A Word (or More) About Grading Criteria
Your goal is to pile up enough points to earn the grade of your choice. Grades are not decided by percentages but by points earned. Some of the points are easier to earn than others. For example, everyone will get full credit by attending class the first day and completing the First-Day Survey. You should also earn 80% (or more) of the Quiz points by completing the reading assignments and regularly attending class.
I DO NOT assign final grades based on a “curve” (i.e., the grading scale is fixed). I DO NOT "bump up" final grades no matter how close they may be to the next level. There is no limit on the number of As and Bs that will be given. You are not in competition with your fellow students. I expect to give no Fs. If it looks like this may happen, I will talk to you so that we can solve the problem.
Grading is sometimes a subjective process and I will be happy to discuss any evaluation concerns you may have. Please do not attempt to “pick at” points or ambush me at the end of the semester in an effort to salvage your grade. Such attempts, at best, will be frowned upon and, at worst, may lead to instructor-student conflict.
Undergraduate Grading Scale
Use the following scale to determine how many points you need to accumulate to get the grade you want:
A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F |
376 or more points 360 to 375 points 348 to 359 points 336 to 347 points 320 to 335 points 308 to 319 points 296 to 307 points 280 to 295 points 268 to 279 points 256 to 267 points 240 to 255 points 239 or less points |
Undergraduate Evaluation Elements
Here is the breakdown of points and the percentage of the final grade each element constitutes:
Quizzes (10)
Exams (2) Mid-Term Exam Final Exam
Projects (3) First-Day Survey Behavioral Observation & Analysis Movie Journal
10 (3%)
100 (25%) 100 (25%)
20 (5%) 30 (7%) 50 (13%)
100 (25%)
200 (50%)
Graduate Grading Scale
Use the following scale to determine how many points you need to accumulate to get the grade you want:
A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F |
470 or more points 450 to 469 points 435 to 449 points 420 to 434 points 400 to 419 points 385 to 399 points 370 to 384 points 350 to 369 points 335 to 349 points 320 to 334 points 300 to 319 points 299 or fewer points |
Graduate Evaluation Elements
Here is the breakdown of points and the percentage of the final grade each element constitutes:
Quizzes (10)
Exams (2) Mid-Term Exam Final Exam
Projects (4) First-Day Survey Behavioral Observation & Analysis Movie Journal Graduate Excellence Project
10 (2%)
125 (25%) 125 (25%)
25 (5%) 25 (5%) 50 (10%) 50 (10%)
100 (20%)
250 (50%)
Content produced by Robert L. Holbrook, Jr.
Printable pages (e.g., topic schedules, syllabi) have been optimized for printing with half-inch margins and no headers or footers. These pages have been carefully screened for inaccuracies, but content may not be consistent with that presented in class. When inconsistencies arise, please feel free to contact Dr. Holbrook or stop by 308 Copeland Hall.
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