This web page describes faculty activity by Gordon Brooks within the Educational Research and Evaluation (EDRE) program, which is in the Department of Educational Studies and the Patton College of Education at Ohio University. If you have difficulty accessing these materials for any reason, please email me at
P Brooks, PhD, Professor, EDRE
Patton College of Education, Department of Educational Studies
Hall #302Q, 1 Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701-2979
· ORCID: Gordon Brooks (0000-0002-2704-2505) - ORCID
· Google Scholar Profile:
Brooks, G. P., ADJANIN, N., OPPONG, F., & LIU, Y. (2024).
Human-friendly Scheffé comparisons, or the art of complex multiple comparisons.
General Linear Model Journal, 48(1), 11-28.
DO, H., & Brooks, G. P. (2024). Parameter recovery for the
four-parameter item response model: A comparison of marginal maximum likelihood
and Markov Chain Monte Carlo approaches. Psychological Test and Assessment
Modeling, 66(1), 116-143.
DO, H., Wurm-Schaar, M., & Brooks, G. (2024). Examining
the factor structure of a subjective well-being measure in a medical student
sample. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 36(1), Article 3.
AKMESE, I., Foreman, T., & Brooks, G. (2024). Bereavement
during and not during the pandemic in terms of complicated grief and social
support. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying. Online First published Mar 19,
Brooks, G. P., SIKA-POKOO, J., ADJANIN, N., & Johanson, G.
A. (2023). Cross-loadings in scale development: Monte Carlo study of structural
item-total correlation analysis with small samples. General Linear Model
Journal, 47(2), 1-15.
ADJANIN, N., & Brooks, G. P. (2023). Witnessing the last
tropical glaciers: Student use of virtual reality technology to learn about
climate change and protecting endangered environments. TOJET: Turkish Online
Journal of Educational Technology, 22(4), 248-257.
ZHOU, Y., REN, X., & Brooks, G. (2023). Which effect size
calculation is the best to estimate the population effect size in the Welch t
test? Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 22(1).
Brooks, G. P., AN, Q., LI, Y., & Johanson, G. A. (2023).
For post hoc’s sake: Determining sample size for
Tukey multiple comparisons in 4-Group ANOVA. General Linear Model Journal,
47(1), 1-14.
ASEMPAPA, R. S., & Brooks, G. P. (2022). Factor analysis
and psychometric evaluation of the mathematical modeling attitude scale for
teachers of mathematics. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 25, 131-161.
RUENGVIRAYUDH, P., & Brooks, G. P. (2022). Sample size for
parallel analysis and not-so-common criteria for dimensions in factor analysis:
Modifying the eigenvalue > 1 Kaiser rule. General Linear Model Journal,
46(1), 20-34.
DIAZ, E. A., Brooks, G. P., & Johanson, G. A. (2021).
Detecting differential item functioning: Item response theory methods versus
the Mantel-Haenszel procedure. International Journal of Assessment Tools in
Education, 8(2), 376-393.
(2019). MANOVA post hoc techniques used in published articles: A systematic
review. General Linear Model Journal, 45(1), 4-11.
DAVID, S. L., Hitchcock, J. H., Ragan, B., Brooks, G., &
Starkey, C. (2018). Mixing interviews and Rasch modeling: Demonstrating a
procedure used to develop an instrument that measures trust. Journal of Mixed
Methods Research, 12(1), 75-94.
Brooks, G. P., DIAZ, E. A., & Johanson, G. A. (2017). A
precision-based and adaptive approach to number of replications for Monte Carlo
studies of robustness and power. General Linear Model Journal, 43(1), 31-49.
LIAO, H., LI, Y., & Brooks, G. P. (2017). Outlier impact
and accommodation on power. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods,
17(1), 261-278.
Brooks, G. P., & RUENGVIRAYUDH, P. (2016). Best-subset
selection criteria for multiple linear regression. General Linear Model
Journal, 42(2), 14-25.
