Management 2000 Ohio University
ManagementLast Updated: June 19, 2018
Student Bio Sheet
Topic Schedule
Quiz Form
Evaluation Items
Grade Criteria
Current Grade Sheet
MGT 2000 Homepage
Dr. Holbrook's Homepage
Management Department
College of Business
Ohio University


A Word (or More) About Announcements

I will generally try to post important information not contained in other places here. Do not rely on this page for reminders about project deadlines or upcoming exams.

Open Educational Resource

While I strongly disagree with the notion that textbooks are driving up the cost of higher education -- we can discuss the real culprit when we talk about bureaucracies during the course -- I am joining the university's initiative to utilize open educational resources. These materials are a lot like public domain software (i.e., they are provided by the author/compiler at no cost to the user). Click any of the links below to access our text:

Online Version

Chapter numbers in the PDF versions do not always correspond with the module numbers for the online text. The Topic Schedule is set up based on modules. Be sure you read the correct chapter if you use the PDF version. The individual chapter links below will access the correct chapter for the modules identified.

Full PDF Version

Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7
Module 8
Module 9
Module 10
Module 11
Module 12

Revised Key Topics

Sometimes I do not cover certain Key Topics as well as I want during class sessions. Other times, I decide not to cover them at all. That being the case, I occasionally drop Key Topics from consideration for exams. Rather than revise (and then revise back later) the Key Topics web page, I simply post an updated list here.

Revised Key Topics List

Self-Assessment Presentation / Profile Format Information

Relevant parts of the presentation on self-assessment instrument meanings and class scores are provided as a PDF below.

Self-Assessment Information

Feedback on Your Self-Analysis Report

As soon as you have completed your Self-Analysis Report (do not wait until the deliverable due date), e-mail it to your feedback providers. Ask them to read it and provide feedback on the accuracy of your analysis. You will need to provide them a link to the online form for providing feedback. Click on the following link:

Self-Analysis Report Feedback Form

Take a look at the form to see what information your feedback providers will be giving. Then copy the URL and paste it into your e-mail for them to use.

Professional Development Report Details

Relevant parts of the presentation on self-assessment instrument meanings and class scores are provided as a PDF below.

Report Elements

Revised Report Format

Content produced by Robert L. Holbrook, Jr.

Printable pages (e.g., topic schedules, syllabi) have been optimized for printing with half-inch margins and no headers or footers. These pages have been carefully screened for inaccuracies, but content may not be consistent with that presented in class. When inconsistencies arise, please feel free to contact Dr. Holbrook or stop by 308 Copeland Hall.

Ohio University Woodcut