Home Dr. Hembree Research Continental Ichnology Laboratory Students Publications Courses News and Opportunities Links
Student Opportunities |
GRADUATE RESEARCH IN ICHNOLOGY I am looking for well-qualified students wishing to pursue a MS
in Geology focusing on continental ichnology and paleopedology. Applicants
must have a B.S. or B.A. in geology. Experience in paleontology and
sedimentology is preferred. Interested students are encouraged to apply to
the Ohio University Department of Geological Sciences by February 1, 2021. Visit: http://www.ohio.edu/geology/graduate_program.html
for detailed application instructions. Questions should be directed to Dr.
Daniel Hembree at hembree@ohio.edu. |
News |
Fall 2021 Welcome to the newest
member of the lab, Skyler Houser, who is starting his Masters of Science
degree in Geology. Jennifer Crowell (MS)
presented “Climate-induced changes in fluvial ichnofossil assemblages of the
Pennsylvanian-Permian Appalachian Basin” at the Geological Society of America
2021 Annual Meeting. Summer 2021 Hayden
Thacker (BS 2020) and Dr. Hembree published “Neoichnological study of two
species of burrowing darkling beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebionidae) from larval to adult stages” in Ichnos. Spring 2021 Congratulations to Joe Wislocki who has
successfully defended his graduate thesis and earned his Master’s degree in Geology! Fall 2020 Welcome to two new members of the lab. Jennifer
Crowell is starting her Masters of Science degree in Geology and Rachel
Wawrzynski will be working as a laboratory assistant funded by the OHIO PACE
program. Joe Wislocki (MS) presented “Burrowing
techniques, behaviors, and trace morphologies of extant larval to adult
beetles,” at the Geological
Society of America 2020 Annual Meeting. Dr. Hembree and Connor McFadden (MS 2019) published
“Analysis of climate and landscape change through the Pennsylvanian and
Permian Monongahela and Dunkard Groups, Southeastern Ohio, USA,” in the
Journal of Sedimentary Environments (v. 5, p. 321-353). Spring 2020 Congratulations to Hayden Thacker who has
successfully defended his undergraduate thesis and earned his Bachelors of
Science degree in Geology! Fall 2019 Welcome to two new members of the lab. Joe Wislocki is
starting his Masters of Science degree in Geology and Mary Reichle will be
working as a laboratory assistant funded by the OHIO PACE program. Dr. Hembree presented “Neoichnological evidence
of predatory behavior in soil arthropods and its application to continental
trace fossils” at the 3rd International Conference of Continental Ichnology
in Halle, Germany. Summer 2019 Dr. Hembree published a paper on the neoichnology
of centipedes in PALAIOS (v. 34, p. 468-489), “Burrows and ichnofabric produced by centipedes:
modern and ancient examples.” Dr. Hembree presented “Neoichnological evidence of predatory
behavior recorded by soil arthropod trace fossils” at the 11th North American
Paleontological Convention in Berkeley, California. Spring 2019 Congratulations to Connor McFadden who has
successfully defended his thesis and earned his Master’s degree in Geology! Sarah Kogler (MS 2018) and
Dr. Hembree have published a paper on the effects of modern pedogenesis on
paleosol geochemistry. Journal of Sedimentary Research (v. 89, p. 227-241). Fall 2018 Dr. Hembree presented “Ichnofabric
produced by centipedes: modern and ancient examples,” at the Geological Society of America 2018 Annual
Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana. Connor McFadden (MS) presented “Analysis
of landscape variability through the Pennsylvanian-Permian Monongahela and
Dunkard groups, southeastern Ohio, USA,” at the Geological Society of America 2018 Annual
Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana. Spring 2018 Congratulations to Sarah Kogler
who has successfully defended her thesis and earned her Master’s degree in
Geology! Dr. Hembree and Jennifer Carnes (MS 2017) have
published a paper on the response of soil ecosystems to climate change during
the Late Pennsylvanian-Early Permian in the open access journal Geosciences (http://www.mdpi.com/2076-3263/8/6/203). Dr. Hembree presented “Effects of the Late
