Chapter 2
The Earth System

Buffalo on Wetland
(Courtesy USFWS)
The Earth system is a complex interaction between its
subsystems the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere. The
Earth system around us today is the result of millions of years of
evolutionary processes tending toward a stable equilibrium. At times,
assaults from within and outside have stressed the system and forced
changes. Here you will explore the types of systems found on Earth and
the sources of energy that drive them.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the chapter you should be able to:
Explain the origin and shape of the Earth.
Explain how the Earth's orientation to and revolution around the Sun cause seasons.
Describe the basic features of the continents and oceans.
Explain how earth "spheres" interact with one another within the Earth system.
Explain how natural systems are regulated by feedback.
Demonstrate through the use of a flow chart how positive and negative feedback effect system change.
Compare and contrast, and provide examples of open and closed systems.
Draw a simple diagram of the nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, and hydrologic cycles.
Compare and contrast, and give examples of endogenic and exogenic sources of energy.
Explain how feedbacks drive global warming and climate change.
See if you are prepared for this chapter by Getting Ready for Chapter 2: Earth Systems.
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