A Word (or More) About Quizzes
Be sure to print (and separate) at least three copies of the quiz form. Bring a couple forms to every class session.
Throughout the semester, you will be given a quiz each time there is a chapter reading assigned. Not every class session will have a quiz. Quizzes are given at the beginning of class. Only five minutes will be allotted for taking a quiz. If you arrive late, you may not have enough time to complete the quiz. Quiz scores will be prorated based on attendance (e.g., if you stay for half the class session, you will get half the quiz points you earn). Do not show up for class, take the quiz then leave, and expect to receive points for doing so.
Quizzes serve two or three purposes:
- They provide an incentive to review the chapter BEFORE each class session;
- They provide an incentive to arrive on time and remain the full class period; and
- Depending on exam format, they may provide practice questions before the exam
Quizzes consist of five multiple choice questions based on Key Concepts (listed below) for the chapter(s) assigned. Generally, familiarity with a concept definition will be sufficient to answer the questions. However, I reserve the right to ask questions designed to check for deeper understanding (to determine if you read more than just the definitions). From time to time, I may include a 1-point bonus question.
FINAL NOTE: Quizzes represent a portion (approximately 25 percent) of the overall grade, but could easily make a letter difference in your final grade. Take them seriously.
Old Quizzes
Exams will have some multiple-choice questions. At least twenty percent of the quiz questions will be repeated as multiple choice. I will post quizzes here after they are taken. Click on a link below to review an old quiz.
Chapter List
Scroll the remainder of the page for all the key concepts or click on a link below to jump to the key concepts for a specific chapter.  
Module 1 / Chapter 1: Introduction to Principles of Management
Corporate Social Responsibility Economic Performance Entrepreneurship Functional Manager General Manager Leadership Line Manager |
Management Organizational Citizenship Behavior Project Manager Staff Manager Stakeholders Strategy Top Manager |
Module 2 / Chapter 2: Personality, Attitudes, and Work Behavior
Attitude Job Performance Job Satisfaction Organizational Commitment Perception Personality Person-Job Fit Person-Organization Fit Proactive Personality |
Psychological Contract Selective Perception Self-Esteem Self-Efficacy Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Self-Monitoring Stereotypes Values
Module 3 / Chapter 3: History, Globalization, and Values-Based Leadership
(Institutional) Collectivism (Ethical) Dilemmas Ethics Future Orientation Learning Organization |
Power Distance Social Networking Triple Bottom Line Uncertainty Avoidance Virtual Organization |
Module 4 / Chapter 5: Strategizing
Core Competencies Corporate Strategy Differentiation Strategy Diversification Emergent Strategy Focus Strategy Industry Intended Strategy |
Realized Strategy Strategic Focus Strategic Management Strategy Formulation Strategy Implementation Sustainable Competitive Advantage Value Chain
Module 5 / Chapter 6: Goals and Objectives
Module 6 / Chapter 7: Organizational Structure and Change
Boundaryless Organization Centralization Flat Structures Formalization Matrix Organization |
Organizational Change Organizational Structure Strategic Alliances Tall Structures
Module 7 / Chapter 9: Social Networks
Access Activity Bridging Tie Centrality Control Density Direct Ties Indirect Ties Network Size Networking |
Operational Network Personal Network Principle of Exchange Principle of Reciprocity Principle of Similarity Social Capital Social Network Strategic Network Strong Ties Weak Ties |
Module 8 / Chapter 10: Leading People and Organizations
Active Management By Exception Authentic Leadership Authoritarian Decision Making Charisma Democratic Decision Making Formal Leaders Informal Leaders Laissez-Faire Decision Making |
Leadership Passive Management By Exception People-Oriented Leader Servant Leadership Task-Oriented Leader Transactional Leadership Transformational Leadership
Module 9 / Chapter 11: Decision Making
Anchoring Bounded Rationality Model Brainstorming Consensus Decision Making Escalation of Commitment Framing |
Groupthink Hindsight Bias Intuitive Model Majority Rule Nonprogrammed Decisions Programmed Decisions Satisfice |
Module 10 / Chapter 12: Communication in Organizations
Module 11 / Chapter 14: Motivating Employees
Ability Equity Sensitivity Extinction Job Enlargement Job Enrichment Job Rotation Job Specialization Motivation |
Need for Achievement Need for Affiliation Need for Power Negative Reinforcement Positive Reinforcement Punishment Referent SMART Goals |
Module 12 / Chapter 15: The Essentials of Control
Behavioral Controls Financial Control Lean Control Muda |
Operational Control Organizational Control Outcome Controls Strategic Control |
Content produced by Robert L. Holbrook, Jr.
Printable pages (e.g., topic schedules, syllabi) have been optimized for printing with half-inch margins and no headers or footers. These pages have been carefully screened for inaccuracies, but content may not be consistent with that presented in class. When inconsistencies arise, please feel free to contact Dr. Holbrook or stop by 308 Copeland Hall.
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