Paleozoic climate transition on soil ecosystems of the Appalachian Basin:
evidence from ichnofossils” at the 5th International Palaeontological
Congress in Paris, France. Fall 2017 Welcome to the newest member of the lab, Connor
McFadden, who is starting his Masters of Science degree in Geology. Dr. Hembree has published a paper on the burrows and
burrowing behaviors of three species of extant tarantulas in Palaeontologia Electronica (20.3.45A: 1-30; http://palaeo-electronica.org/content/2017/2003-neoichnology-of-tarantulas). Dr. Hembree and colleagues have published a paper on
the neoichnology of the Sonoran Desert of southern Arizona in PALAIOS (v. 32,
no. 9, p. 620-638). This research was funded by the National Geographic
Society and supported by the Critical Zone Observatory. Dr. Hembree presented a keynote talk at the talk on
“Experimental continental neoichnology: the lessons animals can teach us in
the laboratory and field” at the Second International Congress on Continental
Ichnology in South Africa. Dr. Hembree presented “Effects of the Late Paleozoic
climate transition on soil ecosystems of the Appalachian Basin (Monongahela
and Dunkard groups): evidence from ichnofossils,” at the Geological Society
of America 2017 Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington. Sarah Kogler (MS) presented “Influences of modern
pedogenesis on paleoclimate estimates from Pennsylvanian and Permian
paleosols, southeast Ohio” at the Geological Society of America 2017 Annual
Meeting in Seattle, Washington. Angeline Catena (MS 2012) has published a paper
with Dr. Hembree and colleagues on late middle Miocene paleosols and trace
fossils from Quebrada Honda, Bolivia in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Palaeoecology (v.487, p. 381-398). Dr. Hembree and Emma Swaninger (BS 2017) have
published a paper on large Camborygma
from fluvial deposits of the Dunkard Group (Asselian) of southeastern Ohio in
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Palaeoecology. Spring 2017 Congratulations to Sarah Kogler who received graduate research
grants from the Geological Society of America and the Society for Sedimentary
Geology. Dr. Hembree presented
“Neoichnology of tarantulas: recognition of large spider burrows in the
fossil record” at the Geological Society of America 2017 Section
Northeastern/North-central Section meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Emma Swaninger (BS) presented “Large burrows in fluvial deposits of the
Early Permian (Asselian) Dunkard Group, southeast Ohio, U.S.A.” at the
Geological Society of America 2017 Section Northeastern/North-central Section
meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Congratulations to Emma Swaninger who has
successfully defended her senior thesis and earned her Bachelor’s degree in
Geology! Congratulations to Jennifer Carnes who has
successfully defended her thesis and earned her Master’s degree in Geology! Dr. Hembree and Jared Bowen (MS 2013) have
published a paper on the paleosols and ichnofossils of the Upper
Pennsylvanian to Lower Permian Monongahela and Dunkard groups of southeast
Ohio in PALAIOS (v. 32, p. 295-320). Fall 2016 Welcome to the newest member of the lab, Sarah Kogler, who is
starting her Masters in Geology. Dr. Hembree has published a paper on the application of
experimental continental neoichnology to the interpretation of trace fossils
in Ichnos (v. 23, p. 262-297). Michael Blair (MS 2015) and Dr. Hembree have published a paper on
the paleosols and trace fossils of the Dunkard Group in West Virginia in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Palaeoecology (v. 454, p. 246-266). Spring 2016 Emma Swaninger (BS) has begun work on her senior
thesis, “Analysis of large burrows in the Lower Marietta Sandstone, Dunkard
Group (Upper Pennsylvanian-Lower Permian), southeast Ohio, USA.” Angeline Catena (MS 2012) has published a paper
with Dr. Hembree and colleagues on middle Miocene paleosols and trace fossils
from Cerdas, Bolivia (Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,
v.459, p. 423-439). New paper published on borings in shells of Nautilus macromphalus
