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Earth System

The Earth System
Self-Assessment Quiz


1. The Earth system is considered  

an open system
a closed system
an isolated system
None of the above

2. Which of the following was pulled inward to create the Earth's core during the later accretion phase?


3. A change in a system property that encourages further system change is called 

a positive feedback
a negative feedback
a threshold
an equilibrium trigger

4. Earth's shape is  described as

a true sphere.
an oblate ellipsoid.
a disk.
none of the above.

5. The shortest distance between two points on a sphere is

an arc of a great circle.
an arc of a small circle.
an oblate ellipsoid.
a straight line.

6. Which of the following would act to keep a system in a state of equilibrium?

a positive feedback
a negative feedback
a threshold
an equilibrium trigger

7.  The equatorial bulge is due to

the gravitation attraction of the Moon.
the gravitation attraction of the Sun.
the centrifugal force of Earth rotation
none of the above.

8. The hydrosphere is an example of

an isolated system
an open system
a closed system
none of the above

9. Though the atmosphere's temperature has varied throughout geologic history, much of the time it has been considered to be 

in a state of dynamic equilibrium
in steady-state equilibrium
in a non-equilibrium state
in a geo-equilibrium state

10. Earthquakes are generated by ______ sources of energy.

both endogenic and exogenic
none of the above


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For Citation: Ritter, Michael E. The Physical Environment: an Introduction to Physical Geography.
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©2003 - Michael Ritter (
Last revised 6/5/12

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