Cyan+ Magenta | = | Blue |
Cyan + Yellow | = | Green |
Yellow+ Magenta | = | Red |
Cyan+ Magenta + Yellow | = | Black |
Choose a filter of blue, green, or red and shine white light through the filter:
White - Blue | = | Green + Red | = | Yellow |
White - Green | = | Blue + Red | = | Magenta |
White - Red | = | Blue + Green | = | Cyan |
The simple subtractive rules apply only to ideal filters. They would also apply to ideal transparent dyes. Dyes are substances that absorb certain parts of the spectrum. Mixing transparent dyes also results in a subtractive color color mixture. In general, there are no simple rules that allow to predict the result of a subtractive mixture of real dyes or filters, if one only knows the colors (i.e. chromaticities) of the constituents one mixes. For such subtractive mixing the result depends on the details of the intensity distribution curves, that is on the details of the transmittance curves of the filters or dyes.
To illustrate how complicated eve a simple case can be, consider the mixing of a color (dye) with itself.
(a) Transmittance of blue
(1) and yellow (2) dyes at unit concntrations, and (3) a one-to-one
mixture of the two dyes, also at unit concentration.
(b) Chromatricity path as the
concentration of mixtures of the two dyes is increased.
At very low concentration the dyes are almost transparent, so the
illuminating white light passes through unchanged (W). As the concentration
is increased, the color becomes more saturated, ultimately becomes red
at high concentrations. The path between white and red depends on the
ratios of concentrations of the two dyes. Shown are a one-to-one
mixture (1:1), a three-blue-to-one-yellow mixture (3:1), and a
one-blue-to-three-yellow mixture (1:3). The points marked
b and
y are the colors of the unit
concentration dyes shown in (a).
Thus, appropriate mixtures of these yellow and blue dyes result in almost any
color in the lower half of the chromaticity diagram, but
not the green one might expect
from blue and yellow.
The color of the light reflected from an object usually depends on the color of the illuminating light, e.g., gold looks more orange if the light shining on it is itself golden yellow. One can see a more extreme example of this effect under the `golden white' sodium lamps one often finds on highways: some objects lose their color because there is very little green and red light emitted by this source.
How can one tell what color an object will acquire under a nonwhite illumination? You know that the objects reflectance curve tell what fraction of the incident light is reflected at each wavelength. Hence, if you know the intensity distribution curve of the incident light, you need only multiply it by the reflectance curve to get the intensity distribution curve of the reflected light.
Even if two illuminating lights look the same, an object may still appear in different colors in them. If a white light consists of two narrow bands of complementary colors, say cyan and red, objects illuminated by it have only one or the other color, or a mixture of these colors. A yellow object may appear red or black, depending on how broad its reflectance curve is. However, the same object will appear yellow when illuminated by a broad-band white, such as daylight, even though both whites look the same when reflected from a white screen.
For this reason, when buying clothes, you are often advised to take the material to a window nag look at it by daylight, as well as by the artificial illumination in the store. Even that may be insufficient. Light from the northern sky may be bluish, direct sunlight has its maximum in the green, while the late afternoon light is reddish. All of these lights may look white to you, since the eye adapts to the illumination.
If a light source produces light because it is hot, e.g., an incandescent light bulb or the sun, its color (and consequently the color objects appear when illuminated by it) depend on its temperature. The intensity distribution curves of most hot, glowing bodies are just the black body spectra we encountered in Chapter 6. The hotter the source, the more the relative intensity at the shorter wave lengths. A cool body radiates almost exclusively in the infrared. As it is heated, it begins to glow red. Further heating may make ti yellow, white, or even blue.
Broad-spectrum sources are often classified by color temperature, the temperature of a black body source whose color matches that of the source in question. Two sources of the same color temperature give off light that looks the same. Of course, colored object may appear differently colored under two such source because their intensity distributions may be different. But almost all incandescent sources of the same color temperature have the same intensity distribution. This is a convenient way of standardizing such light sources. E.g. in TV studios the color cameras are balanced for a standard 3200o photoflood.
The location of the color of the light from incandescent sources at
various temperatures.
The temperature is in
degrees Kelvin (Ko)
. Shown are three standard white light sources
Ch. Elster