from cave deposits of the South Pacific (New Caledonia) by Drs. Suess, Wisshak, Mapes, Hembree, and Landman in Ichnos
(v. 23, 108-115). Fall 2015 Welcome to the newest members of the lab, Jennifer Carnes, who is
starting her Masters in Geology, as well as Seth Barot and Emma Swaninger, undergraduate students in
the Department of Geological Sciences. Lauren Johnson and Dr. Hembree have published a
new paper on the neoichnology of burrowing toads, in Palaeontologia
Electronica (v. v. 18.2.43A Open
Access). Spring 2015 Dr. Hembree has published a new paper with
colleagues on borings in the shells of Nautilus
macromphalus from backshore and deep marine
environments in PALAIOS (v. 30). Dr. Hembree and colleagues have published a new
paper on experimental continental neoichnology in Papers From Ichnia III
published by the Geological Association of Canada. Congratulations to Michael Blair who has
successfully defended his thesis and earned his Master’s degree in Geology! Congratulations to Lauren Johnson who has
successfully defended her senior thesis and earned her Bachelor’s degree in
Geology! Mike Hils and Dr. Hembree have published a new paper on the neoichnology of
burrowing spiders, in Palaeontologia Electronica
(v. 18). Fall 2014 Welcome to the new members of the lab, Samantha Hampton and Wesely Parker, undergraduate students in the Department
of Geological Sciences. Dr. Hembree has received a grant from the National Geographic
Society to study the soils biota of semi-arid deserts in the Sonoran Desert
of southern Arizona. The Continental Neoichnology
Database detailing the results of the research conducted in Dr. Hembree’s Continental Neoichnology Research Laboratory
has been launched. Dr. Hembree and colleagues have published a new
paper on the effects of tropical cyclones on the taphonomy of Nautilus in PALAIOS (v. 29). Angeline Catena and Dr. Hembree have published a new paper on the neoichnology of
the ocellated sand skink, Chalcides ocellatus, in Palaeontologia
Electronica (v. 17, no. 3). Spring 2014 Congratulations to Mike Hils who has successfully defended his
thesis and earned his Master’s degree in Geology! Congratulations to Michael Blair for earning a Geological Society
of America Student Research Grant to support his research on paleosols of the
Dunkard Group! Dr. Hembree has published a new paper on the neoichnology of the
emperor scorpion, Pandinus imperator,
in the edited volume Experimental
Approaches to Understanding Fossil Organisms. Angeline Catena and Dr. Hembree have published a new paper on the neoichnology of
the golden skink, Mabuya multifasciata,
in the edited volume Experimental
Approaches to Understanding Fossil Organisms. Nicole Dzenowski and Dr. Hembree have published a new paper on the neoichnology of
burrowing salamanders in the edited volume Experimental Approaches to Understanding Fossil Organisms. Dr. Hembree has completed a new edited volume, Experimental
Approaches to Understanding Fossil Organisms: Lessons from the Living,
as part of the Topics in Geobiology series
published by Springer Publishing. Jared Bowen and Dr. Hembree have published a paper
on the neoichnology of spirobolid millipedes in Palaeontologia Electronica (v. 17 no. 1, p. 1-48). Fall 2013 Welcome to the newest members of the lab, Michael Blair, who is
starting his Masters in Geology, and Madeline Ingle, who will be working as an
undergraduate laboratory assistant thanks to funding from the OU PACE
program. Spring 2013 Congratulations to Jared Bowen who has successfully
defended his thesis and completed his Masters in Geology! Congratulations to Mike Hils for receiving a Geological Society
of America Student Research Grant and a Paleontological Society Grant to fund
his research on burrowing spiders. Dr. Hembree has published a paper on the neoichnology of the
giant vinegaroon in PALAIOS (v. 28, p. 141-162). Fall 2012 Welcome to the newest members of the lab, Mike Hils, who is starting
his Masters in Geology, and Allison Durkee, who will be working as an
undergraduate laboratory assistant thanks to funding from the OU PACE
program. Angeline Catena and Dr. Hembree have published a paper on
Pennsylvanian Casselman Formation paleosols in Geosciences (v. 2, p.