RUENGVIRAYUDH, P., & Brooks, G. P. (2016). Comparing
stepwise regression models to the best-subsets models, or, the art of stepwise.
General Linear Model Journal, 42(1), 1-14.
LIAO, H., LI, Y., & Brooks, G. (2016). Outlier impact and
accommodation methods: Multiple comparisons of Type I error rates. Journal of
Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 15(1), 452-471, article 23.
(Click on the
program name to go to the Description and Download Link for the Program)
Test Analysis Program (last updated December
Friendly Introductory Statistics Help (last updated
January 2022)
Monte Carlo Analyses for up to 4 Groups
(last updated 2018)
Monte Carlo for Multiple Regression (last updated
Monte Carlo Correlation Matrices (last updated
Messy Ugly Data Generator (last updated 2018)
Data Generator for Windows (last updated September 2018)
Monte Carlo Analyses for 1 or 2 Groups (last updated
Multivariate Normal Data Generator (last updated
Monte Carlo Analyses for 3 Groups (last updated
Basic Matrix Algebra (for statistics) (last updated
Harmonic Mean Finder (last updated 2004)
Please note that some
Anti-Virus programs and sometimes Windows itself will recommend that you do not
download these programs or block you from downloading or running them. You can
usually bypass this block by clicking more information and then choosing to
download or run anyway. I use both Norton Anti-Virus and Kaspersky on different
computers I use to compile these programs. Neither program has ever complained
while I compile the programs. I have even had situations where Norton stopped
me from downloading one of my own programs that I just uploaded even though I
just compiled it on that same computer with Norton active… They just don't seem
to like relatively new programs that don't have many users.
· (All software is copyrighted, see User Agreement)
· Please note that all my software is constantly under development. I do my best to verify the code and the algorithms; but unfortunately, I can test the software only so much by myself (or even with help from a few colleagues and students). Please contact me if you find bugs or errors and I will do my best to fix them quickly. I also welcome any suggestions you might have to improve the programs (or even new programming ideas). Of course, this also means that if you find something you like, you should check back occasionally to see if there is a new upgrade available.
· Most of the documents available with the programs (e.g., user guides, instructor guides, lesson plans, student exercises) are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. If you need the Adobe Reader, you can download it from their web site free.
is a Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/7 program written in Delphi Pascal that performs
matrix manipulations. It is designed for use in advanced statistics
courses where a conceptual understanding of matrix algebra is desired without
much calculation by hand. It takes the user step-by-step through several
matrix algebra functions, including addition, multiplication, transposition,
and inversion. The current version will be presented at the 2003 meeting
of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association in Columbus, IL. BMA was most recently
presented at the annual meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research
Association, October 2003, Columbus, OH:
Brooks, G. P., Raffle, H., Fang, H., & Heh,
V. (2003, October). Teaching statistics with the help of three new computer
programs. Workshop presented at the meeting of the Mid-Western Educational
Research Association, Columbus, OH.
User's Guide by Hua Fang
DGW is a Windows
9x/NT/2000/XP/7 program written in Delphi Pascal that generates both Univariate
and Multivariate data. The program assists in the process by providing
simple choices for several research scenarios (e.g., 3-group analysis,
regression analysis). DGW
was most recently presented at the annual meeting of the Mid-Western
Educational Research Association, October 2003, Columbus, OH.
Brooks, G. P., Raffle, H., Fang, H., & Heh,
V. (2003, October). Teaching statistics with the help of three new computer
programs. Workshop presented at the meeting of the Mid-Western Educational
Research Association, Columbus, OH.
Download DGW.EXE Most Recent Version
(September 2014)
User's Guide by Victor Heh
is a Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/7 program written in Delphi Pascal that performs
introductory descriptive and correlation analyses. It is intended to be
used as a supplement to introductory statistics courses. It is designed
for use in basic statistics courses where a conceptual understanding of
statistics is desired without much calculation by hand. It takes the user
step-by-step through the calculation of means, standard deviations, z-scores,
and correlations. Although some AUXILIARY MATERIALS may have been created for
use with a previous version of the program, they should still be very useful
with newer versions of the program; that is, changes to the program usually are
not dramatic enough to make earlier manuals obsolete. An article about FISH was
published in Teaching Statistics and FISH was most recently
presented at the annual meeting of the Joint Statistical Meetings, August 2004,
Toronto, Canada.
