Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Undergraduate Program, SUNY at Stony Brook, NY: Introduction to Human Osteology and Skeletal Biology, 2000