CHEM 3510: Physical Chemistry
CHEM 4530 : Physical Chemistry I: Thermodynamics
CHEM 4530L : Physical Chemistry I Lab
CHEM 4540 : Physical Chemistry II: Statistical Thermodynamics, Kinetics, and Quantum Chemistry
CHEM 4540L : Physical Chemistry II Lab
Since 2015 Spring CHEM 4540L, several experiments are designed and offered to the students with the list evolves with the research of Chen's group and the other physical chemistry groups. Here shows a list for the 2016 spring class:
- Use fluorescent microscope to track single-particle Brownian motion and flow in microfluidic channels;
- Measure YOYO1 dye quantum yield using single-molecule fluorescence imaging method with R6G dye reference;
- Use AFM to measure DVD disk nanostructures and ultrathin film thickness;
- Fabricate and test microfluidic channels and perovskite solar cells;
- Make polymers and characterize them using differential scanning calorimetry;
- Data analysis for UV-Vis calibration and measurements.

Photo taken with permit for this website.
CHEM 7950 : Special Topics in Physical Chemistry
Fluorescence Microscopy and Sepctroscopy, Fall 2014
Surface and Interfacial Chemistry, Fall 2016, Spring 2018
CHEM 5510 : Physical Chemistry for Online Master's program

Ohio University Student Expo
About 500 local middle school and high school students were arranged to join the events and parents brought K-12 students.

Ohio University Student Expo

Ohio University Student Expo

Ohio University Student Expo