Research Grants and Supports
Funding Secured:
- Principal Investigator (PI): $4,513,461
- Sub-award Principal Investigator: $265,300
- Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI): $914,339
- Lead PI, National Science Foundation, Partnership for Advancing Research Capacity in Semiconductors at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (PARCS-HBCU) ($3M, CSU's share: $1,316,951, 09/2024-08/2027)
- PI, National Science Foundation, Advancing Semiconductor Education through Expansion and Diversification (ASEED), ($299,977, 08/2024-07/2026)
- Lead PI, Intel Corporation, Intel Semiconductor Education Program at Central State University (ISEP-CSU), ($2,225,700, 08/2022-07/2026)
- PI, National Science Foundation, Strengthening the undergraduate STEM programs at Central State University through the infusion of computational contents and a computer-assisted personalized approach ($303,242, 09/2021-08/2025)
- Sole PI, National Science Foundation, Yakubovsky calculations for six-nucleon bound states ($367,591, 07/2020-06/2025)
- Sub-award PI, Nuclear Regulator Commission, Rad-hard FPGAs to Improve Digital Resilience in Modernizing Digital Instrumentation and Controls Regulatory Infrastructure, Lead Institution: The Ohio State University, Lead PI: Raymond Cao ($45,000, 01/2024-12/2026),
- Sub-award PI: Intel Corporation, OASiS: Ohio-southwest Alliance on Semiconductors and Integrated Scalable-Manufacturing, Lead Institution: University of Cincinnati, Lead PI: Marc Cahay, ($220,300, 09/2022-08/2026)
- Co-PI, National Science Foundation, Teacher POWER (Preparing Our Workforce through Electronics and Research), PI: Leanne Petry ($195,937, 09/2024-08/2027)
- Co-PI, The Ohio Department of Higher Education, Super RAPIDS: A Strategic Initiative to Improve Workforce Education and Training for Regional Underrepresented Minorities, PI: Deng Cao ($718,402, 12/2023-12/2025)
- Computational Support, Ohio Supercomputer Center (04/2016-present)