178-202). Nicole Dzenowski and Dr. Hembree have published a paper on
Pennsylvanian Glenshaw Formation paleosols in Geosciences (v. 2, p. 260-276). Dr. Hembree has received a 3-year grant from the American
Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund to study paleosols and continental
ichnofossils of the Pennsylvanian-Permian Dunkard Group in southeast Ohio and
West Virginia. Spring 2012 Congratulations to Nicole Dzenowski who has successfully defended
her thesis and completed her Masters in Geology! Nicole will be starting a
Ph.D. in the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas in the Fall of
2012. Congratulations to Angeline Catena who has successfully defended
her thesis and completed her Masters in Geology! Congratulations to Jared Bowen for receiving an Ed Picou Fellowship Grant for Graduate Studies in Earth
Science from the Gulf Coast Section of the Society for Sedimentary Geology to
fund his research in Permian paleosols and ichnofossils. Dr. Hembree has published a paper on the neoichnology of
burrowing desert scorpions in Palaeontologia
Electronica (v. 15, issue 1). Krista Smilek and Dr. Hembree have
published a paper on the neoichnology of burrowing holothurians in the Open
Paleontology Journal (v. 4, p. 1-10). Fall 2011 Welcome to a new member of the lab, Jared Bowen. Jared will be
studying the neoichnology of myriapods as part of
his MS degree. Dr. Hembree and Dr. Gregory Nadon have published a paper on the
paleosols and ichnofossils of the Late Pennsylvanian Conemaugh Group of
southeastern Ohio in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
(v. 312, p. 138-166). Spring 2011 Congratulations to Nicole Dzenowski for receiving an Ed Picou Fellowship Grant for Graduate Studies in Earth Science
from the Gulf Coast Section of the Society for Sedimentary Geology to fund
her research in Pennsylvanian paleosols and ichnofossils. Congratulations to Angeline Catena for receiving a Geological
Society of America Grant-in-Aid for her research with the neoichnology of
burrowing skinks. Dr. Hembree received a grant from the Ohio University Baker Fund
to continue his research on the taphonomy of modern Nautilus in the Loyalty Islands. Dr. Hembree and Dr. Gregory Nadon have published a paper on large,
complex burrow systems occurring in freshwater deposits of the Late
Pennsylvanian Monongahela Group of southeastern Ohio in Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
(v. 300, p. 128-137). Fall 2010 Welcome to two new members of the lab, Angeline Catena and Nicole
Dzenowski. Both Angeline and Nicole will be studying vertebrate neoichnology
as part of their MS degrees. Spring 2010 Congratulations to Bart Rasor who has successfully defended his
senior thesis and completed his BS in Geology! Bart will be starting as a
wellsite geologist for RPS this summer. Fall 2009 Dr. Hembree has published a paper on the neoichnology of
burrowing millipedes in PALAIOS (v. 24, p. 425-439). Spring 2009 Congratulations to Krista Smilek who
has successfully defended her thesis and completed her Master’s in
Geology! Krista will be starting as
Academic Director in the University of Cincinnati Department of Geology in
the Fall of 2009. Dr. Hembree received a 2-year PRF grant to study continental
ichnofossils in the Pennsylvanian Appalachian Basin and modern biogenic
structures. Dr. Hembree received a 5-year NSF grant to
study the burrowing behavior and
biogenic structures of extant terrestrial animals for application to the
study of ichnofossils. Fall 2008 Dr. Hembree and Dr. Stephen Hasiotis have published a paper on
the continental ichnofossils and paleosols of the Miocene Pawnee Creek
Formation of northeastern Colorado in Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
(v. 270, p. 349-365). Welcome to a new member of the lab, Bart Rasor,
who will be completing a senior thesis on the taphonomy of modern Nautilus in shallow marine
environments as part of his Bachelor’s degree in geology. Dr. Hembree and Dr. Royal Mapes received a grant from the
National Geographic Society to study the taphonomy of modern Nautilus in subtidal environments in
the Loyalty islands in the South Pacific. |
Copyright © 2007 Daniel Hembree Last revised: 10/2021 |