Lawrence M. Witmer,
Professor of Anatomy
Chang Ying-Chien Professor of Paleontology
OU Presidential Research Scholar 2004-2009
Dept. of Biomedical Sciences
College of Osteopathic Medicine
Life Science Building, Rm 123
Ohio University
Athens, Ohio 45701 USA

New Directions in the Study of Fossil
Endocasts: a Symposium in Honor of Harry J. Jerison
Moderators: Grant Hurlburt and
Mary Silcox
68th Annual Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
Thursday, October 16, 2008 |

(click images to enlarge)
Seated, from left: Andy Jerison,
Jerison, Jon Jerison
Standing, from left: Rich Kay, Matt Colbert, Jim Hopson, Luo Zhe-Xi,
Grant Hurlburt, Jeri Rodgers, Dave Smith, Ted Macrini, Eric Ekdale,
Mary Silcox, Ryan Ridgely, Taka Tsuihiji, Daniel Goujet, Dave
Dufeau, Matt Wedel, Angela Milner, Phil Gingerich, Stig Walsh, Maria
Dozo, Larry Witmer |
The Symposium
08:00 |
Goujet, D.
The endocranium and endocast of
placoderm fishes. |
08:15 |
Sanders, R.
and Wedel, M. |
The endocranial anatomy of the
domed-skull chalicothere Tylocephalonyx
UCMP 115867 with emphasis on the paranasal
sinuses and turbinates. |
08:30 |
Evans, D.,
Witmer, L., Ridgely, R. and Horner, J. |
Endocranial anatomy of
lambeosaurine dinosaurs: implications for
cranial crest function and evolution. |
08:45 |
Dufeau, D.
and Witmer, L. |
Morphological patterns and
phylogenetic trends in theropod braincase
pneumaticity. |
09:00 |
T., Witmer, L., Watabe, M., Barsbold, R. and
Tsogtbaatar, K. |
New information on the cranial
anatomy of Avimimus portentosus
(Dinosauria: Theropoda) including virtual
endocasts of the brain and inner ear. |
09:15 |
Ridgely, R.
and Witmer, L. |
Gross anatomical brain region
approximation (GABRA): a new technique for
assessing brain structure in dinosaurs and other
fossil archosaurs. |
09:30 |
Hurlburt, G. |
Relative forebrain size in
theropod dinosaurs, non-avian reptiles, and
birds. |
09:45 |
Macrini, T. and
Luo, Z. |
Digital cranial endocast of
Hadrocodium wui (Mammaliaformes) and its
bearing on mammalian brain evolution. |
10:15 |
Rodgers, J. |
The petrosal lobes, subarcuate
fossa and semicircular canals in Monodelphis
domestica: implications for extinct
metatherians. |
10:30 |
Ekdale, E. |
Variation among endocasts of the
bony labyrinth of zhelestids (Mammalia: Eutheria). |
10:45 |
Walsh, S.,
Milner, A., Barrett, P., Manley, G. and Witmer,
L. |
Can hearing and vocalization
capacities be estimated from cochlear duct
endocasts? |
11:00 |
Dozo, M.
Endocasts of notoungulates and
brain evolution in extinct South American
ungulates. |
11:15 |
Silcox, M.,
Dalmyn, C. and Bloch, J. |
The endocast of Ignacius
graybullianus and brain evolution in early
primates. |
11:30 |
Kay, R., Kirk, E.
and Malinzak, M. |
New data on encephalization in
Miocene New World monkeys: implications for
anthropoid brain evolution. |
11:45 |
P. |
Encephalization residuals in
terrestrial and aquatic mammals, living and
fossil: baseline for comparison. |
12:00 |
Jerison, H.
Fossils, brains, and behavior:
endocasts as brains. |
1. Colbert, M. and Racicot, R. The cranial
endocast of a new fossil porpoise (Odontoceti:
Phocoenidae) from the Pliocene of San Diego,
2. Smith, D., Dufeau, D., Sanders, R., Ridgely,
R. and Witmer, L. The cranial endocast of
Eutretauranosuchus delfsi (Crocodyliformes,
Goniopholididae) and its relationship to other
cephalic spaces. |