Soil Systems
Chapter 11
Soil Systems
Fertile soil dried and cracked due to a lack of rain, Morocco
Courtesy FAO
Soil is crucial to the functioning of the Earth system. Soil
is the foundation upon
which vegetation grows and home to a diverse community of organisms. The global
mosaic of world soils is a reflection of the geographic variation
of climate, vegetation, and geological processes. Soil is a resource
easily degraded or destroyed by misuse. Once damaged, it take hundreds of years
to regenerate and become productive again.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the chapter you should be able to:
- Create and label a diagram of horizon development process.
- Explain how soil color relates to soil properties.
- Define soil texture, structure and bulk density, and explain their importance to soil development.
- Use the soil texture triangle to determine soil texture class.
- Explain basic soil chemistry and relate it to soil fertility.
- Construct, label, and describe the horizons in a typical soil profile.
- Describe each of the soil development factors and how they influence properties of soils.
- Describe the soil forming (pedogenic) processes and their effects on soil properties.
- Describe the major soil orders and explain their general distribution.
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