Accepted (Non-Hybrid) Names of Taxa
Below is a list of the accepted names of the three genera, 82 species and 18 infraspecific taxa treated, or planned for treatment, in this website. They are hyperlinked to their respective taxon webpages. Those with completed webpages are in boldface type; thus far this includes Cubelium concolor, two native species of Pombalia, all Viola taxa in northeastern North America except for introduced Asian Viola arcuata, Viola japonica, and a few Viola taxa recently discovered or delimited in the northeastern region. Clicking on the name of a genus will in future take you to the "Genera and Viola Groups" webpage and directly to the genus, but that webpage is not completed. Clicking on the name of a species, infraspecific taxon or "variant" will take you directly to that webpage, unless is is "UNDER CONSTRUCTION". Infraspecific taxa, and variants under study for possible formal taxonomic recognition, can also be accessed through the name of the species or species complex to which they belong. All taxa are also directly hyperlinked to the names in the keys.
Cubelium Raf. ex Britton & A.Br. [formerly Hybanthus]
Pombalia Vand. [formerly Hybanthus]
Pombalia verticillata (Ortega) Paula-Souza [formerly Hybanthus verticillatus (Ortega) Baill.]
Viola aduncoides A.Löve & D.Löve
Viola appalachiensis L.K.Henry
a. Viola communis Pollard f. communis
b. Viola communis Pollard f. priceana (Pollard) H.E.Ballard, ined.
Viola emarginata [species complex]
a. Viola emarginata (Nutt.) Leconte [sensu stricto]
b. Viola emarginata [deltate variant]--UNDER CONSTRUCTION
c. Viola emarginata [Kentucky variant]
c. Viola emarginata [Lower Midwest variant]
d. Viola emarginata ["phasmatifolia" variant]
c. Viola emarginata ["xiphophylla" variant]
Viola floridana sensu lato [species complex]
a. Viola floridana Brainerd [sensu stricto]
b. Viola floridana ["peninsular Florida" variant]--UNDER CONSTRUCTION
c. Viola floridana Brainerd [V. rosacea Brainerd]
Viola glaberrima (Ging. ex Chapm.) House
Viola grisea (Fernald) H.E.Ballard, ined.
Viola "Gulf Coastal Plain edulis"
Viola impostor R.N.Burwell & H.E.Ballard, ined.
Viola monacanora J.L.Hastings & H.E.Ballard, ined.
Viola palmata sensu lato [species complex]
a. Viola palmata L. var. palmata
b. Viola palmata L. var. triloba (Schwein.) Ging.
c. Viola palmata ["avipes" variant]
d. Viola palmata ["glabrate" variant]
e. Viola palmata ["pseudo-stoneana" variant]"
f. Viola palmata ["Red Hills" variant]
a. Viola pedata L. subsp. cuneatiloba (Brainerd ex Fernald) H.E.Ballard, ined.
b. Viola pedata L. subsp. flabellata D.Don
c. Viola pedata L. subsp. pedata
Viola pedatiloba (Brainerd) R.N.Burwell & H.E.Ballard, ined.
Viola praemorsa Douglas ex Lindl. subsp. praemorsa
Viola selkirkii Pursh ex Goldie
Viola septentrionalis [species complex]
a. Viola septentrionalis Greene [sensu stricto]
b. Viola septentrionalis [Upper Midwest variant]
Viola sororia [species complex]
a. Viola sororia Willd. [sensu stricto]
b. Viola sororia [glabrous variant]
c. Viola sororia [hirsutuloides variant]
Viola subsinuata [species complex]
a. Viola subsinuata (Greene) Greene [sensu stricto]
b. Viola subsinuata [Chapel Hill variant]
Viola tenuisecta Zumwalde & H.E.Ballard, ined.
Viola vallicola A.Nelson var. vallicola
Viola ×wittrockiana Gams ex Nauenb. & Buttler