Introducing engaged learning activities in PBIO 2050 Biotechnology: From Lab to Daily Life

Course Description

PBIO 1140 Foundations of Plant Biology

Introduces the concepts of plant physiology and cellular and molecular biology that are the foundation of all biological processes. Topics include DNA structure and function leading to genetics and evolution, theories of the origins of life leading to cell structure and function, and bioenergetics. The lab provides supplemental information and hands on activities to reinforce the lecture topics.

Praise from Official Student Evaluations

PBIO 2050 Biotechnology: From Laboratory to Daily Life

What is biotechnology? This course includes information about research findings and their applications to the field, the marketplace and daily life. The course will cover the basic biological principles behind biotechnology from brewing to genetically modified organisms (GMO). Learn about what happens in the research lab and how that translates to daily life. This course will introduce students not only to the science but also to the public debate surrounding these issues.

Praise from Official Student Evaluations

PBIO 4/5280, MCB 5280 Laboratory in Genomics Techniques

This laboratory course is designed to provide graduate students working on molecular biology and upper division undergraduate majors with hands-on experience in genomics techniques, including essential bioinformatics, genome and transcriptome analyses, DNA isolation, cloning and sequencing, protein extraction and interaction assays, immnoblotting, RNA extraction and expression analyses.

Praise from Official Student Evaluations

PBIO 1140 Foundations of Plant Biology

Ohio Transfer Natural Sciences & OHIO BRICKS Arch: Natural World course

Raven Biology of Plants, Eighth Edition 2013

Ray F. Evert; Susan E. Eichhorn

Textbook for PBIO 1140


  • Students will be able to explain basic terminology, concepts, and methods in plant cell structure and function, plant movements, photosynthesis, respiration, plant reproduction, genetics, and gene expression.
  • Students will be able to apply scientific methods of inquiry appropriate to the fundamentals of plant biology to gather and analyze data and draw evidence-based conclusions in a process about how science is done.
  • Students will be able to evaluate evidence-based scientific arguments that are central to the foundations of plant biology in a logical fashion and distinguish between scientific and non-scientific evidence and explanations.
  • Students will be able to communicate how scientific findings in the field of plant biology contribute to the modern world.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate the use of key scientific principles by describing the process of science and how it is used to gain knowledge to develop better products for human use.
  • Students will be able to critically state, describe, and consider issues or problems experienced in laboratory settings.
  • Students will be able to use and observe numerous plants and trees grown on campus to identify and interpret different plant behaviors to develop a comprehensive analysis that can elucidate the mechanical mechanisms underpinning plant growth.
  • Students will be able to systematically and methodically analyze assumptions through designing critical experiments and carefully evaluating expected results when addressing challenging questions in plant biology.
  • Students will be able to state the advance of plant biology in biotechnology that is thoughtful, recognizes complexities, and acknowledges limitations.
  • Students will be able to state state conclusions and related outcomes (consequences and implications) logically and in a priority order in laboratory settings.
  • PBIO 2050 Biotechnology: From Laboratory to Daily Life

    Ohio Transfer Natural Sciences & OHIO BRICKS Arch: Natural World course

    Introduction to Biotechnology, Fourth Edition 2018

    William J. Thieman; Michael A. Palladino

    Textbook for PBIO 2050


  • Students will be able to explain basic terminology, concepts, and methods in genetics, molecular biology, and genomics as they relate to biotechnology.
  • Students will be able to apply scientific methods of inquiry in biology to gather and analyze data and draw evidence-based conclusions in the applications of biotechnology in food production, agriculture, environmental remediation, drug discovery, and medical treatments.
  • Students will be able to evaluate evidence-based scientific arguments in a logical fashion and distinguish between scientific and non-scientific evidence and explanations.
  • Students will be able to communicate how scientific findings contribute to the modern world of biotechnology.
  • Students will be able to work successfully in teams to contribute ideas, solutions, and courses of action to discussions of controversial topics in biotechnology through engaging other team members, constructively and respectfully.
  • Students will be able to provide meaningful contributions to the team that advance the work of the group in understanding the foundation and applications of biotechnology.
  • Students will be able to foster a constructive team climate during team-based learning activities.
  • Students will be able to manage team conflict to develop consensus solutions to challenging questions of biotechnology.
  • Students will be able to explore career opportunities in biotechnology.
  • PBIO 4/5280, MCB 5280 Laboratory in Genomics Techniques

    Graduate and upper-division undergraduate course

    Data Oriented Genomics Techniques CC BY 4.0

    Zhihua Hua

    Textbook for PBIO 4/5280, MCB 5280


  • Students will be able to use computational skills to analyze genomic data.
  • Students will be able to use modern molecular techniques to manipulate DNA.
  • Students will be able to perform biochemical techniques to analyze protein function.
  • Students will be able to analyze gene expression at the transcriptomic level.