G. P., & RAFFLE, H. (2005). FISH: A new computer program for friendly
introductory statistics help. Teaching Statistics: An International Journal
for Teachers, 27, 81-88. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9639.2005.00221.x
G. P., RAFFLE, H., LEWIS,M., & BLOM, V. (2005). A computer program for
friendly introductory statistics help. 2004
Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Section on Statistical
Education [CD-ROM]. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association.
{Poster presented at the August, 2004, annual Joint Statistical Meeting,
Toronto, Canada}
User's Guide by Holly Raffle
Instructor's Guide by Holly
Sample Lesson 1 (univariate) by Marsha
Lewis & Valerie Blom
Sample Lesson 2 (z scores) by
Marsha Lewis
Sample Lesson 3 (correlation)
by Valerie Blom
HMF is a little
Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/7 program written in Delphi Pascal that calculates the
Harmonic Mean in a variety of ways (particularly useful for Power and Sample
Size analyses). It will calculate (a) the harmonic mean, (b) the sample size
needed for group 2 for a given group 1 sample size and desired harmonic mean,
(c) several combinations of sample sizes that result in the given harmonic
mean, and (d) the harmonic mean for 3-6 groups.
is a Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/7 program written in Delphi Pascal that runs Monte Carlo
simulations for several single sample and two-sample tests: Independent
t, Dependent t, Single-sample t, Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon, Wilcoxon Signed Rank,
Pearson Correlation, Spearman Rank-Order Correlation. By providing the total
number of rejections at the user-specified level of significance, MC2G performs
robustness analyses when means are equal (or correlations are zero) and power
analyses when the means are not equal (or correlations are non-zero). The
original purpose of the program was to assist in the instruction of power
analysis and violations of assumptions for introductory educational statistics
courses. However, with a little effort the program can be used to answer actual
Monte Carlo research questions.
MC2G was most recently presented at the annual meeting of the
Mid-Western Educational Research Association, October 2003, Columbus, OH, and a
program announcement and example lesson plans for MC2G was published in 2003 in
Understanding Statistics.
G. P., Abdulla, A., Al-Harbi, K., Kanyongo, G., Kyei-Blankson, L., &
Gocmen, G. (2002, April). Teaching introductory statistics with the help of
Monte Carlo methods. Paper presented at the meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
G. P. (2003). Using Monte Carlo methods to teach statistics: The MC2G computer
program. Understanding Statistics, 2, 137-150.
Sampling Distribution Lesson Plan
Robustness Lesson Plan by Khaleel Al-Harbi
Power Lesson Plan by Abdulbaset Abdulla
Sample Size Lesson Plan by
Gibbs Kanyongo
is a Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/7 program written in Delphi Pascal that runs Monte
Carlo simulations for 3-level ANOVA. By providing the total number of
rejections at the user-specified level of significance, MC3G performs
robustness analyses when means are equal and power analyses when the means are
not equal. The original purpose of the program was to assist in the
instruction of power analysis and violations of assumptions for introductory
educational statistics courses. However, with a little effort the program
can be used to answer actual Monte Carlo research questions. MC3G was most recently
presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, April 2002, New Orleans, LA.
