Mohammadreza Hadizadeh

Install Dropbox via command line on Linux

Pasted Graphic 7

The Dropbox daemon works fine on all 32-bit and 64-bit Linux servers. To install, run the following command in your Linux terminal.
$ cd ~ && wget -O - "" | tar xzf -
$ cd ~ && wget -O - "" | tar xzf -
Next, run the Dropbox daemon from the newly created .dropbox-dist folder.
$ ~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd
If you're running Dropbox on your server for the first time, you'll be asked to copy and paste a link in a working browser to create a new account or add your server to an existing account. Once you do, your Dropbox folder will be created in your home directory. Download this CLI script to control Dropbox from the command line. For easy access, put a symlink to the script anywhere in your PATH.

Matlab loads, but "freezes" after taking Java update in Mac OS X

Pasted Graphic 6

After taking the Java update via the App store, Matlab will launch and open the last file, however, it will freeze and don't open any file. This is a Java issue and reinstalling Matlab or a new user profile will not resolve.
- Affects MATLAB 2012b and earlier, with the Java for OS X 2013-004 update - The original update gives build 1.6.0_51-b11-456-10M4508 - This can be verified by running the command below in terminal and comparing the build
$ java -version
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_45-b06-451-11M4406)
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_51-b11-456-10M4508)

SOLUTION - Apple's update has been fixed, however, it is not being pushed via updates to clients already affected. It is now safe to update via the Appstore, Java for OS X 2013-004 is the package. - If you are stuck on version 10M4508, you can manually update:
* for 10.7/10.8:
for 10.6:

Macbook: how to edit or delete the known_hosts file?

Open terminal and navigate to

to remove the known_hosts file
$ rm known_hosts

to edit the known_hosts file try one of following
$ nano known_hosts
$ vim known_hosts
$ vi known_hosts