Chapter Review Assess your understanding of concepts related to this chapter by answering the questions below. Click the question to reveal the correct answer.
Entisols lack noticeable horizons as parent material has not undergone significant weathering processes. On the other hand, oxisols may be so strongly weathered that visually distinguishing horizons can be difficult.
Histosols are noted for high organic content. Peat can be mined from histosols.
Soil forming processes are what determine the type of soil that forms.
Podzolization - Cool, humid environments; needle leaf forest cover common. Leads to the development of soils that are acidic, have an ash-grey E-horizon. Spodosols.
Laterization - warm, humid environments; broadleaf evergreen forest cover. Creates highly oxidized soils that are red/yellow in color. Oxisols; Ultisols.
Calcification - warm, dry environments; grass cover. Creates soils rich in calcium carbonate; high base status.
Salinization - warm, dry environments. Creates soils containing soluble salts.
Broadleaf deciduous forest increase the nutrient base status of soil. A constant cycling of nutrients between the soil and tree occurs through decomposition of leaf litter and root uptake.
Fine textured soils (small particle size) have more total pore space per unit volume than does coarse textured soils (large particle size). Fine textured soils have high field capacity than coarse textured soils. Coarse textured soil has larger, better connected pore space yielding greater infiltration and permeability compared to fine textured soil.
Soil texture is the relative proportions of sand, silt, and clay size particles. Soil texture effects such processes as infiltration, permeability, and field capacity.