G. P., Abdulla, A., Al-Harbi, K., Kanyongo, G., Kyei-Blankson, L., &
Gocmen, G. (2002, April). Teaching introductory statistics with the help of
Monte Carlo methods. Paper presented at the meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
has essentially been replaced by MC4G (see below), but it does do a few things
Robustness Lesson Plan by
Gulsah Gocmen
Sample Size Lesson Plan by
Lydia Kyei-Blankson
is a Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/7 program written in Delphi Pascal that runs Monte
Carlo simulations for One-Way ANOVA (with 2, 3, or 4 levels). By providing the
total number of rejections at the user-specified level of significance, MC4G
performs robustness analyses when means are equal and power analyses when the
means are not equal. It can also be used to estimate required sample sizes. Its
initial purpose was to illustrate a variety of Type I Error problems associated
with ANOVA (e.g., violations of assumptions, compared to multiple t tests,
probability of at least one Type I Error from multiple orthogonal tests). MC4G was most recently
presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, May
2004, Chicago, IL, and an article about MC4G is in press to be published in
2005 in Teaching of Psychology.
G. P., & Raffle, H. (2004, May). Using Monte Carlo software for ANOVA to
teach abstract statistical concepts. Paper presented as a Teaching
Institute poster at the meeting of the American Psychological Society, Chicago,
H., & Brooks, G. P. (2005). Using Monte Carlo software to teach abstract
statistical concepts: A case study. Teaching of Psychology, 32, 193-195.
doi: 10.1207/s15328023top3203_12
MC4G Instructor's Manual by Holly Raffle
Multiple t-Test Type I Error Inflation Lesson Plan
by Hua Gao
Violation of Homoscedasticity Student
Worksheet by Holly Raffle
Violation of Homoscedasticity Lesson
Plan by Gulsah Gocmen
Underappreciated Factors that Effect Statistical Power
by Gordon Brooks, George Johanson, & Robert Barcikowski
Asymptotic Alpha: Characterizing Type I
Error Rates under Heterogeneity of Variances by Gordon Brooks,
Victor Heh, & Hua Fang
is a Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/7 program written in Delphi Pascal that performs
Monte Carlo analyses for several bivariate correlations simultaneously,
particularly useful to show the effect on Type I error (or power) when testing
several bivariate correlations all at alpha of .05. That is, it will generate
data to illustrate the effect on Type I error of running multiple bivariate
correlations simultaneously. The user can specify item means and standard
deviations as well as correlations.
is a Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 program written in Delphi Pascal that
performs Monte Carlo analyses for Multiple Linear Regression with up to 6
predictors. The user must specify means and standard deviations as well as
correlations, but can also import a single file for analysis. MCMR was most recently
presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, March 2008, New York, NY, and an article about MCMR was in
Multiple Linear Regression Viewpoints (
G. P. (2008, March). A Monte Carlo program for multiple linear regression.
Paper accepted for presentation at the 2008 meeting of the American Educational
Research Association, New York, NY.
G. P. (2008). A Monte Carlo program for multiple linear regression. Multiple
Linear Regression Viewpoints, 34(2), 15-43.
Instructor's Guide from AERA 2008
(very large file, about 12 MB)
is a Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/7 program written in Delphi Pascal that generates
Multivariate Normal data. A
program announcement for MNDG was published in 2002 in Applied
Psychological Measurement.
G. P. (2002). MNDG: Multivariate Normal Data Generator. Applied
Psychological Measurement, 26, 353-354.
is a Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP program written in Delphi Pascal that generates data
to mimic survey/questionnaire data. The user can specify item means and
standard deviations as well as inter-item correlations. The user can specify an
embedded multiple-item scale with separate inter-item correlations (the total
scale score is used in calculating correlations for the questionnaire
Paper presented at AERA 2006
is a Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/7 program written in Delphi Pascal that performs
test analyses and item analyses based on classical test theory. TAP is a
classical test and item analysis program. It provides reports for examinee
total scores, item statistics (e.g., item difficulty, item discrimination,
point-biserial), options analyses, and other useful information. TAP also
provides individual examinee reports of total scores and item responses.
Although any AUXILIARY MATERIALS may have been created for use with a previous
version of the program, they should still be very useful with newer versions of
the program; that is, changes to the program usually are not dramatic enough to
make earlier manuals obsolete. TAP
was most recently presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological
Society, May 2004, Chicago, IL, and a program announcement for TAP was
published in 2003 in Applied Psychological Measurement.
G. P., Johanson, G. A., Lewis, M., & Kyei-Blankson, L. (2003, April). Using
the Test Analysis Program in introductory measurement courses. Paper
discussion presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, Chicago, IL.
G. P., & Johanson, G. A. (2003). Test Analysis Program. Applied
Psychological Measurement, 27, 305-306.
Download TAP.EXE Most Recent Version, May
require more RAM memory (N<25000)
User's Guide by Marsha Lewis (written
for TAP4 but mostly still valid)
Instructor's Guide by George
Johanson (written for TAP4 but mostly still valid)
Download TAP10K.EXE 2014 Version (still
with N<9999)
Download TAP6.EXE 2005 Version
read the following User Agreement (License,
Terms of Use, and Disclaimer of Warranty). Use of the
software provided by the author constitutes acceptance of these terms and
conditions of use. If you do not agree to the terms of this agreement, do not
use the software.
ALL software
(computer programs described above and listed below) is copyrighted software
(copyrighted by the author, Gordon P. Brooks) and is NOT in the public domain. The
user is granted license, not ownership, to use the software on any computer,
subject to the restrictions described in the User Agreement and Disclaimer.
The software is
Freeware. The user is licensed to make an unlimited number of exact copies of
the software, to give these exact copies to any other person for their personal
use, and to distribute the software in its unmodified form only via disk or
local area network. If these methods of distribution are unavailable, any
person wanting to use the software should be directed either to contact the
author or to visit the author's internet web site (the URL is provided below
and may be posted on any web site).
If you find the
software useful, if you copy it for others, if you find problems or bugs in the
software, if you post a link to the author's web site, or if you use the
software for teaching, educational, or consulting purposes, you are requested
to inform the author:
Author: Gordon P. Brooks,
Ph.D. |
Address: McCracken Hall 302Q, Dept of Educational Studies,
Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701 |
Telephone: 740-593-0880 |
Email: Web Page (primary): |
Web Page (mirror):
The software may
be used and copied for personal use subject to the following license
software shall be copied and supplied in its original, unmodified form;
software shall not be sold or used for profit, nor may any amount or fee be
charged for use, rental, lease, or distribution of the software;
software shall not be included or bundled with any other goods or services;
software may not be decompiled, disassembled, or otherwise modified;
any such
unauthorized use without expressed, written permission granted by the author
shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license.
Great effort has
been made to ensure the accuracy of the software, the algorithms and
subroutines used, and the results produced by the software, both on screen and
printed. However, no warranty is expressed or implied concerning the function
or fitness of the software, subroutines, or results provided by the software.
That is, the software is provided on an "as is" basis without
warranty of any kind. The author shall have neither liability nor
responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any liability, loss, or
damage directly or indirectly arising from the use of or inability to use the
software or the results of the analyses provided by the software, even if the
author has been advised of the possibility of such damages or claims. In no
event shall any liability exceed the license fee paid to the author of the
software. In the event of invalidity of any provision of this license, the user
agrees that such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining
portions of this license.
All rights not
expressly granted here are reserved to the author of the software.
Word Cloud
Workshop R Code: MWERA_Shapes_in_Clouds_241012.Rmd
Cloud Workshop Knitted HTML: MWERA_Shapes_in_Clouds_241012.html
presented: AERA24_MANOVA_Final_240411.pdf
presented: AERA24_MCP_Sample_Sizes_Final_240411.pdf
presented: AERA_2023_Brooks_Adjanin_PAPER.pdf
file (requires RStudio to run): AERA_2023_Brooks_Adjanin_BRIEF.RMD
example Output, Knitted R Markdown file: AERA_2023_Brooks_Adjanin_BRIEF.html
RMD file should run (RUN ALL) without changes in RSTUDIO. If you have KNITR
installed in RSTUDIO, the RMD file should also KNIT without changes. You can
import your own data as well (see comments in the code).
current version of R Package: qqBarth
It is
not necessary to download the R package… the code file accesses it directly